Minecraft Mods

Clay Living Dolls V1.3.3(Mega Update!)

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Soulas's Avatar Soulas
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
hey guys, its rolik and its another mod, made by me :)

this mod adds in 37 new items and 38(37) new entities


-Human Doll
*has 5 health, deals 1-3 damage.
*can wear any armor & can equip swords & bows, by rightclicking.
*will attack most mobs, & protect player.
*can open wooden & iron doors.
*can collect dropped loot, just drop item and he will pick it up.
*if you rightclick him wih a golden apple in survival, he will eat it.
*when dies drops him self, as a item & drops all items in hi's inventory.
*Has 11 variations of him self.

-Zombie Doll
*has 5 health, deals 1-3damage.
*doesn't player, only will attack some passive dolls &villagers.
*on villager kill , will not infect them.
*can wear any armor & can equip swords, by rightclicking.
*can open wooden & iron doors.
*Doesn't drop himself on death.

-Zombie Villager Doll
*has 6 health, deals 1-4damage.
*acts same as zombie doll.
*can pickup loot.
*drops him self on death & all loot he has.

-Creeper Doll
*has 2 health.
*explodes with 1x power.
*has couple color variations of him self.
*hates human dolls & players.
*best usage is for trolling :p.
*drops him self on death.

-Iron Golem Doll
*has 10 health.
*is slighty weaker then original iron golem
*can equip swords.
*drops him self on death.

-Super Iron Golem Doll
*has 50 health.
*is 5x stronger then iron golem doll.
*can equip swords.
*drops him self on death.

-Pigman Doll
*has 5 health,deals 1-4damage.
*has a dash abillity, that makes him 3x times stronger.
*can wear any armor & equip swords & bows.
*hates villagers.
*can open wooden & iron doors.
*is one of strongest hostile dolls.
*drops him self on death.

-Skeleton Doll
*has 6 health, deals 1-3 damage.
*can wear any armor & equip swords & bows.
*acts same as zombie doll, but with some enchantments.
*drops him self on death.

-Spider Doll
*has 6 health, deals 1-5damage.
*most hostile mobs can mount him.
*leaps on every attack.
*has 2 variations.
*drops him self on death.

-Wolf Doll
*has 8 health, deals 2-4damage.
*hates most hostile dolls.
*can be tameable , same as wolf.
*can open wooden & iron doors.
*drops him self on death.
*has a strong knocking attack.

-Blaze Doll

*has 6health, deals 4damage.
*acts same as blaze
*drops him self on death.

-Doll King Boss
*has 150 health, deals 12-20damage.
*hates everyone!.
*when gets less health, looses hi's armor.
*is a evil boss, who will kill anyone.
*can teleport, dash and even set on fire.
*in future will drop, a epic thing!

-Enderman Doll
*has 8health, deals 1-5damage.
*can teleport as enderman.
*is hostile towards good dolls.
*sometimes likes to open & close doors.
*drops him self on death.

-Villager Doll
*has 5 health,deals 1-4damage.
*will run away from zombie dolls.
*can wear any armor and equip swords.
*give him hi's doll, if you want him to become angry.
*open wooden & iron doors.
*drops him self on death.
*can carry loot.

-Wither Skeleton doll
*has 6 health, deals 1-4damage.
*acts same as skeleton doll.
*withers enemies on attack.
*drops him self on death.

-Chicken Doll
*has 2 health, deals 1-4damage.
*likes to flap hi's wings a lot.
*attacks hostile dolls.
*drops him self on death.
*lays clay every 6.000 game ticks.
*can glide as a chicken.

-Charger Doll
*has 2 health, deals 1-4damage.
*acts same as chicken.
*doesn't lay clay.
*doesn't have wings to glide.
*drops him self on death.

-Squid Doll
*has 5 health, deals 1-2damage.
*never hit a squid again, or he will sit on you!.
*hates land and hostile dolls.
*drops him self on death.

-Squidman Doll
*has 1 health, doesn't attack.
*is most usseles doll ever.
*mostly is only for decoration.
*hates land.
*drops him self on death.
*has 4 variations.

-Witch Doll
*has 10health, deals 1-4damage melee.
*deals up to 10 with potions.
*has two fighting styles
*can fight melee & ranged.
*rightclick with a sword to change to melee.
*rightclick with water bottle to change to ranged.
*has a derpy look.
*drops her self on death.

-Ocelot Doll
*Has 5 health, deals 1-4damage.
*hates hostile dolls.
*has a huge speed.
*drops him self on death.

-Ghast Doll
*has 5health, doesn't fight melee.
*shoot giant fireballs.
*hates player.
*looks like, it is a baby of a momma ghast.
*drops him self on death

-Wither Doll
*has 30 health, doesn't fight melee.
*shoots tiny wither skulls.
*acts mostly same as wither.
*attacks anything that lives.
*doesn't drop him self on death.

-Dragon Doll
*has 20health, deals up to 10 damage.
*this doll is still work in progress.
*doesn't drop him self on death.
*acts same as ender dragon.

-Horse Doll
*has 10 health,deals 1-7 damage.
*can equip horse armor & sadle.
*can be tamed same as vanilla horse.
*if you ride it & collide with a mob, he will deal some damge.
*has a chance to spawn as a mule,donkey or a horse.
*doesn't drop him self on death, yet.
*can be found at dungeons.

