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    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 21, 2024, 8:13 pm to Public
      I work in a office, we have a lot of temp's, usually they dont come back since our manager is a sh1thead. one of my co-workers told me a crazy story, heres how it goes " We had a temp named jerry, his job was basically to shuttle coffee to the manager, one time the manager, being the c2ck he is yelled at him for not getting his coffee with milk, he got so heated that he accidentally says some slur towards Mexicans (which he was) and thats when he snapped, he grabbed a pencil and stabbed him in his throught. crazy. " after this I ask, what happened after?? like what?? and he said something like he was arrested and what sucks for him is that the manager eventually died in the hospital, he thought he was screwed. WTF I said!! "thats not even the worst part, the craziest thing is that all he got was atempdid murder!"
    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 18, 2024, 6:39 pm to Public
      minecraft should remove things. and change others here are.

      --Things minecraft should remove/change--

      -remove Villages , outright removed, while villagers should exist but extremely rare,
      and not be able to sell any sort of weapons/tools.

      -iron should be rare , iron should be hard to get, like diamonds are, and diamonds
      should be even rarer.

      -remove shields.

      -remove hunger.

      -remove beds.

      -Remove sprint , or make it so other mobs can sprint aswell.

      -make the textures worse/more gritty

      -add backpacks , cant be crafted and extremely rare.

      -Worsen rendering system , minecraft feels too clean, too corporate.

      -make everything taller , make tree's taller, mountains taller, give a sense of awe.

      -remove ladders

      -remove diorite

      -remove andesite

      -remove haybales

      -revert combat system , though make it slower.

      -remove other foods , or give them a use

      -remove F3

      -make maps bigger, and more usefull

      -remove all tree log types with oak , maybe make them dyable

      -animals should be rarer

      -remove "farms" , not plant farms.

      -remove levels , or make invisible

      -extend bow range by 4x

      -slow boat speeds

      -remove elytra

      -10x minecart speed

      -durability last 3x longer on wood/stone/iron

      -remove netherite , or make EXTREMELY more rare, and harder to make even if you find alot of ancient debris

      -remove the crafting guide , or obfuscate all recipes

      -increase stack size to 100 for blocks, decrease to 16 for foods/items

      -remove eye of ender , the portal should be already filled, only having 1 per world, also not the "end"

      -darkness is darker

      -nether portals shouldnt be buildable

      -obfuscate item names , who says a stone pick is called a stone pick? it should be you who decides

      -less fall damage

      -more meats

      -slower furnaces

      -more falling gravel in caves

      -you should be able to join anyones world

      -add voice chat

      -diamonds should be as big 3 and as small as 1

      -remove anvils

      -remove tuff

      -better gear = heavy-er movement

      -recipes for items/blocks change, or are different for each player. guides from youtube should be useless.
      guides from other player in your server should be gold.

      -gold should be inbetween iron and stone, while only being able to mine like stone

      -increase block placement range

      -remove slabs.

      -remove trapdoors

      -remove chains/lanterns

      -remove glass panes

      -remove horses

      -tnt bigger explosion, creeper too

      -fist do more damage
      S673R2 replied to BroccoliTheGirl's comment below 2024-05-19 01:55:39
      S673R2's Avatar
      I don't know what "get rid of minecraft" means, but I do understand why you disagree with me. I could have worded the "title" better. really these are things that annoy me. also I would say that none of the things I listed can be changed other than some small things like fall damage or infinite water, but that's it if my memory serves me right.

