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Why do we Use PMC? - The Science Behind it All

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Whoever01's Avatar Whoever01
Level 47 : Master Princess
I know, I uploaded another blog a really short time before this one, but I'm seeing if it will burst out my consistency.

Why PMC?

Well, in a scientific manner, the human mind has always been stimulated to fun things (IDK why.) So fun you may say? Why is PMC fun, why do we like it? Are we supposed to like it, are we supposed to hate it? Why are we so addicted to xp? Why do we want to rage when moderators issue consequences? Why do we make 10000000 forum posts a day? When will we get over PMC?

Well, there are a heap of possible reasons, but I am going to start off with uploading. We either put heaps of effort in to make the best quality submission that you can possibly create, or take 2 seconds to make something then upload it. Either way, we will think 'yes! a diamond!' We will get excited from positive feedback and feel bad/determined when we get negative feedback or constructive criticism.

When we get diamonds/hearts/subs for the first time, you could find it a treasure to get even one. When you are nearly at 200 subs and get around 20-25 diamonds per submission (on average) you can feel good when you get over the average or you have a very (very) successful submission. When you get to 500 subs and 50-70 diamonds per submission, you will only feel like you've achieved something when you get like 2 things on the pop reel, more than 150 diamonds etc. It's all in your experience.

Another question is 'why do we like other users?' It's not about general civilisation, friendships, dating or family relationships but why do we enjoy submissions created by others and why don't we feel over-proud and greedy about our own submissions? Well, it's the fact that we could find use for the other submissions, usually by entertainment or information. If we find a new blog, we could like it due to the use of all that stuff your English teacher may say or you might have just simply learned something completely new, off one casual piece of translated HTML.

When we subscribe to a user, we do so because we want to see more of their work, but why? If we enjoyed one cool blog/server/mod/skn/build/texture, why do we want more? We think that if that was cool, we could find some even better stuff from this user, and get a front-page notification when something new comes out! Like for example, you find a cool rant, you sub the user and get a tutorial which was even better than the rant! That is something you could get out of a small subscription?

Now, I am up to the point of where one of my other blogs would end, but I've still got allot to go! I will now talk about submission removals. You might get your cool submission removed by a moderator for a reason you think is unfair. You PM them, and go rage and all and then they say why you got the submission removed. You feel as if either, or both, that you would hate the moderator and want to blow his/her head off with a bazooka (or whatever) and/or bad about yourself for doing such a stupid thing. Every submission is removed for a reason, and that reason is always outlined in the rules.

The forum and chat can be addictive, I know! We use these because we need to get social with people every now and again but why do we spend hours on chat? Why do we post on the forum so much? With the forum, we might want to get our post count up, or just chat and give our opinion on something, and that is part of human nature. In chat, it's just like talking to someone else, but you love the same thing as they do, Minecraft! That's what makes it fun. Also, you might want to advertise as it feels like you will get some XP and diamonds as outlined above.

Why PMC? Why Not MCForums?

Well yes, some of us might like the official forums, but I enjoy PMC much more. Why? PMC has chat, easy upload interface in which you can upload stuff, cool chat and believe it or not, nicer moderators.

The moderators on MCForums will ban you if you post something even slightly similar to another topic but on PMC, if the topic has to be necroed, you can be safe from an infraction. You can post AMAs, cool forum games, stuff you didn't know was false (yes, they ban you for your lack of knowledge in which you cannot help) and similar ideas and it will still be there tomorrow!

Well, it is more fun and enjoyable on PMC because we actually have a good IRC chat and a decent upload area. MCForums is just a forums and news site, we have much more. Who really cares if we are unofficial! We are still a great site! And human nature says we should like it!

CreditMy Brain!

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06/22/2013 8:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Miner
SnakestoneThePony's Avatar
PMC is a good website. But PMC is slowest piece of shit I have ever seen.
06/22/2013 9:12 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
I guess so :)
06/13/2013 6:48 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragonborn
player12345678901's Avatar
I hate MCForums cuz the moderators are complete douchebags, and I have like 4 infractions which should've expired months ago.
06/11/2013 4:10 pm
Level 48 : Master Answer
-Rusty's Avatar
Well, PMC > MCF because of it's layout honestly. It's so much easier to get around the site here on PMC.

Also, once you start going on the Forums, it's just hard to stop. I get on the Forums about 3-4 times a day, and each time I'm on them for about 30 minutes.
06/11/2013 10:28 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
Two things to make clear to people who read this:
1) We don't ban people for being wrong.
2) Raging at moderators is not a good idea.
06/11/2013 5:23 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
I could clarify 2 a wee bit more, but number 1 is directed at MCForums staff, not PMC :P
06/12/2013 9:21 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pyro
Supernova666's Avatar
I know about number 1 :P I just wanted to say so incase anyone mis-read it.
06/12/2013 6:29 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Ill be on my PC this afternoon, so I'll fix the issues then :)
Hybrid Warrior
06/10/2013 11:11 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Warrior
Hybrid Warrior's Avatar
I'm level 52 and I get 20-30 diamonds per skin submission on average :(
06/11/2013 1:55 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Snark
Aximili's Avatar
High five!
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