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Why I play Minecraft

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Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
Today this blog I have made will be about why I am pretty much here, and why all my content that I post is primarily military related. Such as the tanks, planes, jets, helicopters, bases etc. Well to tell you that I must first tell you a little about myself. I am student in High School who currently takes part in CAP (Civil Air Patrol) and AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps). I firstly joined these groups because well first, my goal when I get older is to become a United States Air Force Airman, so being apart of an auxiliary unit in the Air Force sorta builds up to that goal. I love being in groups like these because firstly I get to make bonds and friendships with people that can be unique at times. As well I get to have what would be for many, a once and a lifetime experiences. Such as going to the local Air Force Base and getting a tour of Fighter Jets such as the F-22 Raptor and getting to meet the men and women who pilot such aircraft.

I build military related things in Minecraft, because first of all at the time I started not to many people did. When I did build military vehicles I built them with passion. I sometimes made 10 different models of the same aircraft just so I can make the perfect one. Combining parts of each different one into the final model, making what I thought to be the most pleasing way I can build it. I read books on certain military operations that I started building adventure maps for. (Spoiler: Which I haven't posted any of, so they're still being built) I love building what I do, being able to fit inside the vehicles I build and fire off the gun systems I put in them is just a very fun experience. Not to mention have people use and play with my work the same as I did, it just always manages to make me happy inside.

I was able to look at new advanced military aircraft, and say "I can build that into Minecraft". That alone can be a good reason for what I do in Minecraft. Now I'm going to be frank with myself here, my imagination isn't the most broadest thing on earth. I say this because I don't build things out of my imagination, I build things that already exist and that I can sorta copy off of them from images. However that's for you to decide though whether I have a strong imagination or not.

I'll tell you though I didn't start getting good at Minecraft over night. I first started off building bases and ships (That we're bad) It was a very tedious and long process when I started playing Minecraft in 2011. The first thing I ever built in Minecraft was this cobblestone square skyscraper that went up to limit of the sky. Then the first military thing I started building was a destroyer that I put a TNT cannon too and added things like the bridge, living quarters, engine room, control room, etc. It doesn't look the best but I enjoyed making it very much. It's play factor was high due to the ability to fire off the TNT cannon over and over again, which was very fun. Anyway as you can see I have built many things in Minecraft military related that none of you know about, and if you we're to see them you wouldn't be very impressed. It was definitely a learning curve when I started though, and if I wasn't driven to play by things like the internet then I for sure wouldn't be typing up this blog right now. Hey I wouldn't have even posted one of these creations to the internet if it wasn't for a couple things.

One of the first things that got me to start playing Minecraft was a youtube commentator. His name was SeaNanners, yes SeaNanners got me started playing Minecraft. One day after watching a video of SeaNanners playing Minecraft I decided to google Minecraft. The first thing that popped up on Google was this awesome video of a guy who built the most epic thing in Minecraft I have ever seen at the time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn2-d5a3r94 (This is the video) I was so amazed I decided to get the free version of Minecraft and I went to the server that this build was on. It was the first time I played Minecraft and I was on the bridge of the USS Enterprise 1:1 scale. It was the most awesome thing ever I thought I had seen in a game. So then I just went from there, started to build towers and hotels. Then I bought the full version of the game and I still have the original world in which I started on playing in. It has skyscrapers, army bases, radio beacons, prisons, destroyers, submarine base, submarines, military research base, bridges, control centers, pirate ships, helicopters. None of by the way looked that good, they actually look relatively bad, but slightly ok I suppose. For me though it was a start, and this game changed me a lot. I kept all of what I did secret and didn't tell anybody that I played video games, such as Minecraft. Mostly because I didn't want girls to see me as a nerd or anything. Secretly I am a nerd though, a BIG nerd. I mean I watch ALL of E3 from Spike, Machinima, an IGN. This year will be the 3rd time I've watched E3 in my life and I can't wait. A lesson I learned from doing all this video game related stuff though is to just not care, what others think of you. It didn't really matter though if girls knew I played Minecraft though, because later on I found out that a lot at my school in Middle School played it too. :D

This game means a lot to me though, I play it like a past time, and enjoy it like a new puppy. I just wanna say if you look down upon me just know firstly that I don't care 1 penny if you do, but also that we have a lot in common because we're both big fans of Minecraft. Just remember though to do what you love, because I know I will.

