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Yessh.... The Main Minecraft Problem Online

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corruptedfish's Avatar corruptedfish
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Yeah... so... this may seem like a rant, but I'm just saying xD.

Okay, on with the blog! Now today we're going to discuss the main problem on Minecraft. Yesh just you and me :P.

So, now I'll tell you the big problem... it's the community. I mean like on servers you can find these really annoying people who try to be and I'd guess its like 50 percent of Minecrafters. For instance, I tested a theory out. In hg I usually don't die at the start. So I said, "I hate it when people just kill you right when they get a weapon from a chest!" Sure enough, this guy comes up to me with a golden axe kills me, and says "Eat it sucka!" O_O Now that just proves A LOT.

Now I'm not saying that all Minecrafters are bad. You can find some really generous people. On factions, if you get raided that's not bad community just throwing that out there because people rage and say how much you suck because you hacked through their walls or something like that. If you rage like that really on any server its being part of the bad community. Yes, I admit I do rage sometimes so I'm not saying I'm perfect like a little dancing ballerina.

So, I'm here to tell you... stop this community problem don't just go raging your butt out back at them. Just throwing out insults. And don't deny it, either. I see rage chat like 50 times everyday. Now this doesn't mean you have to be PERFECT you can let it loose every once in a while but don't do it constantly.

Plus, not raging makes you someone better to trust and players trust you too. They'll start being nice to you if you have that personality, unless they're in a bad mood or like a jerk xD (no offense). This is also a good way to gain trust from your faction in factions. I've been made staff 3 times just for being nice and stuff. Meanwhile, being a jerk can get you muted, kicked, or even banned. Sometimes I see staff that are jerks too. I saw an owner ban a player just because he/she didn't like him. Like he wasn't even annoying he was just trying to help out. He was asking if he could help on stuff and the owner got annoyed.

I think sometimes the staff just get a little too greedy with their power, but thats off topic.

Hacking is also beleive it or not, a way to transform you into a greedy pig on Minecraft. Someone told me that his friend used to be all nice and stuff on Minecraft and then he started hacking. He said he turned into a complete idiot and was as annoying as a flippin' unicorn! XD Okay maybe not those exact words but close xD srry if I spelt anything wrong I don't go back and check

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06/08/2014 2:31 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
You remind me of me in this blog.
Great blog though :)
06/03/2014 12:00 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
JakeMinecraft6's Avatar
I agree Once A guy came up to me with a diamond sword and in 1or3 hits dead!
05/25/2014 4:13 pm
Level 24 : Expert Skinner
corruptedfish's Avatar
Thanks guys so much for all the support! :D my blog made it to the popular blog post section :)
This is only my 5th blog and I already got good support thanks again guys/girls :)
05/24/2014 8:10 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Archer
Reec3ty's Avatar
05/24/2014 6:40 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
prof_Lucus's Avatar
I will never help any community that has proved itself beyond redemption. I would rather kill that same community because I feel they don't deserve to exist. Of course I would help any community that is nice and warm, and I would help that community to the best of my ability.
05/25/2014 9:49 am
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
rock1234rock1234's Avatar
Yeah I totally agree with you most of the hackers, griefers, and ragers are under the age of 13 and it can be very hard to change them into mature people at such a young age. I play hg with my 11 year old brother and I constantly have to remind that the guy who just killed him wasn't a hacker.
06/08/2014 2:33 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
See, I'm 11 and me and my cousins (who are 10 and 7) go on servers, the 7 year old is more mature than the 10 year old. 10 year old be all like "you stole mi gold in prisin brake u hackur!11!!!!11!" 7 year old be all like "Why did u steal my gold?" then it be all happy. but yeah kids my age are so immature xD
07/07/2014 11:32 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
superdog71's Avatar
`       .
       . .
07/08/2014 8:01 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dolphin
lauren121902's Avatar
"yu stole mi guld in prisen brake u hackur!1111111!!!!11!1!1111" is like every level 1 prison break person who doesn't rank up in the next month.
07/08/2014 11:15 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Explorer
superdog71's Avatar
*gives back gold* *starts walking away* *comes back running* *punches you in the face with a katana* *walks away*
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