Minecraft Servers

Frontier's Edge Survival

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JethroHotep's Avatar JethroHotep
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
Frontier's Edge Survival
Status Offline Pinged: 04/08/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Extra Hard Mode
Has Minecraft gotten too easy? What if there were cave ins while you mine? What if jumping in a lake wearing full armor was a really bad idea? What if zombies respawned sometimes after you kill them? Come experience a Minecraft the way it was the first time you played, when you didn't know all the game mechanics by heart, and you died. A lot. This is a version of Minecraft that is fun and challenging all over again,

Beautiful Landscapes
With 25 new terrains you will find sweeping vistas, giant trees, ice caverns, colossal mushrooms and more realistic versions of mountains, swamps, forests, deserts, oceans and tundra.

Get paid for doing what you love! No more toiling back and forth from your mines or farms to the server shop to make money while mindlessly clicking admin shop signs! With Jobs, you automatically get paid directly for normal gameplay! Not only that, but you can also level up to obtain awesome perks!

Custom Mobs
We have custom mobs, too, but nothing ridiculous. The skeletons are a little faster, the spiders a little less friendly, and every once in a while, a bat will turn into a vampire in a puff of black smoke. And watch out for the sheep. They are not all docile.

Step up to the edge, gather resources, fight scary monsters, and build cool things!

17 Update Logs

So, this showed up... : by JethroHotep 07/31/2018 9:06:54 pmJul 31st, 2018


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10/22/2016 4:31 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
JethroHotep's Avatar
The PVP arena, "The Lodge", is now live. Come battle your enemies, your friends, or your frenemies, in a huge multiple level arena. Fight on the floor, fight on the balconies, fight in the rafters, or fight on the roof. Your inventory and XP are protected, as long as you stay in the Lodge during your battle. Hate guard rails? Start your battle in the Lodge, then carry it out into the world for vanilla PVP, where your XP and inventory are back on the line.
10/22/2016 12:45 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
JethroHotep's Avatar
Adding custom mobs. Nothing too far over the top, but just a little meaner than the your average run-of-the-mill mob, and maybe not exactly where you were expecting. Have fun!.
10/20/2016 11:40 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
JethroHotep's Avatar
Added more land claim donation reward options, plus added a reward for every player when someone donates to the server for land claim block rewards.
10/16/2016 5:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MFMelon's Avatar
Server is whitelisted?
10/16/2016 11:10 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
JethroHotep's Avatar
Whitelist turned off. Thanks for posting!
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