Innominate's Avatar
Level 39
Artisan Vampire

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  • Innominate's Avatar
    May 9, 2017, 10:08 pm to Public
    (This is an edited repost of something I put on the forums)

    Hi there! I'll try to make this brief, but there's a lot to talk about.

    I've been working on Derp Quest II for quite some time now, and it's really become rather overwhelming at times. I will never give up on this map, but I recently came to a new conclusion:

    I can't do this alone.

    I usually like to keep my maps to myself as I don't want to mix too many ideas or be too demanding, but this time I've got to make an exception. It's simply too much for one person to handle without taking forever.

    So, if you're looking for a large-scale project to help out with and are good with building or redstone (or have mapmaking experience in general), please reply! I could really use your help.

    I'm only seeking 1 or 2 people for the time being. I don't care about gender, but I'd ask that you be in your mid-to-upper teens or above if you'd like to help out. Exceptions can be made, of course. :)

    The only other requirement is Skype, Discord or something of the like. That way we can communicate more effectively.

    You don't need to work constantly on this project, either. I don't work on it everyday myself, so I'll probably setup a private server for it.

    Lastly, I warn you: if you're a fan of my work at all, working on this will spoil everything. So if you like the surprise of a new map... well, you know.

    I won't ask for contact information here. If you're interested, reply and we can talk on here or through private messages.

    Thank you so much! I know that was a lot but, as I said, there was quite a bit to cover. If you are interested, please reply! It means the world to me.
  • Innominate's Avatar
    April 7, 2017, 10:24 pm to Public
    Hey everyone, just a quick announcement here.

    If all goes well, I should have a demo of Derp Quest II out by Sunday! This does not by any means mean I am close to done with it, unfortunately, but I wanted to give you all a taste of something other than screenshots and teasers.

    It won't be too long (Just the first stage of Chromatic City) and won't reveal too much about the story, but there are clues hidden around for the more observant among you if anyone feels like trying to piece some things together.

    Collectibles will be present in this stage, so keep an eye out to get a feel for what's to come, both gameplay- and story-wise, in the full map. More information about these will be in the demo itself.

    I'm sure all of you know this, but I am excited to announce that I have a full soundtrack put together for this map with songs from many lovely artists who will be credited in full within the map. The music even loops due to the magic of scoreboard commands!

    I hope you all enjoy this when it comes out, and I will take the feedback I get to shape/modify some things in the full map. Cool? Cool.

    Thanks so much,
  • Innominate's Avatar
    April 1, 2017, 12:44 am to Public
    Hey everyone! Just thought I'd give you a brief update without making a huge blog post about it.

    I'm working on 3 smaller-scale maps at the moment if you weren't aware. These will all release before Derp Quest II.

    One is a CTF Pack with 5 original and 5 game-inspired levels. It will be slightly gimmicky and hopefully a lot of fun.

    One is a puzzle/adventure map. It will be very story-driven and called "EARTH 2150".

    The last one is kind of exciting: a proper finale to my original horror map series encompassing The Sewer and The Asylum. Expect something much better and much scarier!
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