AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
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  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    April 26, 2022, 9:08 am to Public
    comment a letter and i'll answer it !! also, This idea was astrid_moon's so yeah, credits to her.

    A - are you single?
    B - birthday?
    C- colour of your hair?
    D - drink you last had?
    E - easiest person to talk to?
    F - favorite BTS song/s?
    G - good at?
    H - Height?
    I - in love with?
    J - jealous of?
    K - known as?
    L - longest relationship?
    M - main person in your life
    N - name?
    O - one wish?
    P - person last texted?
    Q - question always asked?
    R - roses or lilies?
    S - song of other artists which you like
    T - time you wake up?
    U - ur bias wrecker in BTS?
    V - vanilla or chocolate?
    W - weight?
    X - any bf?
    Y - your bias in BTS?
    Z - zodiac sign?
  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    March 9, 2022, 4:53 am to Public
    Everyone pls listen to this song

  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    March 7, 2022, 7:17 am to Public
    Ok so I'm Planning to do somethin during spring vacations so anyone can comment on what to do
  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    December 31, 2021, 3:34 pm to Public
    Happy New Year!
  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    November 16, 2021, 12:25 pm to Public
    so, i'm not gonna be online till like 28th nov. cuz i have exams. this is my schedule:

    math - 16th nov
    science - 17th nov
    eng - 18th nov
    sst (social studies) - 21st nov
    hindi - 22nd nov
    uaesst (united arab emirates social studies) - 23rd nov
    arabic - 24th nov
    general knowledge - 25th nov
    moral education - 28th nov
    ahhhlynnn said 2021-12-19 02:04:08
    ahhhlynnn's Avatar
    did u literally just copy what i wrote-
    Papa Enny said 2021-11-16 13:16:35
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    Good luck
  • AesthxticAlice_'s Avatar
    October 18, 2021, 6:34 am to Public

    Usually I hate chain mail but this one is super cute and REALLY WORKS🌸

    There are 7 billion people in this world and you are one of them🌏

    You are special and beautiful which is why I’m sending this to you🍭

    I want good things to happen to you so read this🏆

    Now that you have read the beginning you can’t get out of this

    You will get a new iPhone in a year📱

    You will get crowned prom queen in high school👑

    You will get your dream pet for Christmas🐶

    You will become very popular🎀

    🧸Everyone will love you🧸

    Send this to 15 people in the next 30 minutes⏰

    If you ignore that means bad luck for the next 3 years💀

    You will also struggle with your grades next year😟


    A girl ignored this last year
    Dear God
    The girl who is reading this msg she is good girl .her all wishes will come true.In 10 minutes with you will have good will Forward
    this msg to 15 girls then in 5 days this will happen
    Papa Enny said 2021-10-18 13:09:04
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    Iphone is for spoiled fake anti capitalism depressed billie eilish anti men girls

    Men use Cups with rope
    Sassafras said 2021-10-18 08:54:38
    Sassafras's Avatar
    But what if you identify against your gender from birth most days(like me)

    well I know this is fake I’ve done stuff like this I’ve always had bad luck also the new iphone thing will never come true because my family doesn’t have that much money, my school doesn’t have a prom, we won’t get another pet cuz pets are expensive and as I said we don’t have a lot of money, I have a curse and that is that i have never been popular ever and I’ve always been picked on and nobody except my meager friend group and my family loves me

    i don’t have 30 minutes to send it to people, I barely have 1 minute, I have already had bad luck for my whole life and I don’t expect it to change, and I definitely won’t struggle with grades because im special and I don’t need to study and I already understood what we're goin to be learning about for next few months and I know the rest is easy as well

    so like
    there you go
    ahhhlynnn said 2021-10-18 06:45:33
    ahhhlynnn's Avatar
    already read it <33
    uploaded it on my profile too

    gosh, imagine if someone had bad luck for 3 years!
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