Dryoid1's Avatar
Level 36
Artisan Architect

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  • Dryoid1's Avatar
    January 2, 2020, 12:50 am to Public
    Plans for 2020.

    Ah yes, 2020 is upon us, a new decade for something new eh? Pretty odd to say that I did say that I'd try to post regularly again, and here I am now posting, months after this build. But I guess this is sort of a life update, once again. 2019 has been such a whirlwind for me, not only now going to school for something that I love, but also just being in college has been such a massive change in my life. At least I've made it through a semester.

    Speaking upon the new decade, I do have many ambitions, along with some things that I will try to do on the regular to the best of my ability. I know many of you are familiar with Ryer with him posting his architecture blogs during his time in school. I've decided to follow his footsteps and do the same thing while I'm here in college.

    I will try at least every week, two weeks, or month to post my college experience at the University of Kentucky and in the school of architecture. I do hope that it will be something fun, but as well as intriguing to anyone who is a long-time sub, or someone new who is interested in what I'm doing.

    Regardless though, I am looking forward to my 2020, and of course, as I am in my winter break at the moment, there won't be any posts until the end of the month. In the meantime, I will try to get some builds that I have made the last few months posted here on the page for everyone to look at, along with finding old builds that were made during my PMC hiatus in 2016-17. I'm looking forward to an exciting 2020 and hopefully, this decade will be better than the last.

    = dryoid.
  • Dryoid1's Avatar
    September 22, 2019, 6:05 pm to Public
    I think I'm back?

    It has indeed been quite a hefty minute since the last time I was ever on the website, and here we are, back again. It's been uh, yeah, 3 years since my last post---nice. Well many things since then have happened, I'm in college now, I'm a legal adult, and my PMC account has turned 7 years old. It feels like I'm a veteran of Minecraft nowadays, I guess, but here I am to bring up some updates!

    I do plan on making somewhat a comeback to PMC, yet I've done this, countless times that I've said: "comeback is on." This time I do mean it. The sudden resurgence of popularity with Minecraft has once again sparked my interest in the game and I'm doing my absolute best to try and come back and post here once again.

    However, things will be changing from here on out. With many of you as you know, I am now in college, and Minecraft legitimately got me to where I am now. Since MC got me into college, I will now be treating my PMC as something more professional and proper now, immediately upon my first post back.

    Many of my posts and everything will now become more of a consideration into potential portfolio ideas whenever I do image editing or anything of that regard, so posts might not be as it used to be eons ago, being weekly, rather bi-weekly, even monthly depending on how much output I can put into the game.

    Needless to say, I'm happy to be back playing Minecraft once again. Of course, college work depending, and I have my first exam very soon, I will try to strike a balance between college work and my posts here once again.

    If you're needing to get into contact with me, I am on discord, don't fret to DM me or add me even! I as well have made a big comeback onto Cubed Creative, many of you know that I played on the server forever, but I am back onto the server again sparking my comeback!

    Anyways, thank you for reading, can't wait to be back!

    - dryoid.
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