Eratheon's Avatar
Level 43
Master Zombie

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    05/30/2012 6:00 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    sgtbradersIGN: sgtbraders + 10
    Nickname: sgt +10
    Age: 13 +5

    How long have you been playing Minecraft? Just Before Alpha Ended. +10
    Timezone: Im From England, In The London Timezone. +5

    Why should we recruit you? I Can Help With Builds, And I Can Do Many things Like Redstone and Houses, And I Am Pretty Good With Castles, I Have Proof Of A Motte And Bailey Castle I Made, Also, I Can Give Other Builders Ideas, And Ways To Improve Their Builds. Here Is My Castle: (Sorry Its A Zip) + 25

    How often can you be on? I Am On Past 7:30pm and Sundays I Will Be On from 1:00Pm + 10

    What are you good at? Castles, Medieval Style Buildings, Discos, Bridges, Huge Rooms, I express My Feelings Using Minecraft Builds. + 15

    Maturity Scale? I Dont Really Swear And Dont Annoy People, I Am Not Abusive, So Maybe A 9? + 10

    Anything else? I Am Good With Computers. Classed As A Nerd In My School. I Am Only Active In Servers That Are In Creative Mode. I Dont Like Griefers. I Am Male.
    I Have Been Looking For A Building Group To Join. I Am A Fan Of Fyre And Other Teams.
    I Play Regularly On (Creative Server)
    I Owned My Own Server. I Am Willing To Answer Any Questions You Ask About Me (Not Too personal) + 20

    Do you have skype and a microphone? yes. + 10

    Hope I Can Build Soon, And Become Part Of Your Building Community.

    +10 Bonus for a great application!

    Total Score: 140

    I like how you submitted pictures of your castle. I viewed all the pictures and I can say that I like the castle a lot. The walls around the NPC village are kind of random, I think - Try finding a way to connect it. I think that the main castle itself is surrounded by the Kingdom's buildings and then the wall.
    05/30/2012 5:46 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Keitho15IGN: Keitho15 +10
    Nickname: Keitho +10
    17 +5
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? : Since Beta 1.2 +10
    Timezone: GMT 0 - Ireland + 5
    Why should we recruit you? I'm easy to work with, I'm a great graphics artist(photoshop), I can also make websites, I'm a genuine nice guy. + 15
    How often can you be on? Minimum of 3 days a week. +10
    What are you good at? I mostly specialise in building Medieval structures including houses, castles , towers, walls, etc. I'm not the best at redstone circuits but I know a good bit of redstone. + 15
    Maturity Scale? 8 out of 10 +5
    Do you have skype and a microphone? : Yes +10

    (+10) Easy to read and looks polished!

    Total Score: 105

    A little more detail would be nice. Besides that, good application!
    05/30/2012 5:42 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Cleber2532VIGN:Cleber2532 +10
    Nickname: Cleber +10
    Age:12 ( Yes I know its young but I can be as mature as anyone) +10 (I agree)
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? About a Year now +10
    Timezone: Eastern +5
    Why should we recruit you? Im smart I think beyond what I see. I create ideas if a build does not look good I will not present it. I know how to work and am happy to do it. I can copy anything I see (give me a sample and ill be able to copy that theme) +15
    How often can you be on?1-7 hours a day for summer +10
    What are you good at? Modern style buildings, or fancy architecture. +10
    Maturity Scale? Out of 10 an 8 +5
    Anything else? I love to build from the architecture I see in the world. I usually go on google and search for a genre of architecture and base a building off of that. +20
    Do you have skype and a microphone? (Yes/No) Yes +10

    (+15) Nicely written. Pleasant to read! Great job!

    Total Score: 130

    I enjoyed reading this application, Cleber! You seem to be quite passionate about your creations in Minecraft - I like that. Overall, great job!
    05/30/2012 5:12 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar

    You will be contacted if you passed Stage 1.
    In the message, we will give you the IP of the server and a whole bunch of other information! Please be patient as we want to recruit the best people possible!

    Thanks for posting!
    05/30/2012 4:57 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    hooganhalIGN: dinosaws +10
    Nickname: dino +10
    Age: 15 +5
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? I've been playing since version 1.5 +10
    Why should we recruit you? I'm a fun person to be around, I've got quite a sense of humor, but am still quite a mature responsible person. +5
    How often can you be on? I'm often to be on every day, however I would prefer to join this group as we'll only be on for around once per week. +10
    What are you good at? I'm good at building design buildings with a very high level of detail. +10
    Maturity Scale? I'm quite a mature person for my age, if I don't reveal my age, online players may think I'm 19-20. +10
    Anything else? I'm very creative. +5
    Do you have skype and a microphone? (Yes/No) Yes I have a microphone and skype. +10

    Total Score: 90

    (+5) Appearance looks great.

    Quite short, to the point and simple. If you can add anything else, feel free to do so. I suggest adding something to "Why should we recruit you?"
    05/30/2012 4:53 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    rileythemanIm Going For Admin or semi admin
    IGN: rileytheman +10
    Nickname: riley +10
    Age: 16 +5
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? for 3 years +10
    Why should we recruit you? Im a great builder and great at creating i had my own server until it brock down and stopped working ( 50 ppl were on most of the time ) and im a great guy over all +15
    How often can you be on? mainly for 2 hrs each afternoon and sometimes all day on the week end( cuz i might have homework and a job) +5
    What are you good at? creating and building and sports, parkour and ect +5
    Maturity Scale? out of 10/10 +5
    Anything else? ill help as much as i can ill do my very best + 5
    Do you have skype and a microphone? (Yes/No) yes i do have skype and i can talk if you have skype +10

    (-10) Kind of hard to read - Hard to see the question and the answer.
    (-5) Was vague at times.

