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Level 3 Apprentice Explorer

Weapon Guide (Minecraft Java 1.9 or later) unenchanted

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Melee Weapons:

    Wooden Sword: 4 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Golden Sword: 4 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Stone Sword: 5 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Iron Sword: 6 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Diamond Sword: 7 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Netherite Sword (1.16 or later): 8 damage, cooldown of 0.63 seconds
    Wooden Axe: 7 damage, cooldown of 1.25 seconds
    Golden Axe: 7 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Stone Axe: 9, damage cooldown of 1.25 seconds
    Iron Axe: 9 damage, cooldown of 1.11 seconds
    Diamond Axe: 9 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Netherite Axe (1.16 or later): 10 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Wooden Pickaxe: 2 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Golden Pickaxe: 2 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Stone Pickaxe: 3 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Iron Pickaxe: 4 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Diamond Pickaxe: 5 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Netherite Pickaxe (1.16 or later): 6 damage, cooldown of 0.83 seconds
    Wooden Shovel: 2.5 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Golden Shovel: 2.5, damage cooldown of 1 second
    Stone Shovel: 3.5 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Iron Shovel: 4.5 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Diamond Shovel: 5.5 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Netherite Shovel (1.16 or later): 6.5, damage cooldown of 1 second
    Wooden Hoe: 1 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Golden Hoe: 1 damage, cooldown of 1 second
    Stone Hoe: 1 damage, cooldown of 0.5 seconds
    Iron Hoe: 1 damage, cooldown of 0.33 seconds
    Diamond Hoe: 1 damage, cooldown of 0.25 seconds
    Netherite Hoe (1.16 or later): 1 damage, cooldown of 0.25 seconds


9 damage, cooldown of 0.91 seconds
    Bow: .5-11 damage, cooldown of 0 seconds
    Crossbow: 11-18 damage with max firework rocket, and 7-11 damage with arrows, cooldown of 0 seconds
    0 damage, 3 damage to blazes, cooldown of 0 seconds
    65 damage if the player stands adjacent to it, priming time of 4 seconds
    5 damage per second
Armor and Shields and Totems:

    Leather helmet blocks 4% of damage
    Chainmail helmet blocks 8% of damage
    Gold helmet blocks 8% of damage
    Iron helmet blocks 8%of damage
    Turtle shell helmet blocks 8% of damage
    Diamond helmet blocks 12% of damage

    Netherite helmet blocks 12% of damage
    Leather chestplate blocks 12% of damage
    Chainmail chestplate blocks 20% of damage
    Gold chestplate blocks 20% of damage
    Iron chestplate blocks 24% of damage
    Diamond chestplate blocks 32% of damage
    Netherite chestplate 32% of damage
    Leather leggings block 8% of damage
    Chainmail leggings block 16% of damage
    Gold leggings block 12% of damage
    Iron leggings block 20% of damage
    Diamond leggings block 24% of damage
    Netherite leggings block 24% of damage
    Leather boots block 4% of damage
    Chainmail boots block 4% of damage
    Gold boots block 4% of damage
    Iron boots block 8% of damage
    Diamond boots block 12% of damage
    Netherite boots block 12% of damage
  Full Set:
    Leather armor 28% of damage
    chainmail blocks 52% of damage
    Gold blocks 44% of damage
    Iron blocks 60% of damage
    Diamond blocks 80% of damage
    Netherite blocks 80% of damage

    Shields block 100% of damage
  Totem of undying 
    The totem of undying restores .5 damage, removes all existing status effects, then grants 45 seconds of Regeneration II, 40 seconds of Fire     Resistance I and 5 seconds of Absorption II.

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