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Level 42
Master Fox

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    05/12/2016 11:45 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    The fact that I've actually looked up that channel. XD
    05/12/2016 11:41 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    I'm back suckers. Not that it meant much and that I posted often. But hey, I'm back, so hi.

    I've seen that channel too, sad as it is...
    05/12/2016 11:28 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    Lilla: ((Haha xD)) I stop at the shop, chaining my bike and unlocking the door, opening it for the day. I start cleaning some of the flour and mess up on the counter from yesterday and I start icing some donuts. A couple regular customers come by.
    05/12/2016 11:10 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Lilla: Rolling off the bed, I scream minorly, and sit up. Looking at the clock I sigh in relief as I still have an hour to be at work, and I *climb* out if my bedroom since I stay in the attic. The house is small, and my kitchen and dining room are together. The bedroom I have I've used for a photography/art room. I walk into the kitchen, and make some quick breakfast. After taking a shower I get dressed into my clothes for the day and head out on my bike. The weather is a little humid already, and I grumble slightly, closing my eyes for a moment. (Holy crap, what a long post)
    05/12/2016 10:40 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Lilla: My name is Lilla, or as most people say, Lo. I've been staying in a small house near some apartments for about six months now. I moved to Winchester alone after graduating and I've been working at an old friend's shop for the time being. My parent's think I'm maturing by staying alone, I just find it nice I don't have to do school, or see them right now.
    05/12/2016 6:16 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    (May we start now?)
    05/12/2016 6:07 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Name: Lilla ( LIL-LAH)
    Sex: Female
    Portrait, or similar character's portrait:
    Age: 19
    Personality: Quiet, a thinker, maybe a little superstitious. Has a more dark sense of humour.
    Family Descent: British, and half Korean. Her father is Korean, her mother British.
    Birthday: February 14 (I know, I know)
    Inspiration for character: A voice-over thing I do. I'm kind of playing a similar character.
    Character anthem: (I'll add it in a bit)
    Story of character: Lilla was adopted and raised in Winchester by her parents and when she was eleven moved to the city. After graduation, she moved back to Winchester since her parents were hoping she could experience "living on her own" and "maturing". She's been there for about six months now, and lives in a small house.
    10/17/2015 2:16 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    I like forums, but I'm currently doing like three forums right now so it's kind of hard to post on this one sometimes. Plus, I'm moving again so it's difficult to get on here sometimes.
    10/07/2015 11:25 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Me right now.
    10/07/2015 11:18 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    The only outcast here is me. =P
    10/06/2015 4:07 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Finally watched Tamako Love Story. It was bland, and pretty predictable. It was ok though. =/
    10/04/2015 5:44 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    I have four years till I turn eighteen. . . ;-;
    Happy birthday :3 (sorry, I'm a day late)
    10/03/2015 11:58 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    By the way, Koreans are great. They make the best dramas.
    Especially "Kill me, Heal me" =P They're kinda cheesy, but they're cool. =)
    10/03/2015 11:56 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    Packing has been hectic recently. . .I've been missing out on the forums. . . ;-;
    09/10/2015 5:20 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    XYZDimensionsAnyone else see this yet? Pokemon GO O_o
    I'm guessing its Pokemon Augmented into the real world for the actual game, but the trailer is actually sort of really cool O_O

    It's just a mobile game.

    Waffleman112It's a great way to pass the time catching Pokemon, exploring, and picking up some chicks.

    Gotta get some of them hot chicks, am I right??

    Omgosh xD
    Yeah, I kind of watched the trailer. It looks pretty cool.
    08/24/2015 10:52 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    Okay, get the non-chibi-more-expensive one. It's "amazeballs".
    But seriously it's cool. I mean, I'm having a tough time spending forty dollars on a Jelly Bean version tablet. It's much easier choosing what you should get.
    08/24/2015 12:58 am
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Reading Seraphina, by Rachel Hartman.
    08/24/2015 12:57 am
    Level 42 : Master Fox
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    Oh gosh. We tried too hard on the videos me and my friends worked on together. You can still see us post like every six months...
    You can actually go to the channel on my profile, right next to my description of my profile.
    It's a sad channel. There's like thirteen subscibers.

    Side Note: have you guys heard the crazy stuff going on with N. Korea and S. Korea?
    I have a feeling bad stuff is going to happen soon.
    08/22/2015 11:19 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    I finished some of that. . . It was good. ^^
    I can't remember how far I got... I'll try reading it again. owo Doesn't he (SPOILER BUT NOT REALLY) throw her hearing aids away? Then she leaves and later they meet in high school?
    I almost killed myself on this soap thing, that was at a camp. You slide down a hill, on this tarp stuff with soap. Almost broke my neck. . .Yep, worst experiences are the most memorable. At least for me. x.x
    I'm glad you had fun. I'm stuck at home while my siblings choose bedrooms in a new home. . .Note: I may be staying in the attic. Which sounds lovely.
    08/22/2015 12:56 pm
    Level 42 : Master Fox
    -Mage-'s Avatar
    Oh lord. xD

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