Creative Skinners's Avatar
Apprentice Party
Level 7
A Group for any type of Skinner!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I join?
Hello, we're glad to have you here, and we're thrilled to hear that you want to join, to join, all you have to do is ask in the Guestbook, or, if you're not comfortable with talking to other people, you can personally PM 'MyLittleLove' and ask privately.
What can I do here?
This is an little skinning community, for people to share each-other's work, and have fun, you can share your work in the Guestbook, make friends, ask for tips and tricks if you just started skinning, or give out tips and tricks if you're more advanced, if your shy to make friends, you can always chat with skinners, and maybe you'll make friends that way! :)
How do I 'share' my work?
To share your work, just tell us in the Guestbook, here's some examples:

"I've been working on this skin for a long time now, come check it out! Link "

"Here's some of my latest work."

"Could I have some feedback?"

And those are just examples, you don't have to say the exact same thing. :)


How can I move up my Rank?
The highest rank is, "Realistic Skinner", if you are that rank, you cannot move up no further, if you are under,
you can move up by uploading skins, being active, and getting better at skinning.
Some people have higher Ranks already... Why?
Before we invite someone that asked to be invited, we take a look at their work, depending on how good their skinning is, we give them a higher rank, or lower rank, you probably started off with a higher rank than others when you were first invited. :)
Can I be a Manager?
Managers help, and organize things, if you would like to be one, you can apply every Sunday here:
Planet Minecraft


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