-Chucky Doll
*Has 10health, deals 5-6damage, heals on attack.
*Poisons enemies.
*Wears knife as a main weapon.
*has power to kill up to mutant enderman!
*kills everything in his path!

-Popularmmo Doll
*has 8 health, deals 3-4 damage.
*has iron body special abillity(allows him to take one hit up to 120damage!).
*has main weapon hoe(owns everything with this weapon!).

-Jen Doll
*has 8 health, deals 3-4 damage.
*has super sonic special abillity(allows her to reach speed of lightning for 10-15seconds!).
*has main weapon fish(she will slap everything and kill easily while using supersonic speed!).


Clay Human Doll - spawns human doll on right click, can be craftable or can be found in bonus chests.
Clay Zombie Doll - spawns zombie doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Zombie Villager Doll - spawns zombie villager doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Creeper Doll - spawns creeper doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Pigman Doll - spawns pigman doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Iron Golem Doll - spawns clay iron golem doll on right click , can be craftable or can be found in blacksmith at the villages.
Clay Super Iron Golem Doll - spawns clay super iron golem doll on right click, can be craftable.

Clay Spider Doll - spawns clay spider on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Villager Doll - spawns villager doll on right click, can be craftable or can be found in blacksmith at the villages.
Clay Squidman Doll - spawns squidman doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Squid Doll - spawns squid doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Skeleton Doll - spawns skeleton doll on right click, can be craftble.
Clay Wither Skeleton Doll - spawns wither skeleton doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Wolf Doll - spawns wolf doll on right click, can be craftable.

Clay Ocelot Doll - spawns ocelot doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Horse Doll - spawns horse doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Wither Doll - spawns wither doll on right click, can be found in strongholds library.
Clay Dragon Doll - spawns dragon doll on right click, can be found in strongholds library.
Clay Enderman Doll - spawns enderman on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Charger Doll - spawns charger doll on right click, can be craftable.
Clay Chicken Doll - spawns chicken doll on right click, can be craftable.

Clay Witch Doll - spawns witch doll on right click, can be craftable.
Doll King Summoner - spawns doll king on right click, can be craftable.

Clay Cookie - never it it again! its to yumi, can be craftable.
Clay Horse Armor - no usage yet. :)

Clay Chucky Doll - spawns Chucky Doll on right click, only otbainable from Clay Crate!
Clay PopularMMOs Doll - spawns PopularMMOs Doll on right click, only otbainable from Clay Crate!
Clay Jen Doll - spawns Jen Doll on right click, only otbainable from Clay Crate!

Clay Crate - you can any doll from clay crate, by breaking it, it will drop random doll or piece of clay.

All crafting recipes can be found in crafting recipes foldier :)
be sure to support as much as you can, and thanks for downloading! :)

if i missed item, or not mentioned it, than sorry , that means its isn't done

p.s if you use elementalcows mod be sure to check creative tab, for a new doll :3

More features will be added soon, maybe even mobs will able to take items, or will be tameable who knows! :3


DOWNLOADING: This mod is only to be downloaded from my sources (or as explained above, from  
modpacks) the websites mentioned a few lines below. Any other websites that host a copy of my mod are ignoring my copyright. I ask you to not download from these sources as they are not only immoral, but are likely to have an outdated, invalid or unofficial version since they are not moderated  
by me.
CreditMinecraft,Iron Golem,Clay Dolls,Villager,Clay
Progress55% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

20 Update Logs

About New stuff : by Soulas 12/19/2015 3:22:27 amDec 19th, 2015

im gonna add description in 9hours!

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05/26/2016 8:00 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Redstone_Rules's Avatar
I used this mod with a ant man mod and it was AMAZING it was cool even though I was smaller then them
One small problem with the modded armor thing when i give a human doll a piece of modded armor it give it all of the armor pieces except one and when i try to give it to the doll it gives it the piece but the rest disappears can you fix this problem
05/27/2016 10:40 am
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
soon ill change that mechanic a bit, it will drop previous item that you gave it if it has armor on, gonna work same with weapons.
05/31/2016 9:34 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Redstone_Rules's Avatar
Oh an another problem is that sometimes I can't give them some stuff like 3d weapons also i have a idea and you fix in with the armor if a player gives it a chest plate it will just give in the chest plate instead of giving the entire set and could you make it so a person can give it different pieces of armor such as having a diamond chest plate and leather pants or vice versa. and what other mods are you planning to make? I would maybe like to feature them on my up coming channel
11/01/2015 6:53 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
allmine444's Avatar
FYI in case you didn't know your mod has been featured on The Diamond Minecart: Micro mobs
11/02/2015 12:12 am
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
i know that. i saw that same day when he uploaded it. :)
10/11/2015 7:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheStoneBrick's Avatar
Hey, cool mod. I am about to record a review. You can expect a link in about an hour. :)
10/11/2015 11:51 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
oh thanks! :)
10/12/2015 2:57 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
TheStoneBrick's Avatar
Sorry, It's been a little more then an hour. I forgot to send the link. But, anyways here you go.
07/08/2015 10:25 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
ShadyStarlight's Avatar
I can showcase this, but it's gonna be non commentary...
07/08/2015 10:53 am
Level 78 : Legendary Senpai
Soulas's Avatar
best showcases are with commentary :p
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