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Why do all my favourite servers shut down?!

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SoggyTractor's Avatar SoggyTractor
Level 56 : Grandmaster Spelunker

Welcome, dear readers. You read it right. Somehow, unbelievably, every single one of my favourite servers shuts down. And ito s time for me to raaaaaage about it.

My first ever server. I logged in and immediately fell in love. With the spawn. With the builds. With the people. Even with the rule signs. From the moment I received those first few welcoming words, I knew Io d be playing on it forever, because it was a brilliant creative server.

A few weeks later it was all over. The server was gone, and it never came back online. I didno t get an apology, or a goodbye, or anything. I felt betrayed and alone, cut off from the other members and really needing a hug.

Whato s sad is I dono t remember any of the other memberso names, nor the name of the server itself - was it o slubrichto or o sibruno or something? Today, it still annoys me that thereo s no evidence it even existed, except vaguely in my memory.

The shutting down of the next server was particularly painful. A good friend decided to set up a survival server and for the first time I strayed from creative mode. A great community developed. It was going swimmingly well. Then, on returning from a week-long holiday in Ibiza, I discovered that this one had shut down too.

The next one was pretty much the same. A creative server called o Areico shut down due to lack of players. BUT I WAS JUST ABOUT TO BE PROMOTED TO OP. As you can imagine, I was feeling like, well, in one word: o UGH.o

And yes, there was another one. On Infaplots, a new creative server on which I had just become a o trial modo , the other staff began to disappear for days on end. It got to a stage where I was irritated that I never saw them. When I finally got to talk to one of them after the server had gone down, he simply said, by way of explanation, o Oh yeah, the code-thingy screwed up and we cano t be asked to fix it.o One cano t imagine how difficult this was for me to hear.

Then I got banned from Mithrantia. Of course, it didno t shut down, but I still lost access to yet another great server. And all because I simply said that one of the modo s jokes wasno t funny. He got mad. After seeing the line: o the ban hammer has spoken,o emotions can be described as something like this: o FUUGHHIUGH. WHY.o

So why did I get so annoyed by all this? Yes, the servers wereno t going to last forever and also, change is a good thing. But still...My bad luck is something to be ranted about. Moreover, why did the owner of o InfaPlotso anger me so much? Well, ito s something I only just realised. He didno t understand how attached you can become. Servers areno t just something you play on. Theyo re not just part of the game. Theyo re communities of people with whom you form genuine friendships with. They take up all of your free time.

If ito s the right server, it becomes like your second home, your second group of friends, your main source of fun. A Minecraft server can be something completely unique and completely one of a kind. That means losing it is a hideous process. Not quite heart-breaking...but still. It hurts.

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11/07/2016 12:00 pm
Level 46 : Master Network
_Magno20_'s Avatar
Not all servers last forever. I've been hosting the Village Craft Network since 2012, and we've had a small but stable player base. It can be difficult running and maintaining a server to the standard players expect. With a lack of donations, it can cause servers to close as hosting is not always cheap.
06/29/2016 3:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EagleGamingYT's Avatar
First server named: Crewnivese: Great community, Great servers, extremely active; shut down.

Second server named: HyperCloudMC: Amazing factions server, very active, very welcoming, one of the only non pay to win factions servers I have ever encountered; shut down.

Final Server: StarboundMC: This one happened a few weeks ago. The server was going great, best community I have ever been a part of, until one very unfortunate day: it was shut down. I was so angry and sad and annoyed and I have not been able to find a good server since.

(I know this post is old I just wanted to state my opinions... This is a really sad topic and I am glad someone finally took it on board and decided to write about it.)
07/11/2014 8:35 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
SillyMan0108's Avatar
Yesterday my fav server (witch here's the IP: mc.slabcraft.net) shut down for a little while :P I was not sad, but I knew the owner of the server ArmorofGlory had to stop it for matenince and I did feel good inside and I knew it wouldn't shut down forever :D So after the matenice was done I went back on and I was feeling comfortable and happy :)
02/04/2014 4:56 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragon
cookiecat17's Avatar
Both of my favourite servers shut down.Lost most of my friends but i got most of my friends skype and i meet 1 of my old server friends on a different server.
12/21/2013 10:19 am
Level 30 : Artisan Network
drewbzz's Avatar
hey guys try mc.espercraft.net Will never Shut down been running over 3 years :)
hope its a home for you guys to call home :)
10/12/2013 5:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AliceFashion's Avatar
Yea i had a server one day and when i logged on to minecraft the next day it was gone its so annoying
10/09/2013 12:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
honeybee26's Avatar
Just like wehn my favorit server mc.antcraft.net shut down someone Ddosed it the server recoverd but then the owner got sick for a few day but the person who was put in-charge of the server jad shut it down and took it over.so i am in ALOT OF rage
08/07/2013 3:50 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Pirate
ElderBow's Avatar
You know, for once I would like a creative server, where you don't need to donate to keep up, where the other players won't slander you and your builds (calling it constructive criticism), and one that won't shut down because it is run by people who truly enjoy running it.
07/22/2013 10:43 am
Level 2 : Apprentice System
ChristusAllein's Avatar
I can't donate to keep them up....so now I cannot talk to them at all........adsfadslf;kisdeasriasd78sdifdf
07/22/2013 10:42 am
Level 2 : Apprentice System
ChristusAllein's Avatar
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