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    12/04/2013 5:30 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Only bump once every 24 hours, I'd say I'm interested but you haven't put any information in the post such as the ideas you have, the difficulty of these ideas? How will it tie into the game and what will it achieve. Give me details in the post on what you have in mind and I will see If I find it possible within my ability. Or If I have the time to achieve this.
    12/04/2013 5:25 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Okay few things you need before making a game to actually keep on track and do a good job.
    - Story boards
    - Conceptual art
    - Mood boards
    - Pseudo code [FOR EVERYTHING]
    - Entity/Attribute lists
    - Aims
    - Functions
    - List of all objects within the game. (EVERYTHING)
    - A basic concept of the game (Not a paragraph on the story, I want pages on everything about the game, how it works, what you are meant to do, what makes this game fun? who's the audience for? A game overview, Flow charts, Narratives, Action lists, Game environment, Entity lists, Graphical Tools, User interface (Explain what each thing is, why it needs to be there, show some art) you should at least present some of this stuff when trying to get some help on your development. Not just a paragraph and say "Hey I need some help".

    This is the basic work you need to get sorted before you should even begin making your game. Then you need to go out and HIRE people or do it yourself. It's not hard to make a game by yourself if you have the know-how and the patience. If you don't have these then there is no point in even finding people as you will just remove yourself from the team and let them do all the work.

    Get the 'pre-game' paperwork done before you actually begin thinking about writing the code for it. The few things you should at least have and present to people when asking help is a Game overview, Pseudo code and some entity/entity attribute lists. Yet you haven't given us anything..

    (I know this is a long winded paragraph/rant or whatever but I'm pretty much sick of people popping onto PMC asking for help on a game that they can't program, a game that they can't even draw out and a game in which they haven't even got pseudo code.)

    (PMC-ers, friendly note.. If you're going to make a post about you needing help on a game.. Don't be a noob)
    12/03/2013 6:27 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Grab the following:
    Butchers Knife
    The set of many smaller knives I have that can be used for reserves or throwing..
    Essential such as torches, small pop up tent (In my garage.. I'm prepped for this ***)

    I'd then continue to fight the ones off In my house using melee weapons (Gotat conserve that ammo) and run into my backgarden, hop the fence. Dash into the miles of fields I have behind my house, go to the part where there are partial woods setup camp. Go back for friends (family already with me because we are boss..), rob the nearest supermarket for supplies. Rob the police department for some ammo because yolo.. (Yeah I said yolo..) and hide out in my camp and eventually make it bigger and bigger until more people come.. places are starting to be built.. A wall, homes, cottages, shops. Make a little community with nothing to worry about..


    Sit in my house and wait it out because it's stupid.. The army could easily deal with such an outbreak before it got too out of hand. The fact that all medical personnel in the world would be helping find a way to stop it and prevent it from happening again, as well as every armed individual doing their bit whether it be fending for themselves/others. Then theres the Army, Navy, Airforce and Marines in every country that will also be constantly fighting them off.. They'd be all dead before any serious damage would happen..
    12/03/2013 9:02 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Hm.. wasn't aware of the console.log function however I was under the assuption he had an increment somewhere and thought to type out a variable you needed quotations lol.
    12/03/2013 8:44 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    No information was given to what he wanted to do or what the language was, I assumed it was Java as it is posted in a minecraft site and what was wrote in the original post is java. There was no Javascript involved. Couldn't really tell without the function being seen within the original post.
    12/03/2013 8:27 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    You basicaly stated the STRING 'hello' is the INTEGER '5' then log the "I finished my first course".
    You need to correct it so that both variable are either a string or integer, and then put 2 '=' like so '==' In order to say equal to rather than it is equal. 2 equal signs mean if they are equal where as one states that they are. Here is your correction.

    if (hello == 5){
    console.log("I finished my first course!");

    What you need to do is create a new variable named hello which is an integer. Then use the code above.
    A run through:
    if (hello == 5){
    If the variable HELLO is equal to the number 5 (2 = signs) then:
    console.log("I finished my first course!");

    Hope that helps lol I'm no good at explaining things :p
    12/02/2013 3:35 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Lol the text is white xD
    12/02/2013 3:35 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Thanks a bunch lol
    12/02/2013 10:29 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Made no sense to me..
    11/30/2013 5:20 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Upgrading shouldn't be this difficult -.-
    Backup your hard drive. Buy Windows7 on DISC and pop it into your computer.
    11/30/2013 5:17 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    So... Planet minecraft? Also have the exact same layout pretty much. But whatever I'll hop in.

    Web Developer(Get the name right..) App :
    Name: Ben
    Experience: Developed 3 sites of my own. Passed my Web Development units within the course I am studying.Worked for an agency for 3 months. My job there was basically designing the site and coming up with the JavaScript. People came in wanting a site, we made it.
    Age: 16
    What web development languages do you know: HTML(Not a programming language but I think I know what you are asking for.) CSS, JavaScript, JQuerry, VBScript.
    Skype: zadritani
    More info :
    11/30/2013 5:11 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    It's possible but the time taken in order to do it, to get the biomes just right as well as adding things in such as the temperature system which changes world generation will take weeks to do. To attune it correctly and do everything just right will be difficult and time consuming. By the time such a mod exists from this point on wards, forge will have updated.
    11/30/2013 5:03 am
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Modding is quite easy when you get stuck in. Just learn Java and then go through the Minecraft code to understand its API and boom your done.
    Java tutorials - www.youtube.com/TheNewBoston
    Look for his beginner Java programming tutorials. I learnt from him.

    And mod tutorials, well just youtube it, there's plenty out there.
    11/29/2013 2:05 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    The error doesn't state anything wrong with your code but it doesn't like how you've compiled it.
    Instead of asking me learn how to read an error yourself, thank!
    11/29/2013 1:34 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Thanks :3
    11/29/2013 1:27 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    I'll give it a go
    11/29/2013 1:09 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Didn't think of that but no, because I want to improve my art and I don't know how as everyone is too lazy to give me some feedback.
    11/29/2013 12:57 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    bump ^_^
    11/28/2013 5:56 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Report it to the mods, don't make a forum post on it.
    11/28/2013 5:54 pm
    Level 43 : Master Modder
    HyJaffa's Avatar
    Some examples?

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