    Total Score: 65

    It isn't a bad application but it could use some work.
    If you can add a bit more detail to this application then it would benefit you. I'll allow you to re-post this with improvements since you were the first to apply
    Make it look nice and polished.
    05/28/2012 1:38 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    What Rank are you applying for? Admin
    Why would you be a good part of staff: I would be a great part of staff because I am an older, respectful and mature person. I enjoy playing Minecraft during most of my day. I have experience with being a part of Staff on two other servers - therefore, I possess a great deal of experience in terms of plugin use and execution, dealing with players, and making the server efficient and successful. I believe that my dedicated attitude will help this server greatly. I work well with groups of people and as an individual. I am a fast learner and I adapt to my environment quite well. I am applying for Admin because I want to be one of those people who are able to do something when there are rule breakers on the server. Those kinds of people just ruin the Minecraft experience and I would like to be there to aid in making players have the best experience possible.
    What plugins are you good at? I am familiar with Essentials, PermissionsEx, WorldEdit, Towny, Factions, Lockette, BattleNight and Pvparena. I don't find it hard to learn to use new plugins - they are fairly simple to understand.
    Ign: Hunter__1
    Age: Just turned 17 :3
    Timezone: Eastern
    When can you usually be on? I can usually be on for 2-3 hours after school. I am usually busier on weekends - I can go on 1-2 hours then.

    Thanks for reading my application.
    05/25/2012 9:18 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Hahaha Thanks for the kind words!
    05/25/2012 8:55 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Eratheon's Application

    Minecraft IGN: Hunter__1

    Nickname: Josh

    Are you over 14? Yes, I am 16 years old.

    Do you have skype? Yes I have skype.

    How much time can you dedicate to this server? I can dedicate a good chunk of my time. This would amount to approximately 3-4 hours or more per day. I am a little busier on weekends, however, and might only be able to contribute 1-2 hours then.[/b]

    What position are you applying for? I would like to apply for all three of the positions. I do this so that you can choose the position that you see me better in. In your eyes, do I qualify for Admin? For Moderator? Or for a Builder? I used to be a Moderator on SpartanCraft before it went down and I built many things on servers.

    What race do you want to be when the server starts? I would really love to be a Dwarf as my usual skin would be related to the famous Honeydew. :3

    What are you good at? I am a well rounded guy. I like to build structures that look well together (towns, castles etc). I also like to think of myself as a 'good' skinner. I am also relatively good at plugin use and execution.

    Maturity Scale: I am a mature guy. I don't do stupid stuff and only really joke around from time to time. I am patient with players. I would like to rate myself at 8/10.

    Anything else you want to tell us: I am a person who respects those who earn it. Everybody is my friend until they convince me otherwise. I work well with other people and as an individual. I am very resourceful. When I do not know how to do something or how something works, I will search the internet for an answer. I am hard working, dedicated and conscientious. Many things come naturally to me as I am well rounded. Many people tell me that I learn fast.

    Thank you for reading my application.
    - Eratheon
    04/21/2012 2:48 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Is this cracked?
    04/13/2012 1:23 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    this is CRACKED ??

    I'm a big fan of the Hunger Games and I found it hard to find a Cracked Server to play this Game with other people

    But I found this!
    I would LOVE to join this server to play this Game.
    I would like to be District 5 please!
    My IGN is: Eratheon

    Please reply soon!
    03/26/2012 2:04 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Hello! I play "Cracked" Minecraft.

    IGN: Eratheon

    Age: 16

    Country: Canada

    Time Zone: GMT - 5

    Do you have Skype?: Yes, but I don't have a good working microphone.

    Position(s) Applying for: I would like to apply for the Actor role. Being an Actor will be my primary choice! However, I am somewhat okay with the builder position. I like to think of myself as a Moderately good builder.

    Minecraft and Me:
    I have been playing Minecraft non-stop since Beta 1.8.1! Since that time, however, I have also learned almost everything I can about Minecraft. This would include things from: time management, planning ahead, mob behavior, block behavior and information on many other things in the game.

    Reasons why you should pick me:
    I am a 16 year old student who just loves playing Minecraft! I am a hard worker in everything I apply myself in - school, extra curriculars, and even video games such as Minecraft.
    I am a Moderator at the Cracked SpartanCraft server (IP: and you can speak to anybody there about me - ask any other Moderators, players and the Owner.
    I have always wanted to be in a Youtube group in terms of making videos and having fun with everyone! I believe you do better when you're passionate about something. I am a determined, reliable guy. No job is easy and I like to take challenges. I am also very neat and quick at typing.

    I am looking forward to a reply from you. Please remember that I am using Cracked (non premium) Minecraft).
    Thank you for reading my application!
    03/25/2012 9:44 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Here's your cat! Sorry, I had trouble with the white fur. I wasn't satisified with the way it looked. But anyways, here it is!
    03/25/2012 2:48 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Hahaha! Give me a specific one to do. And do you want them in some sort of outfit like a suit? Or just a plain person?
    03/25/2012 2:47 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    I really appreciate the kind words! Thank you!
    03/25/2012 2:47 pm
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Does he have boots? Lol xD
    03/25/2012 12:51 am
    Level 43 : Master Zombie
    Eratheon's Avatar
    Okay if you posted here, your skin is being worked on at this very moment. Expect them soon!

    Sorry for the VERY LATE reply! I feel bad :/

    I'm working on em asap!

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