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Why School Is the Worst Thing Ever...

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Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar Eli the Zeratoed
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Ah School, that thing that we despise ever so much. We have to go to it all the time, even if we are doing something productive like being in a movie or working on this big video game. We all have Talents, and what happens is that even when you let the school know of your talents, they still don't care. I know it's summer, but Why do we despise school so much? Well we'll be breaking it down by topic and eventually we will get our answer. Here we go!


Why School Is the Worst Thing Ever...
You are in bed, sleeping and dreaming about becoming a Pokémon Master. Suddenly when you eventually get there, you hear "It's time for School!!!" You wake up, groggy as heck. You get ready for school as your bus arrives (or your mom drives you to school, lucky!), as your journey of heck begins. Well here's the thing, Why would you get up so early when 8am seems like a Reasonable Idea (those who wake up at 8am, you're lucky...)!? Well they say that the early bird gets the worm. That is not true, as I do not feel as Productive in the morning as when I get my rest. The only this would work is if a person felt sleepy, they could ask the teacher to go to a "Power Nap Room", and they can sleep in this comfy place in the Library for a bit and then wake you up at the right time.
Why School Is the Worst Thing Ever...
We need this!! They say that "It costs money", but yeah, that's a reasonable point. But soon, everybody will have these and soon beds will be obsolete. Even Schools need this! The Longest Stamina Run I have done after a Power Nap was about 9 Hours (I think). As long as you don't have sleep inducing Items with you after a power nap, you're fine. Eventually Power Naps will be the new trend of the Future, where if you slept in a Bed, a Robot will warn you "If you go to bed, you will feel groggy!". So schools, please get onto this if you're forcing people to wake up at 6am!

Meeting Friends

Why School Is the Worst Thing Ever...

You're walking through the Hallway, trying to find your friends until the Bell Rings. You eventually find those people who still play Yu-Gi-Oh cards and hope to meet up with them at lunch. Well this is why people nowadays make sitcoms for High-Schools. Without the Social Aspect, it's just work work work. If you haven't made any friends back in Elementary School, good luck finding some in Middle or High School... Luckily for me, I made a bunch of friends back in Elementary School, and a lot of them are still my friends. But those people... They either lose their friends due to some dumb argument ("What's the Point of Splashing!?") or their friends have moved on to be Barbie Role-Models. This actually was the case back in Middle School, and I got pretty bored. If you guys didn't have Pokémon, you were doomed. This also affected people and gave people this "disease" called depression. I have never got it, but I feel empathy for those who do. What's a simple solution to clear depression? Don't take them to school! I think Preschool-6th grade seems to be Enough. If you have Middle School in 6th, Preschool-5th grade seems to be more reasonable for you. Anything beyond that should be Optional, as they can get a Diploma, but if you complete only that Elementary School part, you can get the Kids-Diploma. I would say this could give them decent jobs like Assistant-Teacher, Walmart, etc. If they weren't ready, send them to Middle School. But yeah, I wish this were the case, but it isn't. It's just sucky to have to deal with Friend Issues or whatnot, and it's an issue we're still trying to resolve today. Alright, onto the actual teaching part!

Art Class:

Art Class... It seems to be the time where people make this majestic creation, only to be critiqued by it the next day. This happened to me a few times, one time I drew a Banana with a smiley face, and then the teacher wanted me to draw it again, only without a smiley on it. What. That doesn't make any sense! Artsy People, this probably happened to you where you made this amazing thing, like an Anime or Cartoon, only to be critiqued by it. Don't get me wrong! I love art class, but it's just horrible to see your art Critiqued by someone who has a different opinion than you.


"You know how everybody is interested in video games nowadays? Lets just put everyone in a situation where you have to be Tough and Strong in order for people to like you!" This is what Gym Teachers might be thinking of when they thought of Gym. Yes, we understand that Half the Population is Overweight, I get it. But do we really have to run around in circles, and be forced to like a bunch of sports we hate to do? Yeah, I thought so. Gym literally is the bane of everybody's day, and determines whether you are tough enough to face up to bullies. It's just dumb when everybody has to go to Gym, even if you want to be something better when you grow up, like a Video Game Designer or a Teacher. Nobody Cares about Sports, and those who do can do it all they want. Back in my day, We had toys that were cool like Bakugan and Beyblade and never cared about Sports (Well, in my case of course...).


