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Level 44
Master Unicorn

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  • silversin64's Avatar
    December 15, 2020, 12:47 am to Public
    Mostly been active on my art Instagram. I'm sorry for not posting on here!! >///< But if you're interested in my activities or to contact me I'm on Instagram!
  • silversin64's Avatar
    October 24, 2020, 5:15 pm to Public
    I'm alive... Sorry for not posting in a while! I'm totally not used to this whole "Consistency" thing ^^; I've begun working on a new minecraft mod called "dyes plus" and also updating the other two mods I've already announced. Its tedious and I'm slow... But I'm enjoying working on them. So... If anyone needs me I'll be in the dark corner of the room :)
  • silversin64's Avatar
    May 25, 2020, 9:43 am to Public
    Sorry I've been gone for a while >,< I've been working on lots of diffrent things!
    Sinus Productions said 2020-05-25 09:54:24
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    It’s ok! We understand!
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 17, 2020, 5:34 pm to Public
    I need your opinion. I have a new project I wanna start, BUT I've already got like a hand full of other projects (finishing the retro texturepack, the more ores mod, a new mod ;) , making more skins, etc.) So should I just do what makes me happy or try and be productive and finish something first?
    silversin64 replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-04-17 17:56:15
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    Sinus Productions replied to silversin64's comment below 2020-04-17 17:49:55
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    I would love to help with that I love water
    silversin64 replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-04-17 17:42:43
    silversin64's Avatar
    Its an ocean dimension mod called "UnderwaterMinecraft" and I'd get the community to help the same way I did with the retro mod. People could design structures and plants/blocks and items to be added to the dimension and I'd make them! Obviously very simple stuff because I cant code worth shi-...shiznit.
    Sinus Productions replied to silversin64's comment below 2020-04-17 17:38:51
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    I’d love to hear it
    silversin64 replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-04-17 17:37:06
    silversin64's Avatar
    Wanna know what it is? I think its sorta ambitious but it could be really cool :P
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  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 12, 2020, 1:48 am to Public
    My boyfriend and some friends of mine are going to start streeming on twitch >.< I'm so nervous I literally just spent 100+ bucks on stuff to get started! A little over a month and we can get set up. I'm excited.
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 9, 2020, 7:06 pm to Public
    Oh my god. Its finally done. Well not done! But in a presentable stage! Its functional and all I can do now is keep adding more!! XD This has been my life for the past 2+ days >.<
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 8, 2020, 5:45 pm to Public
    spent 12 plus hours on the crystals plus mod! Not even close to being finished, but its at a playable stage! :D I'm pretty proud of myself.
    Marma said 2020-04-08 18:23:39
    Marma's Avatar
    looking forward to it!
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 7, 2020, 10:47 pm to Public
    Been coding for over 6 hours on my first mod! Thought I'd make something "small" for my first published mod but its turning out to be a whole ordeal >.< The main code is done now though! All I have to do is all the- stuff ;) no spoilers!
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 6, 2020, 11:13 pm to Public
    Theres a new "share" button for the skin maker pallets! :O I know its new because when I did my pallet tutorial it wasn't there! >v< I like to think I helped inspired them to make it easier!! :D
    Nitgo said 2020-04-07 01:59:52
    Nitgo's Avatar
    I know it's new because it says so each update on a pop-up menu.
  • silversin64's Avatar
    April 3, 2020, 10:54 pm to Public
    thinking of using the more ores and gemstones mod concept in my server. I think it'd be a really cool and unique addition to an mmo server. I think more foods would also be cool. The more stuff the better! Imagine looting stuff and getting rare gemstones and selling them for a high price! Or collecting gemstones for a quest! EEK! I have so many ideas!!
    living_doodle replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-04-04 00:05:36
    living_doodle's Avatar
    What about bukkit? (I think that's what it's called)
    Sinus Productions said 2020-04-03 22:57:27
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    If you do that, everyone would need to download the mod in order for the server to work.
