Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Danvers Insane Asylum

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Ambrose1810's Avatar Ambrose1810
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
The Danvers State Hospital, also known as the State Lunatic Hospital at Danvers, The Danvers Lunatic Asylum, and The Danvers State Insane Asylum, was a psychiatric hospital located in Danvers, Massachusetts. It was built in 1874, and opened in 1878, under the supervision of prominent Boston architect Nathaniel Jeremiah Bradlee, on an isolated site in rural Massachusetts. It was a multi-acre, self-contained psychiatric hospital designed and built according to the Kirkbride Plan.

Despite being included in the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, the majority of the building was demolished in 2007.

Most of this structure is complete, as per the original design of the building, before all the subsequent alterations and additions were added on. The only parts left to do are some of the interiors that need more work. However, the whole building does have interiors following the floor plans of the original structure. The original design also had beautiful gardens at the back, however, I have not begun to tackle building these just yet. This structure also includes the Asylum's tunnels, as per the original floor plans and a Boiler Plant at the back.

You are welcome to use this in a private world or server, please just give credit to me. Enjoy!
Progress95% complete

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05/26/2023 4:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Black_puma's Avatar
Hi I am really impressed with this project, I learned about Danvers State Hospital because of a 2005 PC game Painkiller, in which a level 'Asylum' was based on the main admin building.
I was really intrigued by the background of this building and the level within the game was quite creepy.
Anyway I actually build a version of this hospital, namely the admin building and the first wings either side, in the Sims 4 on PlayStation 4 (which I sadly ended up selling).
I am now hoping to rebuild it on my PC in The Sims 4 as I am still fascinated by this building, despite it's history and the treatment of the people within these asylums, not restricted to Danvers.
I am struggling to find images of the main Admin building floor plans beyond the first floor, no other floor plans seem to be found.
The floorplans of the wings are repeated throughout most of the buildings, so that is not to difficult to incorporate.
Sorry just found your floor plans, can I use them for my project please?
05/26/2023 11:23 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Ambrose1810's Avatar
I'm glad you like the build! Were you able to download the world and walk around and explore? It's definitely a labyrinth. Some part of me wanted to continue building the asylum how it looked in later years with all those additions and changes. However, I thought it would be fun to build it as it was originally designed so people could understand how it originally looked and all the changes that were tacked on.

Your best resource for floor plans is: https://www.danversstatehospital.org/maps-and-floorplans

In these large institutional buildings, it was most common for the floor plans to be the same on all stories. There might have been slight variations for a bathroom, office, etc. but in general having the same floor plan on all stories made it easier for everyone to find their way around and to manage the place. In some areas, like the auditorium and the basement, it was just guesswork on my part based on what I could tell from the exterior. Just to give you fair warning. I'd love to see what you create though, please do share a link to it on here when it's done!
09/21/2020 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
How did you get the plans for all of the 6 stories? Also when do you think you will get the gardens done? Also out of all the asylums I have seen this is my favorite.
09/22/2020 9:22 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Ambrose1810's Avatar
I found a lot of helpful photos and plans here: www.danversstatehospital.org/maps-and-floorplans

I'm not sure when I'll get the gardens done, I've actually been working on a megaproject, my magnum opus, which is soon to be completed! Also, just a heads up, the pathways at the back of the Asylum are not all accurate to history, only some are. I mainly wanted to create connections between the entryways.

I'm glad you like the Asylum! I'd challenge you to build the old gardens and maybe the Asylum as it appeared after all the additions. I hope you'll share your build. Please just give credit for the original build. I'm also hoping someone might include one of my builds in a Youtube survival or exploration challenge. ;-) Might be fun...
10/08/2020 10:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I was thinking about finishing the interior and the gardens and replacing the sandstone with polished diorite there was another DSH map but it only had the admin building and he did not base it on the actual floorplan he made it look like it was abandoned when I downloaded it I started to make it look like new again until I found this one I was about 25% complete on it until I found this one so instead of making it look alive again I think I will finish this one and decorate it the longest part is replacing the roof with something that Avalon put on it when they demolished it the one thing they did right was putting a new roof on I like how they mixed the black and white and gray shingles I think with the sweet concrete mod I will be able to put concrete stairs on it i never intended of publishing it I mainly do this as a hobby.

I have been to that website many times and I also intend to be buying his book when it comes out.
Again, thank you for building this I think it will keep me busy for a while.

I have already started replacing the sand paths in the garden with stone bricks and bordered with oak leaves and I have also started to replace the sandstone to diorite I am almost finished with the admin building I think I will start with the J ward and slowly go around to the A ward then I will do the backside then the gardens and most likely the roof will be last I will try to learn how to use world edit for that stuff then I might consider publishing it.

I have been interested in this building since 2018 I have long been looking for a Minecraft map that is accurate and detailed and to scale. Again I cannot say this enough thank you for creating this!
10/10/2020 6:28 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Ambrose1810's Avatar
That's great that you are going to work on the Asylum! I have been fascinated with several buildings for many years which led me to build many of them in Minecraft. I'm with you when it comes to building historic structures like they are new. We see so many of them today in a decrepit state, that I think building a historic place as it was originally designed and how it was meant to be seen creates a learning experience; like walking in history.

I should mention a design flaw on my part, as the roofs of each of the wards rises at a 45 degree angle and terminates in a flat top. I did this because the crest of the roof (visually) is supposed to reach the peak level of the gables at either end of each ward. If that makes any sense...you can see how it's supposed to be in aerial photos. If you need help, let me know. It's always fun to work with other builders enthusiastic about historic buildings.

I'm glad you like the build, best of luck on your pursuit!
10/11/2020 7:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I forgot to ask why didn't you build any staircases?
10/12/2020 12:34 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Architect
Ambrose1810's Avatar
It was one more complexity that I didn't want to get into at the time. There's so much to build, I often stray from one build to work on another. ;-)
02/18/2020 9:35 am
Level 29 : Expert Crafter
robzz's Avatar
are you able to add a world download?
12/13/2019 10:12 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Miner
mre12ax7's Avatar
Very nice. I have also created this structure though in smaller scale on the PS4.
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