Minecraft Data Packs / World Generation

Delta Draconis Worldgen Data Pack

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  • 12,326 views, 6 today
  • 1,272 downloads, 0 today
Lasercraft32's Avatar Lasercraft32
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
This data pack aims to revamp every biome in the game to make them less generic, more fun to explore, and more visually appealing! Every biome has something new, including the Nether and End biomes. Some variant biomes, such as Savanna Plateau, are replaced with entirely new biomes I came up with, including the Highlands biome, Mirelands biome, and Coniferous Swamp biomes! Many biomes (especially the mountain ones) change the caves beneath them, effectively mimicking new cave biomes without actually adding any new biomes at all.

  Using a resource pack, as well as some creative tricks, it adds new decorative blocks without really replacing anything major. I did this by changing variant blocks such as Chiseled Sandstone, Chiseled Deepslate, Cracked Deepslate Tiles, etc. with new block textures and names, while adding them back in using Double Slab blocks (example: placing two sandstone slabs onto eachother makes a Chiseled Sandstone block).
  Dead Coral Blocks have been replaced with natural stones such as Limestone, Aragonite, Shale, Chert, and Dolomite (most of which actually consist of calcium carbonate, found in fossils and bones). Dead Coral and Dead Coral Fans have also been changed into various plant-life, to add more diversity to the wildlife of the Minecraft world, both on land and in water.

  Some structures have been updated as well. Desert Temples have been upgraded to use the Jigsaw feature, similarly to Pillager Outposts. Because of this, Pyramids can actually be changed and replaced using a structure nbt file. I've also added a new variant for the Pyramid, the Badlands Pyramid, which is essentially the same but with red sandstone instead of regular sandstone (it also has a separate loot table that's identical but with red sand instead of sand). Jungle Temples have also been overhauled, now with an upgraded design (though still the same general style/shape), upgraded loot, and even upgraded traps (the dispensers now have poison arrows). I might update some more of the structures in the future, as an add-on to this data pack.

  It also adds a new advancement tab: Exploration. These advancements are unlocked when you explore new biomes, acting as a notification to let players know what new location they just wandered into... it also comes in handy when trying to figure out which biomes you haven't explored yet, for that pesky "Adventuring Time" advancement! ;3

Custom World Generation is still an experimental feature, meaning it may cause unexpected issues sometimes! It may sometimes cause lag spikes, especially when loading new chunks, and may potentially even crash on occasion (it depends how strong your computer's processing power is). It will give you a message every time you load the world, telling you that it's experimental. It shouldn't cause too many issues though, but if issues do arise I apologize.

Older Versions:
- 1.20 Data Pack
- 1.20 Resource Pack
- 1.19 Data Pack
- 1.19 Resource Pack

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CreditSome features inspired by Terralith
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.20

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Lasercraft32 04/29/2024 9:27:40 pmApr 29th

Updated for 1.20.5 support
- Fixed recipes, worldgen, loot tables, and advancements
- Altered Sunflower Plains to resemble the Fields of Regeneration from UHC Generations
- Moai Statue structures will now generate in Sunflower Plains
- Added a new Fungal Birch Tree variant that generates in Birch Forest and Old-Growth Birch Forest biomes
- Added Armadillos to the mob spawns in certain biomes.
- Added 4 new Wolf Variants:
- Golden Retriever spawns in Birch Forest biomes
- German Shepherd spawns in Dark Forest biomes
- Border Collie spawns in Old Growth Birch Forest biomes
- Gray Wolf spawns in Coniferous Swamp biomes
- Updated the "Whole Pack" advancement to include the 4 new variants.
- Added a secret Skeleton Wolf variant, that can only occur if the player spawns a Wolf in a Soul Sand Valley biome (I couldn't figure out how to get wolves to spawn in the Nether)
- Added recipes for Crimson and Warped Nylium, for consistency with Chorus Nylium

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08/02/2023 1:53 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Quelxy's Avatar
Could you maybe make a version of this but with only the overworld?
07/02/2023 4:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ShaneBeee's Avatar
I noticed on Paper this data pack wasn't working (but no errors)
I loaded on Spigot and I got an error saying:
Couldn't parse element loot_tables:minecraft:blocks/acacia_leaves
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Unknown type 'minecraft:alternative'
(well that copies funny)

Anyways, doing some quick googling, I found this on McWiki
Condition alternative has been renamed to any_of.
After quickly changing that, it seems to work just fine now :)
07/02/2023 9:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Oh I see, how odd! I didn't even realize they made changes to block loot tables. It didn't cause any crashes on regular singleplayer worlds, so I didn't even know about it! I'll have to update it sometime soon to fix the loot table.
07/03/2023 4:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ShaneBeee's Avatar
I thought it was odd that it worked on SinglePlayer, but it wasn't working on my Paper server.
Then I tried on Spigot and spigot spit out the error (weird that Paper didn't)... odd bunch of stuff here.

btw, im loving this pack. The use of the texture pack to replace not-often-used blocks (dead coral) with new stuff is just genius!
07/03/2023 5:50 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Thanks :)

Yeah I think Paper and Spigot handle the code differently. In regular vanilla, it crashes when anything related to world generation is incorrect. For loot tables though, it just considers it invalid and won't load it. I would bet that if you mined a bunch of the acacia leaves, it likely wouldn't drop anything at all because of it.
06/21/2023 2:11 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
SirFluffyPuffs's Avatar
keep working on that there altered wood pack ok?
06/23/2023 2:49 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Is there some reason behind this comment? I'm confused. First off this is my Worldgen data pack, so why are you commenting this here? Second, what exactly do you want me to work on? The pack is done already, and I have no other ideas to improve it.
10/14/2022 1:09 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
R_nin's Avatar
Can we have this with just the nether and end worldgen?

the overworld looks cool aswell but I was thinking of using smth else

the nether and end looks absolutely poggers what with the new blocks and all
10/14/2022 1:43 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
Lasercraft32's Avatar
Well... um... I guess I could but it would take a lot of work, unless you want to try and do it yourself. :/
You would have to go through and delete every single file related to the overworld biomes... which would take a long time.
10/07/2022 8:02 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Explorer
TheSamir's Avatar
¿Es compatible con terralith, incendium y nullscape?
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