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Why Contests are the Worst

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Lojend's Avatar Lojend
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
When I see that a contest has started, I jump at the chance to enter. I put in the time and effort and make something amazing- except it’s not amazing. It’s bad. It’s bad compared to the ridiculously good things people have made. But I submit my project or skin or blog in an attempt to win, though I don’t expect to be #1. However, never have I made the top 50, or even the top 100. After the contest, I know I wouldn’t win but I feel bad about my skills. So why do I keep checking in anticipation, waiting for a new contest for that vicious cycle of trying, losing, and feeling bad to start again? Are contests bad? Are they broken? That’s what I’m here to discuss.

I’m not sure if anyone else has shared my experience of feeling bad for losing a contest, but even so, let’s look into why we lose. The reason we lose is simply because we’re not good enough, right? Wrong. You could be incredibly skilled at building, for example. You put in all this work and time into making in incredible castle or house or giant robot and submit your project. No matter how good you are, however, you’re never going to beat those crazy good people that make nonsense like this or this. How are we supposed to compete with that?! I mean, we have school, and sports, and clubs, and (I assume) friends and a social life. And there simply isn’t time to make something that ridiculous. And even if the time was there, it takes incredible precision and artistic ability. Is that our answer? Minecraft is for artists? Yes. If you think about it, Minecraft is just a huge graphic design game. With all the building and skin designing, it’s hard to win without being extremely artistic. Even writing blogs takes artistic ability. Minecraft is, in a sense, it’s own art form.

What does all of this have to do with losing contests? Well, Minecraft, like all art, takes practice. It takes a lot of practice to perfect your own building style. However, when a learning, young artist enters a contest with confidence and loses to an insane creation like this, it’s very easy to become discouraged and give up. Imagine being in Art 1 in school and going again an AP Studio Art in an art contest. Not very fair, is it? You would expect to go against your classmates in Art 1. And losing a contest, even an unfair one, can be discouraging. This means that contests can cause potential artists give up. My advice to you is to not give up or be discouraged! It’s likely that you will never win a contest, but giving up is even worse than losing. Never give up, keep creating art!

I have added a new article, called, 'Why Contests are the Worst 2', and I would appreciate it if you took the time to read that as well! I updated it with my main idea that I failed to mention in this article.

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06/05/2016 10:10 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
This blog can be improved significantly. I think the message you wanted to convey to the reader is to never give up, but that takes up literally 2 lines in this blog. The majority of the blog is just a complaint. Not so motivational.
Especially if you include this line. "It's likely that you will never win a contest..." - GG.

Just because you don't win contests doesn't mean that the contests are the worst. If it were that easy to win, then you will see dirt houses #1. I think a better thing to do is to look at the finalists and learn from them. What makes them win, which 100% of them uses mega builds.
06/06/2016 5:07 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
Lojend's Avatar
Disregard this entire blog it's trash, read the new one here before you start a debate
06/06/2016 5:08 pm
Level 83 : Elite Fox
CraftyFoxe's Avatar
I did
05/25/2016 3:58 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
I used to agree with this completely, which is why I tried to host a contest of my own. it got 1 entry.

The most successful non-official build contest ever hosted on this website was the 'Creative Node' contest.

My suggestion is, start hosting a contest with a specific topic every month or so. or make a small group that takes turns.

I can't anymore organize them myself anymore, Im banned from the forums, but I'm willing to provide starter maps unless I'm extremely busy.

Dont aim to provide super-precious prizes. My advice is to get humble bundle game sales, and using those games as prizes after the sale is over. it'll feel like something substantial, while barely costing anything.
05/25/2016 4:08 pm
Level 89 : Elite Terraformer
lentebriesje's Avatar
Do you have a link to the cubed creative contest? I think i missed that one
05/25/2016 4:11 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
no idea where the contest post is, but I can show you a few entries, including my own.
05/25/2016 4:12 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
My bad, it was creative node, not cubed. no idea why I confused those
05/25/2016 4:14 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
though the qubic contest was also quite a success.
05/25/2016 3:53 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Ivain's Avatar
newsflash: no matter what you do, there will always be someone better.

Do you give up and cry? not really. You just do the best you can, and take pride in what you can reach. I used to give up constantly because I got beaten.

then I decided for once, hey, lets not actually give up. I got 50-something in the finals. I did the previous contest as well. got 30-something.

Don't aim for the top rightaway. It'll be way too intimidating.

Cut the goal into smaller goals, and aim for each next one.
05/25/2016 6:52 pm
Level 22 : Expert Scribe
Lojend's Avatar
Thank you for this wonderful summery of my article
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