Morneite's Avatar
Level 23
Expert Crab

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  • Morneite's Avatar
    January 11, 2023, 4:28 am to Public
    hi guys, it’s morneite/DalekPotato/morii/whatever you called me back then lol

    This is a pretty long shot since i know a lot of my old friends on here have been inactive for a while but i just wanted to ask on the very off chance that if anyone has ANY of my old art, skins, etc from 2014-2015 downloaded anywhere, please send them my way. Wayback Machine only does so much in my favour (i’ve recovered 2 of my old bios) and i’m trying to archive as much of my good memories as possible, so it’s really unfortunate that i deleted alot of my old stuff a while back. If you have any of my old works saved anywhere it would mean alot to me if you showed them, the people on this site got 12 year old me through alot in my life so i want to be able to have something to look back on.

    Also if there are any of my old friends still here then hi!!!!!! How have you been, what are you up to etc
    a Hetalia phase is embarrassing but u guys still meant alot to me LOL so thank you

    that’s all for now, peace and love <3 thank u
    (also idk if anyone remembers the slugnati uprising but if you do you’re an og)
  • Morneite's Avatar
    March 30, 2017, 2:25 pm to Public
    i guess i might come back. idk. i'm making a skin and it's not really all that fun since i have a problem with comparing my older work to the work im doing currently and eh. time will tell i guess
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