FabledCraft Rpg Server ~ Brand New 100% Custom RPG Plugin

DestroTheGod's Avatar DestroTheGod6/17/12 11:30 am
1 emeralds 74
~= It... Is Time! =~

~= The FabledCraft Gaming Community Presents: =~

~= FC_RPG =~

~= The Ultimate Custom RPG Experience. =~

~= An Entirely New Frontier in the Minecraft Universe. =~

Website: http://fabledcraft.enjin.com/
Server IP:
Teamspeak IP + Port:

~= Preface: =~

I will not lie, this is your only warning. So many aspects of minecraft are changed/tweaked, that when you log onto the server, you should not expect to know how to do very much. That's just how it is. Last time I ran the plugin, nobody knew how to do anything, and were very confused. I must STRESS, that you read the help, please. The /rpg command will help you at all times, and you can see more help for almost every aspect of the plugin. This plugin is very experiemental. I have tested with 3-6 people VERY rigorously over the past three days to try to fix everything, that's why this open beta will last only four days. If this is very successful, then the beta will last longer. However, it will very unlikely last longer than four days because there are a bunch of awesome things I want to do, mainly, make a custom map. So get in while you can!

~= Server Description: =~

FabledCraft is a server that aims to take everything that a player knows about Minecraft, rip it out of their heads, and shatter it on the ground. The focus of FabledCraft is to create the most fun and immersive one-of-a-kind RPG experience that no other server on the planet offers. The server runs off of a few completely 100% custom plugins built from scratch by our plugin team as well as some of the most popular and widely used plugins.

When you first join the server you must pick out a class. The help regarding how to pick the class can be obtained using the /rpg command. Our main plugin, FC_Rpg, uses the /rpg command to handle and control all commands. After picking a class, you are able to enjoy all the features of the server. Our main world has a 5,000 world border and does not have PVP. The server has pvp disabled. You deal 0 damage to other players. In order to get protections for plots you have to be a builder.

Now that you know how our server is organized, let’s talk about the fun part, the RPG aspects! The class that you picked previously will determine what special perks you get in a battle. Different classes have different perks that they start off with. For example, if you are a swordsman you will have a chance to deal Area damage which has an increase in chance to happen and radius size at a around level 50. All classes also gain more perks or improved perks the higher their level. Killing monsters will reward you with experience points. Once you gain enough experience points you will level up. Upon leveling up you are able to add stat points to any of your stats. For more information about classes and stats, visit the CLASS page.
The other major aspect of your character is your job. Our job system forces players to work together or the server becomes literally impossible advance in! You can start off with all of the level one perks for each job. However, the level two perks are specialized for each job. Your job will determine what you are able to do on the server. Your job will also determine how you will acquire money as a secondary source aside from slaying monsters. If you become extremely wealthy on this server, then you will never have to worry about housing, hunger, or resources. Hire miners to clear out an underground lair and then have builders construct you a secret underground lair!

Job level is also the determining factor for what tools you may or may not use. As you become a higher level at a job you will be able to use stronger and more powerful tools. To become promoted in your job you must pay a fee. Also all of the jobs get cool bonuses the higher the rank you are. The strongest tools, golden, are far more powerful than their vanilla minecraft counterparts. Golden tools have chances to perform some of the most powerful specials in the game, have the highest damage, and have the highest defense. Gold is quite literally the pinacle of power in the RPG. Visit the jobs page.

Now that you know what your class and job do, it’s time to play on the server. No longer will you fight mobs to receive useless junk items such as string or spider eyes. Now you can fight mobs and they will all drop ores. The overall strength of a mob, amount of loot, and amount of experience of a mob that are given upon a mob death are increased vastly as you move further from spawn and deeper underground. Be careful though! Mobs found underground are even stronger than mobs on the surface. Going down to the bedrock level will result in mobs 10x stronger than those on the surface. In vanilla minecraft mobs can be killed with your fist. Also, mobs have a 25% of counterattack, just to make mobbing up on a single-mob have a small price, and prevent farming really high level mobs with ai abuse. On FabledCraft, going too far or too deep is a death wish. To enforce this idea of, “you will die if you go out too far”, we present a quote:

Milney67 said:
"The spiders are able to one hit me D:"

If you do die, and you very likely will, and there is enough room, your items will safely be placed into a chest at the location that you died. That’s right, we coded in death chests that will attempt to put down single or double chests at where you died. This means that you have infinite time to relocate your items, unless of course a passerby steals them. This dynamic of incredible difficulty increases the further you go out ensure that there are places on that map that are unexplored for a long time. By using the way that mobs grow stronger to the advantage of server events, dungeons can be created that are more difficult the further away from spawn you travel. This way, there are events that can quite literally be impossible for some players to participate in if they aren’t strong enough. However those will only be very rare hard events that offer exclusive secret weapons and tools far more powerful than what new players should have.