Thanks For Reading.

Written by Alexander, aka STEALTHy.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by STEALTHy 06/05/2013 6:50:49 amJun 5th, 2013

Changed video
Changed picture
Changed title
Fixed grammar errors


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07/04/2013 12:13 am
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
thorin234's Avatar
I play minecraft for its endless possibilities.

There are so many things you can do. People are uilding whole other GAMES on top of minecraft! people have built computers with it! with mods, people can create a factory.à à you can explore new dimensions. make new things. find new animals. you canà à do anything you can ever possibly dream of. Minecraft is a great big dream world where you can do whatever you want. You can tell who hasn't played minecraft. They all say "oh its just a bunch of stupid blocks." They never think. They don't understand the minecraft community. People buy the game every second. But yet, it doesn't attract them. They find it "babyish" or "boring after a couple days" But they don't get it. they don't fully explore it. no ones fully explored minecraft. Minecraft is like the universe. it can never fully be explored, and it keeps growing every millisecond.

Long story short, Minecraft is a universe in itself, and it never stops growing.
06/14/2013 1:04 am
Level 42 : Master Engineer
GreyFergy101's Avatar
Nice blog mate, I am sort of similar too. Father 33 years RAAF, Uncle, Army, Brother attempting to join RAAF. I am off for a week of work experience with the RAAF in two weeks. I hope in another two and a half years to get into ADFA and become an officer as an engineer (avionics hopefully), I mainly restore vintage engines, tractor etc, however I also like to play minecraft and work on my giant naval base I plan on releasing early next year. Keep working towards your goal, I am sure you will achieve it! When you know what you want to do you know what you need to be doing to achieve your goal, keep at it mate! Diamond and subscription from me!!!
06/06/2013 6:44 pm
Level 47 : Master Artist
Folicorow's Avatar
Diamond! Great blog! However, I think you should the picture that one's really overused! :S
06/06/2013 8:30 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
Should what with the picture?
06/06/2013 6:04 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Guard
ST_RD_ST's Avatar
dude. seriously. you need diamonds and faves. here have 'em.
06/05/2013 7:42 am
Level 42 : Master uwu
Woodstockk's Avatar
Spoken from the heart.
06/05/2013 7:07 am
Level 49 : Master Engineer
AirforceCraft's Avatar
Hey STEALTHy! Well i am pretty much the same as you! I am in high school and i am in the australian air league and RAAF cadets! I have already been in a C-130j hercules and am about to get my starters license next year! can't wait and i love minecraft since it is so adventurous and really fun and i love flans mod with the manus addons! I love creating stuff and everything! Also i soon will be serving with the raaf in 3 years and im very excited!
06/05/2013 7:14 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
That is so AWESOME!!!. What are you gonna be once you join the Royal Australian Air Force?
06/05/2013 7:19 am
Level 49 : Master Engineer
AirforceCraft's Avatar
Either Raaf f-35 pilot or pilot a c-130h. If i start off with driving a c-130h first then i am automatically qualified to be able to drive an f-35b the next year!!! So i have 2 choices to drive and f-35b. Take the long way and train and keep going up in ranks by starting off as engineer or i could start piloting a c-130h for one year and then the next year i could pilot and f-35!!!

But also if Australia gets new intercepter fighters or air superiority fighters then i might even be in one of them!!! (Hope its the f-22!)

P.S im good at maths at science!! ;D
08/03/2013 1:31 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Ranger
HeTheRandomEpic's Avatar
Hey AirforceCraft! Room for one more in this boat? I'm in high school and I am a US Young Marine. Planning on joining either the US Navy as a pilot or the US Marines. I do believe the next international interceptor shipment should be the F-22. If so, good luck in the RAAF flying one of the best aircraft in the skies today! Started my military 'career' at age 6 when my father was deployed to Afghanistan with the US Army. If I ever go to Australia as a Marine, I hope it's you in the cockpit. Aim high!
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