      I think a mod would be perfect, but also at least I would enjoy if what I listed were true, not retroactively but had always been that way.
      Thanks for commenting though ! I didn't really think people would even see it since its just on my wall post.
      BroccoliTheGirl said 2024-05-19 00:30:53
      BroccoliTheGirl's Avatar
      I think this a little much, most of these things is just like 'Get rid of MineCraft' Like what
      And they added a feature to do most of these things, and mods can help with some of these issues, just because you don't like some things, doesn't mean we have to deal with it. Every person can change their own settings. I think its in world settings?
      S673R2 replied to Dronko fire blaster's comment below 2024-05-18 22:49:56
      S673R2's Avatar
      yeah I dont think Mojang should do what is listed. this was more like "in a perfect world" type thing. but I think if a mod did all of this I would actually enjoy minecraft as a game way more. plus I also think there is a large community for this type of removal of features. but I will also admit that in all probability most minecrafters just wouldnt like the feature I listed, which is fine I guess.
      In a way this was more of a list of what "mojang shouldnt have done" others may not agree but its my opinion either way.
      Dronko fire blaster replied to S673R2's comment below 2024-05-18 20:39:07
      Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
      except any one that wants them will be stuck with the version before it was removed
      id probably quite playing if they did that, I like to build and if they removed a bunch of blocks that will limit what you can do by a lot
      and it will literally break everything, worlds wont be easily converted
      S673R2 replied to Dronko fire blaster's comment below 2024-05-18 19:10:41
      S673R2's Avatar
      in essence, yes. but these feature (IMO) are bloat and should be removed/changed
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    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 9, 2024, 3:18 am to Public
      I transformed a photo I found to make it retro and cool. check it out!
      low res - IMGUR
      high res - TIFF
    • S673R2's Avatar
      April 27, 2024, 12:36 am to Public
      Another mod Idea I had would be an Insomnia Mod, not like insomnia cookies, more like schizophrenia and tampering with what the players rely on. at first only slightly tampering with small things like hunger, xp, maybe even something as small as changing the number of items you have. for example instead of 12 sticks, for a few minutes it would be 11 sticks. Of course it would gradually become more and more obvious that something was wrong, buildings that dont exist. fake players. fake items. I think that would be cool.
    • S673R2's Avatar
      April 26, 2024, 10:37 pm to Public
      I dreamt a weird minecraft mod, essentially it would connect your other saves/worlds into one giant playable map seamlessly, it wouldnt be like a portal or something it would you walking around, then all of the sudden you find a house that you built years ago on a save you made 2 minutes ago. Idk if this is possible but it is a pretty cool idea.

      It reminds me of that minecraft alpha glitch were sometimes chunks from another save would be loaded into your new save. pretty famous back in the day even I had this happen before. So yeah something like that but more sophisticated
      S673R2 replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-04-27 00:26:02
      S673R2's Avatar
      Interesting! thanks for giving your thoughts, I didn't think anyone would actually respond.
      ScotsMiser said 2024-04-27 00:19:15
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Thsi could be treated as the world having x,y,z,dim,W coordinates (with x,y,z,dim being MC standard and W being the world_save).

      What is needed (outside of computer resources as I expect this would tend to be more lagggy) is some means of determining when the player moves along the W axis

      Essentially this is an extension of teh curernt dimmension system, but with some mechanism without the simplifying use of portals…
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    • S673R2's Avatar
      S673R2 posted to their guest book.
      February 13, 2024, 3:30 pm to Public
      first baybie im first. thought I guess you could say im last after the second comment
      S673R2 said 2024-02-13 15:31:25
      S673R2's Avatar
      yeah I meant to type "though" what of it?!?!
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    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 21, 2024, 8:13 pm to Public
      I work in a office, we have a lot of temp's, usually they dont come back since our manager is a sh1thead. one of my co-workers told me a crazy story, heres how it goes " We had a temp named jerry, his job was basically to shuttle coffee to the manager, one time the manager, being the c2ck he is yelled at him for not getting his coffee with milk, he got so heated that he accidentally says some slur towards Mexicans (which he was) and thats when he snapped, he grabbed a pencil and stabbed him in his throught. crazy. " after this I ask, what happened after?? like what?? and he said something like he was arrested and what sucks for him is that the manager eventually died in the hospital, he thought he was screwed. WTF I said!! "thats not even the worst part, the craziest thing is that all he got was atempdid murder!"
    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 18, 2024, 6:39 pm to Public
      minecraft should remove things. and change others here are.

      --Things minecraft should remove/change--

      -remove Villages , outright removed, while villagers should exist but extremely rare,
      and not be able to sell any sort of weapons/tools.

      -iron should be rare , iron should be hard to get, like diamonds are, and diamonds
      should be even rarer.

      -remove shields.

      -remove hunger.

      -remove beds.

      -Remove sprint , or make it so other mobs can sprint aswell.

      -make the textures worse/more gritty

      -add backpacks , cant be crafted and extremely rare.

      -Worsen rendering system , minecraft feels too clean, too corporate.

      -make everything taller , make tree's taller, mountains taller, give a sense of awe.

      -remove ladders

      -remove diorite

      -remove andesite

      -remove haybales

      -revert combat system , though make it slower.

      -remove other foods , or give them a use

      -remove F3

      -make maps bigger, and more usefull

      -remove all tree log types with oak , maybe make them dyable

      -animals should be rarer

      -remove "farms" , not plant farms.

