fairybea's Avatar
Level 17
Journeyman Toast

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bea l she/her l cancer | slytherpuff

F2U My Neighbor Totoro Icon by engare

just a girl who loves anime, art, video games, and musicals

studio ghibli art. by tragedic-rhapsody

stuff i like

: fairy tail, ancient magus bride, black butler, tokyo ghoul, studio ghibli movies, attack on titan,
sword art online, elfen lied, your lie in april, another, danganronpa, tsundere children,
violet evergarden, and kiss him not me

musicals : the phantom of the opera, dear evan hansen, be more chill, and hamilton

video games : minecraft, mystic messenger, doki doki literature club,
world of warcraft, and animal crossing

request format

Alex or Steve - ?
Female or Male - ?
Shirt Design - ?
Pants Design - ?
Skin Tone - ?
Shoe Design - ?
Accessories - ?
Extra - ?


Just dm me with this filled out, and preferably with a picture
reference. And I will get it to you asap!


All skins are made by me.
Do not steal, copy, or recolor any of them.
Or I will hunt you down.
Thank you.

Planet Minecraft


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