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When Will Mojang Slow Down?

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RyryF2F's Avatar RyryF2F
Level 34 : Artisan Toast

When Will Mojang Slow Down With Minecraft?

With a over 14 million copies sold on just PC alone, Mojang constantly keeps updating Minecraft to make it new and exciting. But when will they slow down on all the updates? Although its nice with all the new blocks and features. Not to forget all of the new commands for map makers. But its getting hard for people to keep everything up to date with the new version. Here is a few reasons why.

People that are trying to upkeep their mods and their plugins are having trouble. For instance, many big names mods aren't even updated to 1.7 yet, and their already ready to release 1.8! Also for people beginning to create new plugins or mods are having trouble getting them out when the API is constantly changing.

Map makers are also having problems! When they go through and build something and their thinking "ah, that block goes so good with that...". BAM another update comes and then their thinking "Wow, that block is so much better, now I have to go and change it all..." . Also just keeping up with all the new command block updates can be a hassle. There are so many new ones coming out with 1.8.

Maybe Mojang could just slow down on all the updates. Just let everyone catch up to whats happening. Working on getting realms up would be a good alternative! Working on the PS3 or X-Box edition also be a good alternative.

So that ends my little talk about all the updates. I'm not saying at all that the updates are bad. I quite enjoy them. But maybe letting people get things updated would be nice.

Thanks for taking your time to read this! If you enjoyed leave a diamond! Now go and block yourself out!


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Cartoonish Villain
07/23/2014 6:44 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Button Pusher
Cartoonish Villain's Avatar
at this point it is not when will mojang slow down, it is when mojang will post a huge game changing update, 1.7.2 changed many codes, even existing ones, that is why it took so long for forge to come out for it, as for the later 1.7s, 1.7.10 forge already came out, the size matters more than speed
Crikey The Headcrab
07/23/2014 5:26 pm
Level 28 : Expert Pixel Puncher
Crikey The Headcrab's Avatar
I agree with this. They update SO fast i cant even finish updating my server in that time!
04/11/2014 6:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
MegaManChiefFanMC's Avatar
Well it is taking them SO much longer to release 1.8 officially, and it would be boring not to have somethings new every 4 to 6 months. So i am going to disagree with you. But i will respect your oppinion and not force you to change it.
02/19/2014 2:55 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Taco
MuffinLauncher's Avatar
02/19/2014 12:03 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Quakthorn_Dev's Avatar
2 Words: Modding API
02/18/2014 8:33 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
goober85's Avatar
I seriously have no idea how you can get they're, their, and there mixed up. They're is a contraption for they are, which is why it has the apostrophe ('), their is possession, and there is a specific location. Try to get it right....
02/18/2014 6:09 pm
Level 41 : Master Modder
David5886's Avatar
I disagree with you, Minecraft is being updated every 2-4 months! Mods, Its taking mod makers to update because in 1.7 they changed thousands of lines of code to help improve the performance of the game! Which caused Forge not to update for a very long time because they had to change most of thier code. Mods have to change thier code because of this. they have to take most of their code, with the big mods it can be a lot, and change it. I would rather have a game that performs better than have all of the mods updated. Map makers, Right now they are getting a lot of new options for their maps, with the new command block features they can do crazy stuff making maps then times better! For the Xbox and PS minecraft, talk to 4J studios about that, they take care of minecraft for those platforms. Also 1.7 came out 3 months ago, which means that another update is coming, and in Mincon 2012 Jeb said updates will come every 2-4 months. Which warned people that updates will come out less frequently, which is supposed to stop people from complaining and let them know about updates.

I dislike this blog because this is a type of blog I see a lot. People complaining about something in the game and not having anything nice to say about it. Most of these types of blogs I dislike and wont favorite or diamond. sorry
02/18/2014 6:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ThaVrisco's Avatar
Did you notice the part where it said "...its nice with all the new blocks and features. Not to forget all of the new commands for map makers."
02/18/2014 8:35 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
goober85's Avatar
Yeah, so what? He still complained about how most mods don't get a chance to update even though he doesn't know why.
02/18/2014 5:50 pm
Level 45 : Master Necromancer
MCJapanga's Avatar
I completely agree to this.
I've barley begun modding for 1.6.2 and 1.7 is Out and then 1.8 is already planned!!
It seems like every time i start modding on a new version ANOTHER New version comes out.
Plus. 50th diamond :O
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