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Why I'll NEVER watch Ghostbusters 2016! - An AnimeFan Brainstorm

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AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello everyone, AnimeFanFTW here, and today, I'm doing something a little different: talking about a movie. But not just any movie. I'm gonna talk about Ghostbusters 2016, one of the most controversial movies ever created.
Why I'll NEVER watch Ghostbusters 2016! - An AnimeFan Brainstorm

Since its release, it's been more and more apparent that this movie turned out to be a failure. So I thought I would put my two cents into not only the movie, but the whole controversy that surrounds it. I won't talk much about the movie in general, so it's not exactly a review.

Also, please note that this isn't a rant of sorts, but more of a analyses of it. Although if I sound rather grumpy, don't be surprised.

So yeah, enjoy!

June 8, 1984. A movie called "Ghostbusters" was released in theaters. With a great story and characters, great visual effects for its time, and such iconic moments, it's not surprising it turned into an instant classic. It's spawned an average sequel, a videogame sequel, comics, merchandise, and a place in one of cinema's most beloved franchises.
Why I'll NEVER watch Ghostbusters 2016! - An AnimeFan Brainstorm

And then Sony decided to reboot it.

In March 2016, Sony released a trailer for a rebooted Ghostbusters, with an all female cast of well known and respected actresses. And the backlash is legendary. In a few short days, it became the most disliked trailer on Youtube ever (Before Call of Duty Infinite Warfare came along and took that title spectacularly.) With almost 1 million dislikes, and 36 million views. With the trailer showing jokes that fell flat, horrible special effects, and was overall really bad, it was no surprise people generally hated it.
Why I'll NEVER watch Ghostbusters 2016! - An AnimeFan Brainstorm

Now, this is where it gets bad. Sony, instead of admitting they made a bad trailer, instead of being a respectable company that tried to reassure people, it instead tried to blame the hatred towards the film as "sexism", by deleting comments on the video, and leaving sexist comments alone. (I would know, I've had about 6 of my comments deleted...).
Yep. Sony was insulting and shaming people for not liking the trailer. It got even worse when feminists hooped onto the bandwagon and also shamed people for having an opinion. That alone was bad, but it got to ridiculous when a certain Youtuber voiced his opinion.

On May 2016, James Rolfe, (AKA The Angry Video Game Nerd), posted a video, with him simply saying that he would never watch and review Ghostbusters 2016, because in his words "It's a cash-grab". However, Sony, feminists and modern media spun his video to make it seem he was being sexist, even though he had an honest opinion on it. It was even more shady, when a female Youtuber called "Comic Book Girl 19" pretty much said the same thing about the trailer earlier then Rolfe, and yet, no-one backlashed against her. It even got as far that people were insulting James's wife. All because he didn't want to watch a movie.

With Sony and feminists insulting the Ghostbusters fanbase, people around the world expected the movie to be horrible. And now that the movie is finally out, it's safe to say that it is well and truly horrible.
Sites like Rotten Tomatoes show a 70% positive rating, but it's looking more and more like Sony have been bribing reviewers to give it positive ratings (after all, it has happened plenty of times in the past), so going off those scores is useless. Looking at all the ratings on multiple sites show the Ghostbusters movie at being average at best (around 5/10's), and completely horrible at worst (around 2/10's).

Now, I'm sure you're wondering what I thought about the movie, but honestly...... I haven't seen the movie. In fact, I'm never going to watch it. I think no-one should watch it.

What Sony have done to the fanbase is completely disgusting. Having to insult a fanbase, and shame them to try to force them to watch it is flat out wrong. It was clear from the get-go that Ghostbusters 2016 was a lazy cash-grab, and people are getting sick of reboots. Buying tickets to watch this movie will only encourage Hollywood that making cash-grab reboots is ok. Supporting this movie will only encourage Sony to insult more fanbases into watching their movies.

But thankfully, according to lots of reports, it seems Ghostbusters 2016 will turn out to be a failure. Despite the fact the movie's budget was $144 million dollars, Paul Feig, producer of the film and destroyer of childhoods, said that the movie would have to bring in $500 million dollars to even make a profit, due to all the advertising and damage control. And it seems it will never meet that amount.