      -remove levels , or make invisible

      -extend bow range by 4x

      -slow boat speeds

      -remove elytra

      -10x minecart speed

      -durability last 3x longer on wood/stone/iron

      -remove netherite , or make EXTREMELY more rare, and harder to make even if you find alot of ancient debris

      -remove the crafting guide , or obfuscate all recipes

      -increase stack size to 100 for blocks, decrease to 16 for foods/items

      -remove eye of ender , the portal should be already filled, only having 1 per world, also not the "end"

      -darkness is darker

      -nether portals shouldnt be buildable

      -obfuscate item names , who says a stone pick is called a stone pick? it should be you who decides

      -less fall damage

      -more meats

      -slower furnaces

      -more falling gravel in caves

      -you should be able to join anyones world

      -add voice chat

      -diamonds should be as big 3 and as small as 1

      -remove anvils

      -remove tuff

      -better gear = heavy-er movement

      -recipes for items/blocks change, or are different for each player. guides from youtube should be useless.
      guides from other player in your server should be gold.

      -gold should be inbetween iron and stone, while only being able to mine like stone

      -increase block placement range

      -remove slabs.

      -remove trapdoors

      -remove chains/lanterns

      -remove glass panes

      -remove horses

      -tnt bigger explosion, creeper too

      -fist do more damage
      S673R2 replied to BroccoliTheGirl's comment below 2024-05-19 01:55:39
      S673R2's Avatar
      I don't know what "get rid of minecraft" means, but I do understand why you disagree with me. I could have worded the "title" better. really these are things that annoy me. also I would say that none of the things I listed can be changed other than some small things like fall damage or infinite water, but that's it if my memory serves me right.

      I think a mod would be perfect, but also at least I would enjoy if what I listed were true, not retroactively but had always been that way.
      Thanks for commenting though ! I didn't really think people would even see it since its just on my wall post.
      BroccoliTheGirl said 2024-05-19 00:30:53
      BroccoliTheGirl's Avatar
      I think this a little much, most of these things is just like 'Get rid of MineCraft' Like what
      And they added a feature to do most of these things, and mods can help with some of these issues, just because you don't like some things, doesn't mean we have to deal with it. Every person can change their own settings. I think its in world settings?
      S673R2 replied to Dronko fire blaster's comment below 2024-05-18 22:49:56
      S673R2's Avatar
      yeah I dont think Mojang should do what is listed. this was more like "in a perfect world" type thing. but I think if a mod did all of this I would actually enjoy minecraft as a game way more. plus I also think there is a large community for this type of removal of features. but I will also admit that in all probability most minecrafters just wouldnt like the feature I listed, which is fine I guess.
      In a way this was more of a list of what "mojang shouldnt have done" others may not agree but its my opinion either way.
      Dronko fire blaster replied to S673R2's comment below 2024-05-18 20:39:07
      Dronko fire blaster's Avatar
      except any one that wants them will be stuck with the version before it was removed
      id probably quite playing if they did that, I like to build and if they removed a bunch of blocks that will limit what you can do by a lot
      and it will literally break everything, worlds wont be easily converted
      S673R2 replied to Dronko fire blaster's comment below 2024-05-18 19:10:41
      S673R2's Avatar
      in essence, yes. but these feature (IMO) are bloat and should be removed/changed
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    • S673R2's Avatar
      May 9, 2024, 3:18 am to Public
      I transformed a photo I found to make it retro and cool. check it out!
      low res - IMGUR
      high res - TIFF
    • S673R2's Avatar
      April 27, 2024, 12:36 am to Public
      Another mod Idea I had would be an Insomnia Mod, not like insomnia cookies, more like schizophrenia and tampering with what the players rely on. at first only slightly tampering with small things like hunger, xp, maybe even something as small as changing the number of items you have. for example instead of 12 sticks, for a few minutes it would be 11 sticks. Of course it would gradually become more and more obvious that something was wrong, buildings that dont exist. fake players. fake items. I think that would be cool.
    • S673R2's Avatar
      April 26, 2024, 10:37 pm to Public
      I dreamt a weird minecraft mod, essentially it would connect your other saves/worlds into one giant playable map seamlessly, it wouldnt be like a portal or something it would you walking around, then all of the sudden you find a house that you built years ago on a save you made 2 minutes ago. Idk if this is possible but it is a pretty cool idea.

