Minecraft java realm upgrade guide

foxrain4's Avatar foxrain42/23/23 6:15 am history
1 emeralds 190
Last updated on 4 mar 2023. (This shows if this guide is outdated.)
This guide briefs you through many things on how to manage and improve your minecraft realm.

Basic knowledge
Players have to be invited before they can join your realm.

There are 2 minecraft servers you can purchase by paying a monthly fee, one is minecraft realm and the second is minecraft server hosting.
There are many benefits in minecraft server hosting over minecraft realm like the ability to add in mods, root access, server functionalities and cheaper.
But noob players like me will go to minecraft realm without a second thought, because the server is automatically set up for you.

minecraft versions - The most popular ones are minecraft java and minecraft bedrock. Different minecraft versions are played on different gaming devices, also different minecraft versions can have different objects behaviours, different commands, different redstone behaviours.

Sooner or later, you will chance upon minecraft marketplace.
Realms have no access to them.
To explain them in a simpler manner, minecraft marketplace DLCs are similar to java realm data packs, however DLCs needs real money to unlock.

command blocks - We will be using mostly repeat, always active. This means the command is repeated 20 times per second, which is highly useful. Type out /give @p command_block

Minecraft realm can use datapacks, example from planetminecraft.com
If you chance upon other websites with cool mods, plugins and worldgen mods, you will not be able to install them on realms because they are designed for minecraft server hosting.
Resource packs and optifine can be used no matter what server, realm or single player world you are playing on.

Gamemode - I recommend survival gamemode for playing the game. But remember to turn on creative gamemode in order to interact with command blocks, type /gamemode creative to do so, other players are not affected by this command.

locate command - Type /locate structure village

give command - Type out /give @p spawner /give @p barrier /give @p debug_stick
You will notice you cannot get these items elsewhere.
To activate the spawner, right click a mob egg on the spawner.

A great way to start learning commands is by making game rules true or false.
My favourite game rules are doFiretick false, doinsomnia false, playersleepingpercentage 1.
doFiretick false avoids player griefing.
doinsomnia false avoids afk players being attacked by phantoms.
playersleepingpetcentage 1 avoids afk players not sleeping.

Teleport is a frequently used command, as they can
1. Avoid griefing, teleport far away from spawn area to avoid new players TNT your house.
2. Create a different spawnpoint for new players. Found a cool village? Found a cool mountain? Found a forest with many resources?
You can easily change your spawnpoint by typing /spawnpoint.
3. Teleporting to friends, so you can play together.

Command blocks
Command blocks is basically commands being repeated 20 times per second. (Turn on repeat, always active.)
You can teleport, message, kill, summon or anything that commands can do.

So you want to ban a player?
/kill foxrain4

How about making creeper release poison gas when nearby player?
execute as @a at @s if entity @e[​type=minecraft:creeper,distance=..1.5] run effect give @p minecraft:poison 30 1 false
Inspired by https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/adjusted-mobs/

So you want to buff up your players?
/effect give @a haste 99999 5

How about you want a server without overpowered buffs?
/effect clear @a

It is important to know that command blocks stops working if no players are near it.
But the 16x16 of spawn area are always loaded, so I recommend to build your command blocks at that area.
Another harder solution is to learn about chunkloading.

Redstone builds
If you have played minecraft long enough, you will know that minecraft realms shut down all the time.
The players will then join other minecraft realms, and restarting with no inventory can be devastating enough to make them quit the game.
This is where redstone builds comes in.
These redstone builds lets your players easily gets tonnes of materials and xp but doesn't takes the gameplay completely out of it as opposed to blindly giving them free materials and free xp.

I recommend building auto wheat farm, auto cow farm, auto iron golem farm or auto zombie xp farm near your spawn area, so players can easily get back on track.
Obviously you can build other redstone builds, I am just recommending the easiest ones since I find redstone builds obnoxiously hard to understand and build.
A frequent mistake is that the hopper is not connected to the chest, simply destroy them and place them again until they attaches to each other.

This is the holy grail of upgrading your minecraft java realm.
But the price to pay for it is a lot of time.
The following website teaches you the basic.

However, to actually learn how to make a datapack that does something you want is going to be tall task.
This website and other online guides are like a dictionary, they tell you how it works but they do not tell you how to make a specific datapack.
Not to worry, the answer is simply downloading and installing datapacks from planetminecraft.com
Open the datapack files and modify them into the kind of datapack you want.
Do not remove their credits, slowly modify other people's datapacks, you will eventually be able to make your own datapacks.

Great information from The_EnderSpider

Even though minecraft data packs works on minecraft realm, it can stop working after minecraft update to new version like 1.19
This is caused by a short piece of code that says the datapack were made for 1.18
Therefore most of the code actually still works even if the datapack says "not compatible with game version" in red scary words.
On very rare occasions, a datapack will break when the minecraft changes their inner code like /itemreplace is changed into /item

It is possible to convert datapacks into command blocks, but most of the time, you will unnecessarily creating problems for yourself because datapack uses codes that command blocks dun have.
It is recommended to use datapacks as it is, modify it, make your own datapack or pay a developer to make one.

Also, only datapacks can use function files,
Functions are the main features of datapacks and are unique therefore only datapacks can use function files.
Command blocks can only call functions but not create them.
Hence, it is almost impossible to just copy and paste commands from a datapack into command blocks and expect it to work.
Datapacks do not require any physical blocks, redstone or command blocks in the minecraft world to work.
Hence, datapacks are convenient and impossible to be griefed by players.

The following is a great way to start learning how to make datapacks.
Legitimoose makes awesome content on how commands work. Look for his tutorial videos
Slicedlime's ongoing command block tutorial series is perfect for people that know literally nothing. Highly recommend!
Minecraft Commands official discord server will be your best friend if you're having problems with your code and need help
THIS VIDEO is a MUST if you're starting to code with datapacks
THIS TOOL will help you create commands faster, I highly recommend saving this website

Besides that, I also have some general tips that'll help you a lot:
- Focus as much as possible into learning extensively /execute and entity selectors (EX: @e[​type=creeper,tag=greenguy])
- Learn /scoreboard and specially the operation function
- Learn what /functions are, how to use them and how to make good functions that'll not lag the game
- Learn what Marker entities are and why you should use them

foxrain4's personal review on datapacks.
I have checked most of websites, and planetminecraft.com have the most and best datapacks.
Most datapacks that are not working are because it have worldgen but they do work in minecraft server hosting or single player mode.

Datapacks not working:

Recommended datapacks:
Timber over Treecapitator
Set home
Posted by foxrain4's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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