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*Yuka* Rant! Minecraft dating!

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YukaYuma's Avatar YukaYuma
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
Another rant!


Ok so this rant is about Minecraft dating.

Is it ok?

I've just been on a server and someone said in chat "TPA TO ME IF YOU'RE SINGLE, I'M A GIRL LOOKING FOR TRUE LOVE!"

I was just -facepalm-

What if her 'true love' happens to be a 50 year old guy.

She is probably very new to minecraft otherwise she would know better.

Its awful how people just say stuff like that in chat and spam the chat with stupid desperate comments. they have no idea what they're getting themselves into. If you want to date online go on a dating website! Don't spam the minecraft chat! Then girls put on stupid half naked skins just so they can get a bf. They're 'bf' shouldn't just like them for they're skin.

So be careful on minecraft



Put any minecraft dating experiences in comments so we can rage together.
CreditInspired by DatBloxThing's rant

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08/14/2014 7:16 am
Level 34 : Artisan Ninja
AkirAssasin's Avatar
Why don't you make it longer, describe the bad stuff and give whole lots of examples to make it longer, so it would be more attractive and people won't think it as 'oh. Another short rant that I've seen before a whole lot of times' and close the tab.
08/13/2014 11:17 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior
ValleyDew's Avatar
I ususally say "This is minecraft, If you wanna date go to eHarmony" . Also people always be making strip clubs and stuff.
Altitude Community
03/21/2014 6:24 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Altitude Community's Avatar
You have hit so many things that annoy me in one small little example.

First off: Online Dating

I do not care what you say about online dating. Trust me, I have said the same things. It allows you to meet more people, the perfect one might not be in your neighborhood, etc, etc. Both of those examples are true, but they are NOT good reasons to date online. A lot of people get long distance dating and online dating mixed up. A healthy long distance is when you know someone, have met in person, and your now stuck apart for a little while. The girl or guy that you met online and lives across an ocean is NOT a healthy long distance relationship. The only things you know about that person have come from them or their friends, you have no way to know if its true or not. You have never seen each other in person, never heard their actual voice, never touched them. This relationship is unhealthy- and really should be avoided. If your going to use the internet to find a date, find one you can meet up with and have dinner together.

Second off: Desperate Measures

I can not believe how many kids spam messages asking for a date, relationships, and even "true love". Every time I see something like this I want to go in a corner and cry about how sad society is. How old are these children to be doing something so ridiculous? You are not going to find true love by exclaiming you need a date. You will be LUCKY if you find a desperate guy that becomes full of lust for you over the next week. If you are acting this desperate for love you will find only lust and more desperate people. It is such an immature thing to do- and if you think your mature because your finally old enough to "date"- realize that your not dating, your just exclaiming "Im immature and desperate, ill date anyone that says they love me"

Last off: Selling yourself

Throughout all of history people have sold themselves for love, using not only actual money, but also their bodies. They offer something to strangers in exchange for the words "i love you" which at this point are completely hollow, hold no value or meaning, and are only used to get you. This alone makes me sad, but now to see it happening on games makes it so much worse. To see a 10 year old girl with a half naked skin so that a 10 year old boy can use a marriage plugin to marry her makes me cringe. Don't sell yourself out by wearing skimpy clothes, and DEFINITELY don't do it on a game so that strangers in another country can claim to "love you" and claim to be your age.
03/22/2014 7:00 am
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
YukaYuma's Avatar
I agree with you completely. 
Also you're good at this, you should write more blogs. c:
Altitude Community
03/22/2014 7:31 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Altitude Community's Avatar
Thank you! I do feel like I need to get back into writing :P But I've been sooo busy with other things lately and don't want to force myself to write if I don't feel like it.
02/04/2014 2:42 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
VelvetCrush's Avatar
Sounds like the server sexycraft! XD I love that server but they have a lot of DEHYDRATED people on it!
02/14/2014 12:44 pm
Level 1 : New Network
16-Bit-Girl's Avatar
and waffleminecraft that server has a plugin so you can marry players.
i like the server except people spam my chat for requests and they dont even know my minecraft name.
02/03/2014 4:00 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dragonborn
ElEcTrIkWoLf476's Avatar
Next time someone does this I am going to slam my head against the wall repeatedly until I forget about it
02/03/2014 4:15 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Dragon
YukaYuma's Avatar
awww poor you :c don't slam youre head on the wall, it would hurt :c just calmly get out a machine gun c:
02/06/2014 2:32 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
DatBloxThing's Avatar
Omg Yuka,
That's the perfect solution,
Planet Minecraft


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