This Map is an entry in the completed One Chunk Challenge Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Educational

PMC Contest entry - A castle per Century

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Arthur_cds's Avatar Arthur_cds
Level 39 : Artisan Strawberry
Greetings! This is my One Chunk Challange Project Contest.
Down below I will describe my inspirations, build procecss and historical curiosities about the castles.


My main inspiration of course was historic accurate castles, but i also tried to vary from diferent european regions, English, Italian, Spanish, French, Polish and so on. To have more variation in my build. Another big source of inspiration was the game "What remains of Edith Finch" Where for every newborn they create another nook to their house to acomodate them.
For in-game inspiration the builders that really helped me here are:
-PixelBiester (builder group)

Build Process

Since I'm in a creative world I therefore have plenty of time and resouces to work with, with that in mind I first researched a lot what a castle from each century and from the specific region chosen looks like, with that image in mind i start building and estabilishing the castles shapes, one by one, taking their iconic features. I divided every castle by a diferent colour, and made a single colour of block for better reading of the shape.

When done I again look for the castle references but this time to estabilish my colour pallete, i wanted to give all of them a sense of hstory and old to each, so i made gradients using dark and bright blocks with simmilar colour. The darker blocks are at the bottom and as it goes up it gets lighter, but for a less robotic look with all the same gradient method is important to sometimes sprinkle some of the dark blocks on the upper part for variation, or to even simulate moss or the affect of rain on the building.

An important thing to take note: Since most castles from certain epochs were made out stone, they will have a light gray colour, and if I made all the walls of my castles out of light gray blocks would be hard for a visual read. Making diferent shapes and colours will make every single castle stand out in some way and therefore making a faster and easier visual read.
When designing the palette I had in mind that to have a full view of the build we need to stand back quite a lot, and with more distance between the player and the build some textures start to disapear, only remaining it's colour. This makes easier for it to build since we don't need to worry about texture that much and can focus on the colours and gradients more, and desing a more complex build with bigger textures.

Historical curiosities

Please before reading this topic be aware that I'm no historian, only a student, so take this with a grain of salt.

The 11th century castle has a Anglo saxon style, where most Donjons(King's keep) were build and centuries later more structures and walls were added. Most castles from older epochs were made out of timber or limestone, using wood or thatch for roofing, they had the objective to protect the lords, Beacuse i'ts a king's fortress. Many kings at this age had only stone towers(or Donjons) That was consider whealthy at the time, beacuse stone materials are hard to get and work with, so having a "stone house" was a sign of wealth.
The 12th century castle represents siberian and polish archteture, on this castle you can notice upwards that the shoothing balcony is juted out, and has a holes between every pillar, those are Machicolations, a defense method originated in the Middle East, used to drop stones, hot oil/water or shoot arrows at enemies. Most old castles that had Machicolations used wooden materials for it, but by the 13th century they all were made out of stones given it was more safe and stronger.
The 13th century castle has a italian and spanish style where they have bulky and square shapes like the older 9th 10th century castles and oldstyle Merlons. And has this iconic orange-ish colour beacuse sandstone was used in the majority of the building (In real life, not on my build) beacuse of it's easy acess and quantity given the region.
The 14th century castle as you can see has white walls, beacuse is a representation of whitewashed castles. Now whitewashed structures were not originally created in this century, in fact they date back to ancient Greek, and the withewashing medthod was continued many centuries later. There are 2 types of whitewash, the normal Lime whitewash and waterproof whitewash. Regular whitewash was a mixture of Quicklime and boiling water that made Slacklime, this was the most basic whitewash, and even with thick coats would still be easy to wash it off. The waterproof whitewash was the same as the regular one but this time mixed with fat in the boiling water, the hot water would melt the fat into liquid fat and bond to the Quicklime, this was more fancy and improved way to coat and protect your structure from rain and bacteria. Many castles were withewashed but now a days is hard to see a whitewashed castle mainly beacuse their coats were blowed off by wind or weather remaining only the stone.
The 15th century castle has a german style, wih fancier and iconic architecture, spikier roofs, metal ornaments, colour variation and so forth. 12th century german castles for exemple looked like 15th century english castles, their architecture compared to other nation castles, is far ahead of it's time given their wealth and large territory made more complex plans.
The 16th century castle represents a french or renaissance style, where it's more yellowish beacuse of the it's weathered limestone bricks. Also containing darker and fancier roof tiles. Castles at this age looked less like a fort and more like a mansion, with a balance between ornaments and defence methods, unlike the older castles wich had more defence mechanisms and weren't pleasent looking. And like the 15th century royal armors that had more ornaments then anything else some castles slowly became mansions rather than it's orignal purpose, a defence fortress, to be only a household for the rich not owners of kingdoms.

Progress100% complete

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10/07/2020 1:26 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Plumber
Entium's Avatar
this is epic
10/07/2020 4:23 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Strawberry
Arthur_cds's Avatar
10/07/2020 11:32 am
Level 35 : Artisan Professor
Pancen's Avatar
Interesting idea.
10/07/2020 12:23 am
Level 23 : Expert Warrior
Idelac's Avatar
10/07/2020 8:11 am
Level 39 : Artisan Strawberry
Arthur_cds's Avatar
Thank you <3
10/06/2020 8:48 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Theotmt's Avatar
Wow, nice build, you should actually build a wooden castle in the bottom, they were common during the early medieval period. But the level of detail and research is too much, I hope you come out as a finalist or even in 3rd place
10/06/2020 9:15 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Strawberry
Arthur_cds's Avatar
Yes wooden castles would be a amaizing as they were easy to build and there was a considerable amount even almost none survived, didn't thought of that at the time.
10/08/2020 11:59 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Theotmt's Avatar
ok :)
10/06/2020 8:02 pm
Level 49 : Master Elf
ShamanDorn's Avatar
Amazing! It's evident you've put a lot of effort into this build! The amount of detail and thought you've put into this is incredible! I love this!
10/06/2020 8:03 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Strawberry
Arthur_cds's Avatar
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