Minecraft Servers

GameSketch A RPG Real Build Server + Minecraft Survival

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James2wenty's Avatar James2wenty
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
Status Offline Pinged: 05/28/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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IP: mc.gamesketch.net

TS: gamesketch.net

IRC: esper.net #gamesketch

Gamesketch Network

Server Specifications:

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The server can hold a minimum of about 100 slots. It's stable and 24/7.

The Server and Gameplay

We're currently focusing on converting Real Build into RB-RPG. We are building a lot of content and are developing unique plugins, so we can promise you a good RPG experience.

While we are working on the content members and trusted can do almost whatever (everything which isn't against our server rules) they want in our Member Area, which is a locked off 3000x3000 space. This area will only be here until we finished everything and are ready for converting into RB-RPG.

Q: "Why do you lock off the member area?"

A: "While we are working on the content, we don't want anything to happen with the areas we are working on. This is just to lower the chances of major setbacks (griefing, accidents)."

What we're hoping to achieve with RB-RPG is to become a server with unique quest and level systems, a realistic travel system (Boats, zeppelins and such), a special economy system which is unique for our server, a job system which will make you able to earn "money" through working and a lot more.

What you can expect when you come online

Approval Process

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Q: "How do I get on the server?! This looks awesome!"

A: Sure, here is how to:
1. Go to www.gamesketch.net
2. Click on "Register"
3. Fill out the application form. Put some effort in it and be creative!
4. Tell a mod to check your app and wait for it to approve it. If we dont find your app good enough, we will tell you. Please retry again then!
5. Done! You are a member now!"


You can make a reply with an application with these requirements:

[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Minecraft[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Username[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]:[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]How[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]long[/color] have you played [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Minecraft[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Why[/color] should you be accepted [color=rgb(0,0,136)]for[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]this[/color] application[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]What[/color] are you good at[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]What[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]do[/color] you prefer building [color=rgb(0,0,136)]with[/color] a team [color=rgb(0,0,136)]or[/color] alone[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Special[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Code[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]:[/color]

You have to input an invitation code. The code is: sketch

We are in search mature people, so therefore we made the rule that you can only become Trusted+ if your over 16 years old.


1: General - Main rules of this server.

- No griefing / stealing.
- No clientside mods ( Hacks, Flymods )
- Respect other players.

2: Building - How to and what you shouldn't build.

- Realistic building, no floating buildings ect.
- ONLY! create towns if you got permission by any Moderator [GM].
- Every building must have a sign with your nick on it.
- Ghost houses will be removed, chests will be stored.
- There is no protection outside the main city we help you restore it in no time. Just ask a Moderator [GM] if you need something restored or protected.

3: Items - Banned items on the server.

- Lava -
- Anything which can make fire -
- TNT -

TNT - Specific TNT rules.

- No TNT inside/near towns/buildings.
- No overuse of TNT.
- NEVER! use TNT for griefing purposes.
- No cannons.

Plugins - Bukkit

  • CraftIRC

  • PermissionsBukkit

  • Dynamic Worldmap

  • WorldGuard

  • WorldEdit

  • NoCheat

  • GSGeneral

  • ControllerBlock

We currently use Bukkit.

We use a lot of "homemade" like GSGeneral, we got our own developer called Streammz which did a lot of our plugins.


  • Administrator - [SA]
    nexitem [Server Owner]

  • Moderator - [GM]
    Streammz [DEVELOPER]

  • World Editor - [WE]

  • Trusted - [T]
    (Too large list)

  • Member - [M]
    (Too large list)


Any suggestions; Write them in the forum thread here on our own forums www.gamesketch.net/forum

Any kind of suggestions is welcome!

Command List

Trusted can use the same commands like Member, and so on.


Will not be able to build.
But can use these commands:

  • /who

  • /time

  • /ping


Can build.

  • /me

  • /msg

  • /whois


  • /whereami

  • /kick


Sneak peak on what to explore in our world once we are FINAL.
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Resized to 39% (was 1920 x 1080) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

Additional Notes

A RPG MMO Minecraft server with a standard real build survival world as well. Great Community, and great server.

1 Update Logs

We have a new world on the server! : by James2wenty 11/05/2011 5:13:57 pmNov 5th, 2011

We have got multiworld fully set up now and have our server running the members free build world, along with our RPG world which will be released to non builders in the coming months.

Create an account or sign in to comment.

03/31/2012 4:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jonny1150's Avatar
Minecraft Username:logger_jonnyage:20How long have you played Minecraft: scince 1.7.3Why should you be accepted for this application?: because I never ever grief, I'm very kind and I can defend youWhat are you good at?: building small structures e.g, bungalosWhat do you prefer building with a team or alone?:with a team if they are well prepared. if not, then aloneSpecial Code: sketch
03/31/2012 3:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jonny1150's Avatar
minecraft name:logger_jonny

age: 20

I have played minecraft cinse 1.7.3

Why should you be accepted for this application?:
because I'm very nice, I'm good at fighting mobs and I never ever grief

I'm good athelping people

I prefer to build as a team

special code:sketch
12/19/2011 3:13 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
James2wenty's Avatar
Its a plugin that our developer wrote that handles prefix's, admin chat and rules. Doesn't effect game play at all.
12/18/2011 9:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
piepei's Avatar
im thinking about joining but what does the gsgeneral plugin do?
09/08/2011 10:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xGetSemtex's Avatar
@ComikZombie A sign with your name
09/08/2011 9:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Blacksmith
ComikZombie's Avatar
It says, any buildings must have our "nick" on it. What does that mean really?
A symbol? Name?
09/08/2011 4:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xGetSemtex's Avatar
@S_Cotton Accepted!
09/08/2011 4:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
S_Cotton's Avatar
Minecraft Username: S_Cotton

Age: 15

How long have you played Minecraft?: 7 months

Why should you be accepted for this application?: I love to build

What are you good at?: Building anything that isnt extremely complex like redstone

What do you prefer building with a team or alone?: With a team

Special Code: sketch
09/08/2011 3:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xGetSemtex's Avatar
@Monkon Accepted!
09/08/2011 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Monkon's Avatar
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Minecraft[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Username[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]:MPULZE[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]How[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]long[/color] have you played [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Minecraft[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:1 year[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Why[/color] should you be accepted [color=rgb(0,0,136)]for[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]this[/color] application[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:i am a good player and builder and will help. i wont grief[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]What[/color] are you good at[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:i am good at castle and houses[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]What[/color] [color=rgb(0,0,136)]do[/color] you prefer building [color=rgb(0,0,136)]with[/color] a team [color=rgb(0,0,136)]or[/color] alone[color=rgb(102,102,0)]?:either. if team i need a good leader or intructions[/color]
[color=rgb(102,0,102)]Special[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Code[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]:sketch[/color]
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