Music Class... We all had to take it, even if you were an Introvert. Some people just don't want to sing, you know? I like singing, yes. Don't forget this class made me like playing the Cello, for about 2 Years... This class eventually becomes Optional as you hit High School (for me), but when you're forced to sing in front of everyone (unless you're extroverted like me), it's a terrible feeling I know... This also doesn't make you listen to Dubstep or that Anime Music you heard a few days ago, no. They Make you listen to Bach or Beethoven for about an Hour. Some schools try to be hip and cool and make you listen to Pop Music, like are you kidding me!? Nobody Cares about the Latest Justin Bieber song (unless you're a belieber who likes his music still) or songs that sound Exactly like Awolnation's Sail (Like that annoying "Once I was 7 Years old" Song. Just Listen to the beat of Sail, and then the 7 Years Old song, Notice a Similarity?).


You know that Class that makes you dissect Frogs? Well Yep. That's the class! Science is that class that everyone seems to either love or hate. You might love seeing Cells walking around in their habitat, while others think it's quite boring. Between all the Fun Experiments there's Notes... Lots and lots of NOTES! It's so horrible that sometimes people fall asleep to them! Some Classes make you watch Bill Nye for their notes, which is actually a good thing in my opinion, because you won't have to sit there staring at a PowerPoint for a bunch of hours while listening to the teacher speak. Overall, Science is a good class to me, just there needs to be less notes and more Bill Nye.


Well, History... You know, where you learn about dead people? Well yes, sometimes it's not even making you learn about dead people and are actually talking about things like Donald Trump. No wonder we have kids talking about Donald Trump or Clinton these days! Anywho, if you have the Correct Teacher, History would be a breeze. But when you get stuck with some guy who moans and groans on about what he's teaching, you're gonna have a bad time. History can be a fun class, you just need the right guy to teach it.


Well, let me tell you, Math is one of the worst things ever. You think 1+1=2 would be it, wouldn't it? Wrong! You have to learn some complicated bullpoop that you're never going to need unless you're an Engineer. Like what the heck!? And since everybody has to take this class, it makes life even worse. The reason why we don't like math is because it teaches bullpoop later on, and it never teaches us the most important thing: How to do your taxes. I mean, it takes math to do those, so why is it not in the Curriculum!? Well, at least we have the internet to teach us taxes...

Any Foreign Language:

Foreign Languages... Whether you took one for Spanish, German, French, Chinese, or Latin, this takes the cake for either an easy or hard class, depending on your knowledge. I took Spanish, and since I had prior knowledge to it, the class wasn't that hard. If I took something like German, you would have to learn these long friendly words like "Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz". It actually translates to "Beef Law" in short. Imagine learning that in your German Class, and it's quite a Mouthful. If you were to write that out on paper, you would have to use up the entire paper and write in incredibly tiny font. Compare that to a super long Spanish word like "Superextraordinarísimamente", which means "Super Extra Ordinary". The Longest word in French is "Intergouvernementalisations" which actually means another long word in English: "intergovernmentalisation". I think nobody ever uses this word in French, so you're fine. So, yeah. Which side would you choose?


Ah Lunchtime, everybody's Bane of the day. Before we talk about the food, lets see the creatures you will normally find in lunch... You'll have those Anime Girls who are obsessed with Anime, The Complete Barbies who like to be all beautiful and stuff, the Jocks who are obsessed with sports, The School Spirit Kids, and then eventually you have my group, the Yu-Gi-Oh Kids. But some people aren't lucky and get stuck sitting alone or with the unpopular kids. I feel you, as that is a sad feeling. But now, we get to the food, and I remember Vomiting due to one Tater Tot. It was the most horrible moment of my life. Eventually I started to pack a lunch and now I don't have a problem with it, it's just the horrible smell. Don't forget that it also reeks through the entire school, so even when you're trying to get to class, you smell vomit. And Kids, that's why people try to wear perfume, to get rid of that horrible lunch smell.