Aside from the main features of the server, we also have tons of events programmed into our rpg plugin that allows the server to hold events. We are capable of throwing events with any amount of bonus loot, experience, and mob difficulty. So don’t be surprised if you are playing and the server randomly broadcasts, “Double experience event has been started!” because they will be quite common.

So by now you are probably like, “Wow, this server is amazing, can it possible get any better?” This is a very good question and it is almost hard to believe but yes, yes the server does. How? Well the server has special bonuses for group play that encourage players to work together. Yes the Jobs system somewhat forces players to interact, but that wasn’t good enough. So we created a party system. Basically if you join a group of players in a party, all of the loot dropped by a mob is split equally. There is a default eight attacks per second cap on attacking mobs (much faster than vanilla minecraft) that decreases the more players are in a party. In addition to being able to literally kill monsters faster, each member of a party receives 1% more loot and experience per member of a party. This means that a party of five people will receive 125% more loot and experience, split five ways of course (25% per person), than a person fighting solo. For more information on our party system read the in game help, just use /rpg party!

Ok, so this whole server description has been filled with good news but sadly there is one tiny bit of bad news. There is an issue that every Minecraft server which impacts our server a bit more than most others. When people have low food, they tend to suicide as a way to restore their food. This is indeed a very smart loophole but the farmers of our servers would be greatly saddened if people never needed to buy their food. Thus, on our server if you have low food (3 hearts) and you die, you will suffer a small cash penalty of $100 as well as lose a random item from your inventory. If you have the bare minimum amount of food (1 heart), then the penalties double to two items and $200. Buy food from farmers, they will have tons of food and need to sell it to make money!

Finally we have our donator system. Donators get amazing perks that give them a huge edge on the competition from stat boosts, to greater experience and loot gains. The Gaming Community is an extremely expensive project and we of the FabledCraft staff are extremely grateful for even the smallest amount sent. If you donate money, the instant that it is approved by an owner, the owner only needs to enter a single command and it will give you everything that you donated for. This one-command upgrade approach makes the entire process entirely painless for both the donator and the staff. We also run our donation system on a time spent in-game system. The reason for this is because if we give players a deadline, like one-week, before a donator rank runs out, it absolutely forces players to spend as much time as they can during that week to get the full benefit out of their donator rank. By having a fixed amount of time, this allows players to never be pressured into playing minecraft more than they would normally and allows the game to stay casual, fun, and without stress. If you are interested in donating, visit the [link down for now].

If you want to speak to any of the Staff, come join the Teamspeak and talk to us! Trust us, the in-game text makes everybody look emotionless and evil. But I promise if you come into the teamspeak and chat with us for even five minutes you will have a totally changed view of all of us. Players who have had issues with us that would lead them to being permanently banned have been completely resolved within just five minutes of voice chat with an owner. If you talk to us you will see that we are extremely nerdy and friendly people who genuinely love minecraft! If you would like to contribute to the server, visit this PAGE.

~= Stats: =~

1/2 a point of damage per point.
Level 0, Wood, Level 125 Stone, Level 250 Iron, Level 375 Diamond, Level 500 Gold.
1/4 a point a of damage reduction per point.
Level 0, Leather, Level 125 Iron, Level 250 Diamond, Level 500 Gold.
10 Health Per Point.
.075% chance to dodge per difference between you and your target's dexterity.
Greater dexterity than opponent = 100% hit rate.
1/2 a point of bow damage per point.
Magic Damage.
5 Mana per point.

We at FabledCraft expect players to ask the following question quite a lot, "Why should I get defense and not constitution"? Well, the reason why is because the higher your defense, the longer you can last in battles where you are taking medium damage. Higher constitution is good for fighting foes with huge amounts of damage, like creepers, and surviving high damage from the environment. So the idea is that defense provides you more longevity and sustainability for killing monsters that deal medium to low damage while constitution is good for facing boss monsters and mobs with tons of damage.

~= Classes: =~

Unique Perk: 20% chance to reduce incoming damage by 50%.
Stats: High Defense, High Constitution, low other stats.
Playstyle: Defenders are the absolute tank of the game with the insane ability to consume and negate damage.
Level 50: Environmental damages are reduced.

