Minecraft Maps / Educational


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Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar Jagermmeisterme99
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Auschwitz II Birkenau was a death camp notorious for the Nazi's Final Solution. It was constructed in a small village called Brzezinka also known in German as Birkenau. More than 1.2 million people perished at Auschwitz having the largest death toll out of any Nazi camp. It operated from 1941-1945 and was a large complex of 3 camps Auschwitz I: the Stammlager, Auschwitz II: the Death Camp(Vernichtungslager), and a IG Farben labor camp called Monowitz or Auschwitz III. It had 5 gas chambers, 4 of them being at Birkenau. The Little White House and the Little Red House were cottages that were converted into gas chambers in 1942. Crematorium II-V did not operate until the spring of 1943. I am a history buff and I have a degree. I built this project because of my visit to Auschwitz in 2015, I got bored so I wanted to make a place that I knew of. This project only revolves around the death camp so it does not include the whole complex. I have been working on this map since last month of September 3rd. A majority of the buildings are mine, only a small percentage are not, I made them as schematics, and modified them to the current blocks that are used in Minecraft today. Some of them belonged to another person who made Auschwitz in Minecraft in 2013 by the name, Noobalid. The map is huge and is one of my biggest Minecraft projects yet being a terrible build.

The map is available for download free of charge, as long as I am credited. Please do not take my creations and claim them as your own if you make a server without my permission. I plan to make a server on this project, only fear is the Holocaust deniers and the anti-Semites.
If you have Bedrock, Chunker is a useful source to convert Java to Bedrock files.

Shaders: Kappa 5.0

Texture Pack: Misa 1.19b
CreditWorld Painter, Noobalid, and Litematica/World Edit
Progress100% complete

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03/18/2024 12:57 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
Does anyone know how I could make the Stammlager of Auschwitz 1? I do know how the buildings are constructed but I don't know what is inside all of them and would like to make Block 11. I've tried looking for blueprints but haven't been successful.
12/08/2023 5:11 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
This is a terrible map but if you guys appreciate my work, enjoy. I am personally taking a break from these projects because of their impact on my depression. I will be continuing again on these projects soon. Remember that these projects are not intended to make jokes about and should be treated with respect and as if you are actually there. Auschwitz map on Minecraft or Auschwitz in person is not a playground.
11/09/2023 7:59 pm
Level 40 : Master Architect
S2eforme's Avatar
This is a very impressive and worthy project. I am always impressed when people encounter history and become so touched by it that they want to educate others on it.
I have had similar ideas for servers using maps I have built in the past for education. If possible, it would be so cool to see this somehow put together with NPCs and interactive parts to really give people a way to learn about the Holocaust in an easy to access and understand way.
For your problem of people destroying things, ensure you have a strong chat filter, enable adventure mode, and disable every single block/action that could possibly be used by people to destroy things.
11/10/2023 10:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
It tried to make it impressive. I tried researching every detail about the camp before I made it even the trees. There were 3d reconstructions of the gas chambers on 3d warehouse and Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution. I based my sources on those while also using a website called deathcamps.org which explains every death camp in detail as well as models, survivors, findings, and history. I am very techy with Minecraft, but I have never made NPC's in Minecraft before. Google Earth was also used. It took a lot of time detailing the terrain in World Painter especially.
11/01/2023 2:27 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
If you guys like the project, please let me see how many diamonds I can get
10/18/2023 3:05 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
These projects are for educational purposes only, they are not meant as a tool to offend anyone. I have attended talks with a Holocaust survivor and had a Jewish friend in the 8th grade. Personally, I am not Jewish, but I appreciate the history, and the culture.
10/16/2023 2:06 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
If you guys are interested in this project, there is another death camp that is similar but smaller. The death camp is called Treblinka. I am determining whether I should work on more projects like these but moreover I am afraid I would be criticized heavily. Including the fact that these projects represent terrible times in history. I feel sad because it is like I am disrespecting a place where many people died but I only did it out of curiosity because I like history. Besides war, I would not know what else to make that would seem joyful and not macabrely. People are probably wondering whether I am crazy because this is not normally something someone would take part in making. I have seen a few people make concentration camps on Planet Minecraft and present them to people such as Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Dachau, versions of Auschwitz, and versions of Treblinka. I wanted to make more of these death camps because not many of them are known to humanity and I thought I would spread awareness. I have created 2 of the 6 death camps in Poland and would not mind working on the last four. Unfortunately, because they are not well known, some of them do not have any photos but replicas of Holocaust survivors can help. In 2020, pictures of Sobibor were unearthed, I am deciding to work on this one next.
10/10/2023 5:47 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
Fox1MX's Avatar
finally someone's making an Auschwitz map
The only one we had till this time was a 1.8 version

Thank you
10/17/2023 1:08 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Jagermmeisterme99's Avatar
Don't mention it. If your interested in these types of projects, I have another death camp called Treblinka. It is smaller than Auschwitz. I plan to work on another death camp called Sobibor.
11/04/2023 8:39 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
Fox1MX's Avatar
naw, I'm good, although some time ago I tried to make Auschwitz 1 which used to be the Polish Barracks before WW2, I did a pretty good job but lost motivation very quickly. I think Imma revisit that some time soon
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