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Walking in a Winter Wonderland; Wisternia - A Winter Themed Mini-Contest Entry

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Uknownymous's Avatar Uknownymous
Retired Moderator
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
This is my entry for Round 2 in the Building Contest created and hosted by Ang333. :) This time the theme was Winter and my competitor for it is CaraRose, and I encourage checking out her build too as it's amazing. ^~^

For this one I first began by trying to make some elemental little nuggets to build up terrain the way I usually do with "//brush clipboard -a" - which, I daresay, is one of my favourite commands as I do like building everything as hand-made as possible -, and after building up a terrain somewhat sizable for what I wanted I tried to make it mostly snow, weaving in the odd flower here and there that no-one would ever see in a screenshot, and also adding in sea lanterns throughout because the floor had to glow because lighting is incredibly important (lighting is the most important thing for me so everything I want to glow shall glow >:D). From there I made a tree - and, yes, a single tree - and gathered it up out of sponge and monster bricks like all trees should be, then retextured it to a few variants such as a mostly ice one, one moreso in-between, and, a few times, leafy ones. I also varied the trees up a little so that they're not all entirely the same though just for a little variation.
I... don't think we need this explanation though that much, so-
I also made four houses, a light, and hot air balloons, and scattered them all throughout the city happily. Lights for all! And these are the first proper hot air balloons I've made by hand in over half a decade. :) They aren't very round, in a way, but- It was fun anyway. ^~^

That... isn't the fun of the build anyway. The how isn't so fun, so-
This is a city on an island plagued by eternal winter. :) It's a wonder of mystery to the eye with veins of magical energy running through the snow, yielding endless vines of thick packed ice scattered with bright blue lights shining among the snowy soft white, while paths of light blue spread across through the houses with lamps along the sides, giving light for the citizens in the dark white days and the bright black nights - and yes, that's no mistake, for the city often feels darker in the days than in the nights; a mysterious oddity as a result of a land lit up mostly by itself, lacking much of a sky unplagued by ever-falling snow.

Not that I got the snow in the screenshots since the settings said no, but it does look a bit darker than usual in the day shots, in my opinion:
Walking in a Winter Wonderland; Wisternia - A Winter Themed Mini-Contest Entry Minecraft Map

A bright mist can also be seen constantly among the city, making it hard to traverse around in the day and hard to see as well into the distance. Despite that, the buildings which soar above the trees and the hot air balloons that soar even higher are all a bit too hard to miss even when your vision's obscured by fog.
The city doesn't seem to have any way to leave or to come to it other than the balloons, but the balloons generally just float around, as if keeping watch, implying that nothing ever leaves or enters. Only the citizens manage to step foot upon this isle that resides over fifty metres above sea level with cliffs on all sides, and the citizens - elves of sorts, but more peculiar than that and seemingly with no need to ever eat or sleep or drink, with pale blue skin and often white or blue hair, rarely leaving their homes even with all the lighting and magic they ensured runs throughout the outside of their dwellings. They're a bit... strange, to say the least. It can often be inferred that they don't even really want to have this city. They don't seem to like it.
...it bothers them.
There are always some exceptions - the younger ones usually sway off the path a little, at first finding it more fun to roam around outside, playing in the snow and skating upon the veins of ice, and no-one encourages them against it, but eventually, given a few decades, as they get older, they always seem to grow dull to it, as if it bores them and they're disinterested and they've exhausted all the possible fun out of it. A rather lackluster people at heart and mind; bored of everything they have with no clear intent to make or to craft any further. The city never grows nor expands and hasn't in centuries - let alone decades or years -, with the only changes to the place being who still lives, and who enters the world to join them.
The wonderland of the night is entirely lost on their dreary bored minds, but perhaps it can find some interest elsewhere, just as it does when the occasional traveler passes by in boats deep down below, riding atop the waves far beneath the cliff edges.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland; Wisternia - A Winter Themed Mini-Contest Entry Minecraft Map

Still... while the people of the city do not leave much or do much with their lives, it is known that they have at times made contacts with other places still also capable of air-fueled travel, like the technological city state of Selavaris when one of its exploration blimps stumbled upon it. All attempts at negotiation and interactions went smoothly for Selavaris, but almost in a robotic way, as if the people of Wisternia bear no interest in what they have, or what they can get, and just accept whatever comes their way...

Anyhow! Thank you for reading through this. :) I appreciate the read, and hopefully this was interesting to take a read through, even though it is quite a long description once again. o: It was a pretty fun build too, although it's definitely one of the less capable builds of mine since I've done better on all accounts; trees, structures, aircrafts, terrain- the lot of it, but I still quite enjoyed it anyway. :) I have no idea how the contest entry will go since Cara's quite a good builder herself and her entry is brilliant, but that'll await to be seen, I suppose. ^~^ I look forward to it. :)
CreditSildur's Vibrant Shaders for the screenshots, and Builder's Refuge, World Edit and Fast Async World Edit for building.
Progress100% complete

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10/14/2023 4:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
1938828282881828828288's Avatar
How do I download this
03/03/2021 6:45 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
pageje67's Avatar
Your style and worlds are really unique and very beautiful (and so complex!). Bravo!
03/03/2021 4:09 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you. ^~^ I appreciate the support; it's a fun style to stubbornly stick to. :D
Quip Nytherum
09/06/2020 5:00 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Fox
Quip Nytherum's Avatar
And the instant I opened this my mind was instantly blown. You're really, really good at this. Very, very, very good.
09/06/2020 5:10 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
Thank you. ^~^ I suppose that means it's pretty hard to see in the preview though, huh. o: I kinda wish the preview as a little larger.
08/27/2020 10:09 pm
Level 49 : Master Sheep
The_Terminutter's Avatar
I thought the wonderland at night was really pretty but damnn I did not expect it in daylight to look even more beautiful!
08/27/2020 10:24 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
o: Oh~, you prefer it at day? I personally prefer lighting at night so I wonder whether it would've been better to focus on the day, huh. Thank you, Kecking. :) I'm glad it was pleasing to your eyes at both night and day. ^~^
Quip Nytherum
09/06/2020 5:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Fox
Quip Nytherum's Avatar
I can't decide if I like the night or day version better... The vibrant purple at night makes it look really good, but the blue hues also give it an amazing look...
09/06/2020 5:09 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
For a surprising plot twist, the lighting at night is blue. :) I purposefully made it blue because I figured it'd fit the overall colour aesthetic of the build better that way.
Still, honestly, I'm glad it's hard to decide. When I saw it at night I felt so happy to see the lighting with shaders, because Minecraft's default lighting system is absolutely underwhelming garbage in comparison and I love lighting effects so it's always fun to play about with the settings of the shaders to make it so every build has a different lighting feel than the last. :D
08/27/2020 6:46 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
PLEASEdeleteAccountNow's Avatar
I love the contrast between the night and day shots...both are beautiful yet so different!
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