      It reminds me of that minecraft alpha glitch were sometimes chunks from another save would be loaded into your new save. pretty famous back in the day even I had this happen before. So yeah something like that but more sophisticated
      S673R2 replied to ScotsMiser's comment below 2024-04-27 00:26:02
      S673R2's Avatar
      Interesting! thanks for giving your thoughts, I didn't think anyone would actually respond.
      ScotsMiser said 2024-04-27 00:19:15
      ScotsMiser's Avatar
      Thsi could be treated as the world having x,y,z,dim,W coordinates (with x,y,z,dim being MC standard and W being the world_save).

      What is needed (outside of computer resources as I expect this would tend to be more lagggy) is some means of determining when the player moves along the W axis

      Essentially this is an extension of teh curernt dimmension system, but with some mechanism without the simplifying use of portals…
    • S673R2's Avatar
      January 16, 2024, 9:47 pm to Public
      teaser :>)
      S673R2 said 2024-01-17 19:41:06
      S673R2's Avatar
      here are some early stage photos of the pack. imgur.com/a/ORALwB5
    • S673R2's Avatar
      January 9, 2024, 10:54 pm to Public
      S673R2 replied to MInecraft_user12 Alt's comment below 2024-01-10 16:44:29
      S673R2's Avatar
      Thats what Z's look like in the future
      MInecraft_user12 Alt said 2024-01-10 08:45:17
      MInecraft_user12 Alt's Avatar
      Tf is wrong with that z in zip?
    • S673R2's Avatar
      January 9, 2024, 10:53 pm to Public
      ~ What's on your mind?
    • S673R2's Avatar
      October 20, 2023, 9:08 pm to Public
    • S673R2's Avatar
      October 19, 2023, 9:16 pm to Public
    • S673R2's Avatar
      October 2, 2023, 11:06 pm to Public
      im not very happy, is tht nrmal?
      cloudkitty said 2023-10-02 23:11:12
      cloudkitty's Avatar
      depends on the type of person you are
    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Halloween Datapack Jam's post
      September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm with Public
      Halloween Datapack Jam's Avatar
      Halloween Datapack Jam post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      September 28, 2023, 1:49 pm to Public

      Introducing our Halloween Data Pack Jam! It's a spooktacular event open to data pack creators of all skill levels and in collaboration with the Datapack Hub. Let's see what you can do this coming month!
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      NonaThaSpaceBunny replied to TADC_Jax's comment below 2024-05-04 13:41:11
      NonaThaSpaceBunny's Avatar
      lol youre late this was eight months ago
      Papa Enny said 2024-04-04 16:24:59
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      100 level yay!
      TADC_Jax said 2024-03-08 01:12:09
      TADC_Jax's Avatar
      wait but its March
      Papa Enny replied to cutecatkid's comment below 2024-02-22 17:03:07
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      you should not beg for it. If they want you in the team, you would get an info
      cutecatkid said 2024-02-21 12:11:40
      cutecatkid's Avatar
      can i be a site monider
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    • S673R2's Avatar
      September 24, 2023, 11:30 pm to Public
    • S673R2's Avatar
      September 18, 2023, 9:29 pm to Public
      bad news, all my files were deleted. starting from zero L
    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest's post
      September 8, 2023, 4:03 pm with Public
      Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest's Avatar
      Skintorials : Minecraft Skin Tutorial Contest post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      September 8, 2023, 4:01 pm to Public

      Do you posses coveted skinning knowledge that could shape the current and future landscape of Minecraft skins? Consider documenting that beautiful pixel placing power into a written & illustrated blog or educational video for a chance to win prizes while helping up and coming artists learn the tricks of the trade in our upcoming SkinTutorials Minecraft Skin Tutorial Jam!
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      SharKevan37 said 2023-11-18 14:28:58
      SharKevan37's Avatar
      I'm (not) new.
      Godeesgo said 2023-09-19 03:57:14
      Godeesgo's Avatar
      can HoodedCube do Stampy's Lovely World episode 300 replica
      Pikmin 30 said 2023-09-18 21:45:14
      Pikmin 30's Avatar
      Papa Enny said 2023-09-18 13:59:15
      Papa Enny's Avatar
      congratulations for being near to 100 level.
      blockbuster_04 replied to User4489271G's comment below 2023-09-13 10:21:21
      blockbuster_04's Avatar
      i could do that but i already have a map idea for a my yt channel and it's called mario quest.
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    • PMC's Avatar
      September 8, 2023, 2:16 pm to Public

      Member interviews are officially back! Peep our interview with YokaiS and learn a bit about their modeling, animation, robotics, data packing and inspirations!
      yogurt_the_lizorb said 2023-09-09 22:15:54
      yogurt_the_lizorb's Avatar
      i remember these! is there an application thing? i dont remember, it was too long ago
      JustaFlqmingo said 2023-09-08 17:23:04
      JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
      Kefaku said 2023-09-08 15:24:03
      Kefaku's Avatar
      yay, finally ๐ŸŽ‰
      Flyrr said 2023-09-08 14:48:28
      Flyrr's Avatar
      omg that's so cool
    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
      September 6, 2023, 11:17 am with Public
      Tropical Tiki Party's Avatar
      Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      September 6, 2023, 11:16 am to Public

      ๐ŸŒด The community cast 1.6k ratings and the final results of the Tropical Party Jam are here!