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 30, 2020, 11:09 pm to Public
    So... What does one do when they find another user has posted a skin that's clearly stolen from another user?? Because I saw someone posting a bunch of skins that obviously don't belong to them.
    silversin64 replied to dreamCritting's comment below 2020-03-31 13:36:28
    silversin64's Avatar
    XD omg youre great
    dreamCritting said 2020-03-31 04:44:11
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  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 29, 2020, 8:11 pm to Public
    I've litterally just been working on more ore textures for hours, then realized I have absolutely no idea how to code a mod...
    silversin64 said 2020-03-29 20:14:21
    silversin64's Avatar
    Theres 23 new ores. I'll keep making more and then figure it out. That, or ask for help ^^;
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 26, 2020, 4:08 am to Public
    Great. So the skin I just posted got corupted. I just spent almost 5 hours on that.
    silversin64 replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-03-26 15:33:13
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    Unfortunately no... I'm just super annoyed :(
    Aspirin60 said 2020-03-26 08:01:32
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    Nitgo said 2020-03-26 04:31:47
    Nitgo's Avatar
    That's pretty annoying, did you manage to do anything about it?
    silversin64 said 2020-03-26 04:12:58
    silversin64's Avatar
    Like I literally just lost hours of work...
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 20, 2020, 4:04 pm to Public
    Going to be getting some school work done for the rest of the week! I'll probably actually get some updates on the pack done on monday or tuesday. What do you wanna see in the pack?
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 18, 2020, 8:57 pm to Public
    So! I got a funny story. another server greef came in today. As he was about to blow my village up I tped to him and was like "WELL HI" and he was like "oh hell no" and left. As I was destroying his mass of tnt I accidentally detonated it. boom. and it was my fault lol It was an easy clean up thankfully.
    Wanna play with me? Server Ip is
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 17, 2020, 3:18 pm to Public
    So I finally fixed my server of the greef last night. Some butthole made my 2 o'clock bed time into a 4:30 bed time ;-; but its completely fixed now! You should come check it out!!
    Sinus Productions replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-03-17 15:37:43
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    This isn't me judging this is me curious
    Sinus Productions said 2020-03-17 15:21:53
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    2:00 bedtime?
    silversin64 said 2020-03-17 15:18:47
    silversin64's Avatar
    the server ip is
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 17, 2020, 2:15 am to Public
    Server got greefed.... I'm actually crying rn cause of how bad it is... I made a really awsome friend whos helping me rebuild... I just... It hurts really bad cause of how much work I put into it
    Sinus Productions replied to silversin64's comment below 2020-03-17 14:21:28
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    Ok, good. glad it's all fixed up
    EnderFlame_ said 2020-03-17 14:17:29
    EnderFlame_'s Avatar
    On my main server (dognetwork) they have plugins where only the person who placed blocks can can remove/destroy them.
    silversin64 replied to EnderFlame_'s comment below 2020-03-17 14:14:43
    silversin64's Avatar
    I'll look into that. Thank you :)
    silversin64 replied to Sinus Productions's comment below 2020-03-17 14:14:29
    silversin64's Avatar
    it was auto creative, now you have to ask :) and I fixed it up. it took hours but I fixed it
    Sinus Productions said 2020-03-17 09:12:40
    Sinus Productions's Avatar
    Oh my god. I’m sorry. Is there a way so that you can only let players who you know do things
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  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 16, 2020, 4:55 pm to Public
    Big thanks to Draganette for being the first person to join the server :D
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 16, 2020, 4:17 pm to Public
    ~ Share something
    silversin64 replied to Nitgo's comment below 2020-03-16 16:53:50
    silversin64's Avatar
    lmao thank you for that comment. without it I never would have known this hillarious glitch XD LOL <3
    Nitgo said 2020-03-16 16:39:01
    Nitgo's Avatar
    & sharing something you did..
  • silversin64's Avatar
    March 16, 2020, 3:55 pm to Public
    Ah! Wait! If you're about to join my server I'm dyeing my hair brb!
    Sinus Productions said 2020-03-16 16:55:21
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    Nitgo said 2020-03-16 16:35:26
    Nitgo's Avatar
    You mean irl? What a coincidence.
    silversin64 said 2020-03-16 16:21:05
    silversin64's Avatar
    Okay its blue now.
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