Lorlynn's Avatar
Level 16 Journeyman Architect

All About Me

I have always been the type of person who goes the creative route in life, and that isn't any different when I play Minecraft. I actually started building when I first got Minecraft on console (PS3). The first thing I ever built was a Gothic style mansion, and I remember wanting to give up half way through because of how annoying it was to place every block by hand. I got over it of course, and continued until the end. I ended up being so proud of that mansion.. sadly I no longer have images of it.

I'll save the whole sob story of how Minecraft indirectly saved my life and honestly made it better. Instead I'll make comparisons of where I was VS where I am now.

Shy and in my shell > More open and out of my shell.
Single and unhappy > Engaged and forever happy.
Lived in Ohio > Now live in North Carolina
1 friend that I actively saw and spent time with > Four friends that are all I could ask for in life.
1 best friend > 3 best friends.
Depressed every day > Happy a majority of the time.
Server player > Server Co-Owner / Build Team Head.

Those are just the most important things in my life, and honestly it wasn't Minecraft itself that made that happen, it was a server in particular. Knockturn Networks - Mordonia.

Anyway, I'll save the water works, because if I had explained all of that, you would have clicked off by now, I'm sure a lot of you already did anyway! xD

I have always been a writer, way longer than I have been a builder for Minecraft. Luckily, my writing and my building go hand and hand most of the time. I'll either write lore and get the urge to build from it, or I'll build something and suddenly I have full lore surrounding it playing in my head. Writing is actually what I want to do with my life, but building is a happy hobby while I work toward that dream.

This about me is most likely all over the place, and probably missing pieces, but while I may be a writer.. I am horrible about telling things about myself. So I'm going to end this here, but I will say this - I like making new friends and if you ever wanna ask questions, don't be afraid to do so!

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Aug 16, 2016Joined PMC
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