      ๐ŸŽ‰ Congratulations to the winners and thanks for all who participated in the jam. The collection of entries captured the vibe of a tropical beach party that we'd love to see in Minecraft.
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    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
      August 28, 2023, 4:13 pm with Public
      Tropical Tiki Party's Avatar
      Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      August 28, 2023, 4:07 pm to Public

      We've extended the voting period by 3 days to help make up for the confusion on how to vote. In addition, we've added a "Finalists" count & link on the jam profile bar and updated the "Rate Entries" button to link directly to finalists that you have yet to vote on. This should make it much easier to start voting & pick up where you left off.

      ๐Ÿ–๏ธ If you haven't already, rank the finalists in this jam! * Must be level 5+ to cast ratings.
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    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
      August 26, 2023, 8:34 am with Public
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      Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      August 26, 2023, 8:29 am to Public

      ๐ŸŒบ Having trouble voting??! Are you level 5+ Start here! This is your list of unrated finalists. You can change the sorting to view other personalized lists as well.

      We're aware of how confusing it currently is to vote. Next week, we will make it clearer and easier to vote in finalist jams plus extend the voting period of this jam and encourage voting. Sorry for any frustration!

      Have fun and soak up the sunshine! ๐ŸŒž
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      sironi said 2023-08-27 19:59:48
      sironi's Avatar
      nvm im powerful enoug
      sironi said 2023-08-27 18:59:43
      sironi's Avatar
      i cant vote i dont think im powerful enoug. im registerd to vote in case your wonering
    • PMC's Avatar
      PMC shared Tropical Tiki Party's post
      August 17, 2023, 1:17 pm with Public
      ๐ŸŒด Calling all Minecraft skin artists! Only 4 days left to infuse the Tropical Party Skin Jam with your creativity. Let's turn those virtual sands into a canvas of tropical vibes! ๐Ÿ–๏ธ
      Tropical Tiki Party's Avatar
      Tropical Tiki Party post by Cyprezz's Avatar Cyprezz
      August 17, 2023, 1:16 pm to Public

      ๐ŸŒด Last Chance Alert! Only 4 Days Left to Join the Tropical Party Skin Jam! ๐ŸŒด

      Time is running out, Minecraft Skin Artists! With just 4 days left, the excitement is reaching its peak for the Tropical Party Skin Jam. ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Don't miss out on the chance to showcase your creativity by crafting skins that radiate the essence of a vibrant beach party – think tropical vibes, colorful masks, and stylish beachwear! ๐ŸŒบ

      Join and submit your entries at https://www.planetminecraft.com/jam/tropical-party/ and let your imagination shine. This is your final opportunity to be part of the tropical celebration and grab a chance at prizes, recognition and sweet trophies. Join us and make your mark before it's too late! ๐Ÿ๏ธ
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      IGEBM replied to Stormy's comment below 2023-10-12 08:06:11
      IGEBM's Avatar
      and thus there is no proof that you can
      Stormy replied to IGEBM's comment below 2023-10-12 08:00:43
      Stormy's Avatar
      Eh you just haven’t seen me debate something other than that yet
      IGEBM replied to Stormy's comment below 2023-10-12 06:47:15
      IGEBM's Avatar
      bc your specialty is anything related to the Bible and Christianity-
      this is about Minecraft TOS-
      Stormy replied to MyNameIsBhex's comment below 2023-08-29 08:11:02
      Stormy's Avatar
      Why u havin a debate without inviting me
      MyNameIsBhex replied to smashmaster2000's comment below 2023-08-28 16:40:41
      MyNameIsBhex's Avatar
      Yeah no. This is why they say "don't make assumptions". I'd rather leave because it's not worth my time to keep responding to someone who doesn't bother comprehending what I was trying to say in the first place, not whatever you said lmao. Cope and seethe, though, I'm sure Mojang will listen if you throw a big enough fit :)
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