You come home, exhausted from your day, and then... HOMEWORK. Yes, everyone's greatest enemy. It keeps you from doing whatever you want, and it just makes all those crappy days even worse. When Homework is given to you on a Friday, you literally want to scream. That's how I feel when I'm given Homework, and I would prefer Paperwork over this garbage. This is the stuff of nightmares, and once I'm an Adult out of College, I will finally be able to do what I love.

The Verdict:

So what's my Opinion on School? Well back in Elementary School it wasn't bad. It felt like the 90s where if you didn't have this toy, you weren't cool. Now in Middle/High it's about how good you are at sports or picking up girls/boys, which it doesn't even matter anymore when you Hit College and Life. So what I leave to you, is this question... What do you hate in School? Leave your answer in the comments and here's some memes!!! :D


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05/12/2017 3:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Kitten
ywuyu's Avatar
Lol spanish isn't trouble for me sINcE iT'S mY fIrST laNGuage BUT THE STUFF IS JUST AsaysCJfatCYGVS THE RULESSS AND STUFF IS TOO MUCH JUST WHYYY btw I laughed so hard to: rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz AND I SEARCHED IT AND IT'S REAL LIKE WTH
Eli the Zeratoed
05/13/2017 1:56 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Heh heh. Sorry for the "late" reply...

I'm very glad that you liked this old as heck blog! I'll be making an 11th grade edition next month on June 8th (Since that is my time to leave this prison known as school). I mean, Spanish 2 was a mess for me in the 11th grade, I'll give you that, but for me, it was quite easy like you said. I mean seriously... Stupid past tense verbs screwed me up! Now that last bit with the long German word, it's real alright. It may be removed from the German dictionary, but by gosh, that 2nd largest word in German is still pretty dang long.

Welp, that's about it for the reply! And that's an EliTeenDolphin (Or Periderp) Guarantee!
06/27/2016 11:01 pm
Level 24 : Expert Warrior
Brownwarriorcat232's Avatar
-_- im taking so many summer camps i cant wait to go back to school

we have free time and go crazy :P
Eli the Zeratoed
06/28/2016 2:17 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Oh Summer Camps? Dang, You have to take so many... I actually had one Summer Camp that had Beyblades as the Popular Toy, along with Pokémon Cards. I especially loved Summer Camp, as it was during the 6-8th year leap. It helped me still be who I am today, and it's a great feeling! :D

And yes, that is 100% True on what you said in Italics. xD
06/27/2016 9:27 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
School is fairly necessary, because otherwise you wouldn't have had the literacy to type this blog, nor read any of those memes. The good majority of parents don't have the time/talent to teach their children to an acceptable level anyways, so school is needed both to help manage those children, and educate them in the meantime.

Frankly, it's not meant to get you the job you want, it's meant to get you any basic job. College is where you specialize.
Eli the Zeratoed
06/27/2016 9:37 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Yes, this is 100% Absolute Hard Truth. Preschool-6th Grade is crucial if you want to read, write, get jobs, etc. I'm just saying, you should do what you love, while making decent money. When you hit 7th-12th, it becomes useless because you already decided what to do. If you have no idea what to do, just go onto those grades. It is your Opinion, of course, and I won't judge, but what you're saying is very truthful, and I love it!
06/27/2016 10:21 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
lmao if anything 7th-12th is the best time for kids to have school, because they'd be doing some really dumb things otherwise, knowing how teenagers usually are
Eli the Zeratoed
06/28/2016 2:15 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Lol to be honest, I'm not a Dumb Teenager, but they just do it "Because they like taking risks and are cool". They might be out there doing stuff, but I'm sitting here, doing what I love and not taking risks (being chill). Also, I hope this doesn't turn into a flame war, because I'll be like "What's the Point of Splashing!?". I'm just assuming there might be one, but it's unlikely.
06/28/2016 2:39 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
oh no no I didn't mean you, but I live in rural california, so literally everybody here would spend their time doing stupid things if they didn't have school
Eli the Zeratoed
06/28/2016 2:47 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Haha, lols, I get that a lot. xD But yes, California is a weird place indeed. Thanks Hollywood! xP
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