Unique Perk: Damage increases by .25% per health point missing.
Stats: Pure Strength.
Playstyle: Can be bursted down but impossible to defeat in long combat. Extremely high single-target damage.
Level 50: Battle rage has toughened you so that you now gain .5% damage per health point missing.

Unique Perk: 5% chance to deal 3x damage to players and 10x damage to mobs.
Stats: Pure Dexterity.
Playstyle: Should be played as a pure single-target damage dealer.
Level 50: Assassinating mobs and players has taught you the way of the blade. You deal 6x damage to player and 20x damage to mobs.

Unique Perk: 5% chance to deal AoE damage.
Stats: Moderate Strength, Moderate Defense, Moderate Constitution.
Playstyle: Can be played as pure damage or as a mix of tank/damage.
Level 50: You have slashed so many times that you now have a 10% chance to deal AoE damage.

Unique Perk: Access to heal spell.
Stats: Pure Intelligence, possibly Constitution and defense for a paladin style.
Level 50: Heal spell will heal a bonus 10% of targets health.

Unique Perk: Access to a unique set of spells.
Stats: High Magic, High Intelligence low other stats
Playstyle: Wizards are able to do quite a few things. Spells aren't combat oriented but are aimed at giving wizards an edge at everything.
*Wizards are the only class that can teleport at high ranks.
Level 1: Support, gives an ally a 3% bonus to all stats.
Level 25: Cripple, 3% decrease to all of a monsters stats.
Level 50: Teleport, can only teleport to the top of visible blocks.
Level 75: Sever, remove 1/8th of a monsters remaining health directly.

Unique Perk: Gain 10% more loot and experience from combat.
Stats: Any build
Playstyle: If you want to be #1 then this is the class for you. Get the most money and most experience. You won't be stronger than the
other classes when they catch up but if you want to be the best the fastest, buy this!
Level 50: 15% more loot.

~= Jobs: =~

Jobs are designed so that players work together and create a kind of "community" for working together. The whole "job 1 perks restricted to each job" didn't work well last time. People didn't enjoy not being able to build. So I fixed that. Remember, everybody, has access to level 1 perks now, so you can cut wood, place wood, and make a melonseed farm if you want to regardless of your job.

Trader - Access to the admin shops with /rpg job shop1, /rpg job shop2, /rpg shop3, etc. Controls the economy with an iron fist, but can't do much, so has to make lots of money to handle trades with players to do work for them. Trader deals can be handled through a staff member if requested so that items can't be stolen.

Miner - Allows miners to mine materials deep in the earth and collect stone/ores. Has powerful passive mining specials at higher levels when using gold tools, like the 5% chance of 3x3x3 break at job 5 which becomes 5x5x5 at job level 6.

Farmer - The farmer has two unique passives, they are the only job that can get neutral mob drops (wool from sheep, pork from pigs, etc.) and have no hunger loss. Farmers also have a unique levelup special. At the higher levels, they get mob spawners upon leveling their job up starting at rank four.
Builder - Able to construct amazing structures for players. Only class that can place obsidian for netherportals or place cobblestone/stone.

Miners can break these:
Level 1 Miner: Grass, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, Log, Clay, Torch
Level 2 Miner: Sandstone, Cobblestone, Mossy_Cobblestone, Stone, Coal_ore
Level 3 Miner: Brick, Smooth brick, smooth stairs, lapiz ore, iron ore
Level 4 Miner: Redstone_Ore, Diamond_Ore, Netherrack, Glowstone
Level 5 Miner: Gold_Ore, Nether_Brick, Nether_Brick_Stairs, Nether_Fence

Builders can break and place these:
Builder 1: Wood Products, bed, red_rose, yellow_flower, snow_block,
Builder 2: Button, Lever, stone_plate, cobble_stairs, glass, step, furnace
Builder 3: Lapiz_block, Brick_Stairs, iron products, leaves, long_grass, vine
Builder 4: Diamond products, redstone products, lava, water
Builder 5: Gold products (block, rail), wool, painting

Farmers can break and place these:
Level 1: Melon stuff, cactus (Good luck farming melons if not a farmer, lol!)
Level 2: Mushroom stuff, mob spawners (in case you get some), pumpkins, water
Level 3: Crops (wheat seeds), Sugar_Cane
Level 4: Nether_Warts

Builders can request protections of these sizes:
Level 1: 10x10x10 ~ $250
Level 2: 15x15x15 ~ $500
Level 3: 20x20x20 ~ $1000
Level 4: 25x25x25 - $2500
Level 5: 30x30x30 - $5000
Posted by DestroTheGod's Avatar
Level 17 : Journeyman Modder

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