The opening weekend showed the film racking in around $46 million. That sounds impressive, but it's actually incredibly low. Considering the opening weekend brings in a ton of cash, and the fact other films, like Jurassic World, made around $200 million on its opening weekend, $46 million is a very low number. And it gets worse for the film from there. There is lots of blockbuster films set to release in a couple of days/weeks, like Star Trek, Suicide Squad and Ice Age. When these films release, major traffic will be turned away from Ghostbusters. Heck, China has outright banned the film, meaning the film has to survive without a vast majority of the money from Asia. There has even been reports of theaters around the world being empty on screenings of the film.

(A link showing some figures about how much the movie has made, here)

Fact of the matter is, this movie will become a failure. And I'm glad it is. This is what happens when you treat a fanbase with disrespect: they let their wallets do the talking. And it seems the public has spoken. I would not be surprised in the slightest if lots of people from Sony lose their jobs.

If you enjoyed the movie, good on you, more power to you. But no matter what, I will never watch this movie, and if I ever do, I will pirate it. Supporting this film, and giving money to the company will only encourage them to do it again. We don't want more reboots. We don't want to be insulted for our opinions. It's that simple. Granted, if the only controversy to this film was the trailer, I would have most definitely have given the film a second chance. I think the actresses are talented, and a female Ghostbusters team has been done before to great effect. Some of the comics show female Ghostbusters, and no-one had a problem with them. I get the feeling a female-only Ghostbusters could have worked if more care went into it. But instead, Sony were lazy, and tried to make the fanbase seem like the bad guys.

At the end of the day, I will not watch Ghostbusters 2016, and I seriously think no-one should watch and support it. This film shows just how corrupt and horrible Hollywood has become. They are willing to tarnash a beloved movie franchise, and are willing to insult its fanbase, all to get more sales for their lazy cash-grab. And in the off chance I do watch Ghostbusters 2016, I will make sure to pirate it. Sony does not deserve my money, and it does not deserve your money. Please don't support this.

Rest in Peace - Ghostbusters
1984 - 2016
You didn't deserve to die like this.
Who you gonna call?? Not these guys, amirite? (bad joke is bad...)

Until the next blog...

This is AnimeFanFTW, over and out!

inb4 I'm called a misogynist


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08/06/2016 8:04 pm
Level 41 : Master uwu
HippyKat's Avatar
Sony can't make good movies anymore anyway. They are just an evil company who will do anything for publicity.
08/06/2016 8:44 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Pretty much.
It's a shame, really. In gaming, Sony have shown to be passionate and somewhat care. But in terms of movies, they outright disrespect everyone.
07/21/2016 3:54 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
wafflegirl__'s Avatar
I read here that 2016 Ghostbusters will be getting an sequel...


Seriously, do we need Sony to make another cashgrab movie based on the Ghostbusters franchise? The first was bad, I'm not convinced that the sequel will be better. In fact, it might be worse. Hey, at least they put probably in the title of the article so that raises my hopes up that there won't be a sequel.
07/21/2016 7:59 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I highly doubt Ghostbusters will ever get a sequel due to the lack of money its producing.
07/21/2016 9:29 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Artist
wafflegirl__'s Avatar
It better stay that Ghostbusters won't get an sequel or else there's gonna be no one to call anymore. bad joke is bad i dun goofed
07/21/2016 9:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Still better then any joke I could make
07/21/2016 2:18 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
You're so sexist omg!! Shame on you!!!

Of course, I'm just joking about that. I totally agree with what you're saying! I agree with not caring about race when casting, (LOOK FOR TALENTED ACTORS MAHN) BUT NOT JUST TO GET SOCIAL APPEAL? That in itself is extremely racist!! Picking someone just because of their race to make more money... stuff like that makes my blood freaking boil man.

07/21/2016 8:02 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Ah, LittleCreeper! It's been too long. :D

Also, ikr? This movie is nothing but pandering to feminazis.
07/21/2016 12:23 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
InkSpot's Avatar
Not to mention that one of the actresses is actually a well, horrible person. Well in my opinion at least and yes they realllllllllly (really really really really really REALLY) overused bad visual effects.
07/21/2016 8:02 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Which actress are you talking about?
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