AcyFactory's Avatar
Level 3 Apprentice Miner

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  • AcyFactory's Avatar
    September 21, 2022, 3:30 pm to Public
    I see a lot of people who use this website as a social media site kind of overthink things about how other people interact with their content to the point of distress and it makes me a bit sad.

    Not getting a lot of diamonds, does everyone hate me?
    Getting too many diamonds, am I being stalked?

    I think it's important to remember that not everyone is using this website as a social media site, but as a content repository instead. They're not looking to make friends, they're looking for content that they want to use in their Minecraft games.
    It doesn't necessarily mean your art is bad if it doesn't get a lot of attention, it may just not be something that someone else would personally use. Likewise, a lot of attention could mean you made something with a lot of mass appeal.

    I think the social aspects of PMC are great and make it stand out from the other big Minecraft content repositories like Curseforge and Modrinth, but it's important to remember that there are still a lot of people using the site more similarly to a repository and not a social media site like Twitter.

    It's natural to feel a little sad when your art doesn't get the attention you want, but please try not to let it cause regular distress to yourself. If you think creating and uploading content to this site or any is negatively effecting your mental health, don't be afraid to take a break or even straight up quit.
    Deosil25 said 2022-09-22 02:47:11
    Deosil25's Avatar
    AcyFactory, Thank you for this post.

    As a Designer/Artist IRL I know what you describing here, and its a problem. We want everyone to like everything we do, but we just cannot live like that. We are all different and its this difference that makes us unique... and also this difference we have, that makes us not always like everything that someone posts. This is okay... Art/Creation is never perfect, but ever growing and evolving.

    I am a victim to this myself, but I have been succeeding in removing these feelings, and just embracing that Beauty/Content might not always be for everyone, but the next one might.

    Again, Thank you for sharing a real problem that needs to be understood.
    ZappyGru said 2022-09-21 20:57:50
    ZappyGru's Avatar
    some people just gotta learn that the real life is outside of social media
    you can be the most popular person on this site and literally no one would notice your fame on the streets
    that's why people shouldn't take it took seriously, it's all smokes and mirrors
    ThisIsMystic said 2022-09-21 19:47:12
    ThisIsMystic's Avatar
    Definitely. Mental health should always take the priority. Life isn't about this, the online social media fame and all that. It's about what happens in the real world. One of the main reasons I'm nearing the end of being on PMC; mental health. That aspect isn't even from the site, it's just something that makes it hard for me to work on projects.
    Papa Enny said 2022-09-21 16:28:42
    Papa Enny's Avatar
    It's a fact
    MoonAstraea said 2022-09-21 16:19:00
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  • AcyFactory's Avatar
    August 15, 2022, 2:06 am to Public
    I want some sort of sona to use for Minecraft stuff I don't have any ideas though and thinking too hard and too long about how I should represent myself kinda gives me an identity crisis. Who am I really? What am I?
  • AcyFactory's Avatar
    August 13, 2022, 12:44 am to Public


    me and my friend just wanted to do some minigames for a change of pace rather than our smp and I was like "oh theres this really popular server I see everyone talk about let's try it!" and was greeted with this :(
    ChronoFury said 2022-08-13 03:20:27
    ChronoFury's Avatar
    Perhaps someone went on your account and did something they weren't supposed to?

    Hypixel is really strict with bans, but you can try appealing if you legitimately didn't do anything.
    BookWyrm_ said 2022-08-13 01:34:15
    BookWyrm_'s Avatar
    Yeah, hypixel’s ban system/anticheat sucks. My main account has been randomly banned 4 times now
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