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What Hacking Really Is

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kirbyquerby's Avatar kirbyquerby
Level 50 : Grandmaster Electrician
Ok, so recently I was browsing the blogs on PMC. In the featured area, I saw this, titled "Why do you hack?":

I was interested, so I went ahead and read the blog. In that blog, I found a huge amount of inaccurate statements held together by horrible grammar and spelling. The blog looked like a 4 year old complaining, and the problem is some people actually believed it, so I'm writing this blog about what hacking really is.


Now, people say lots of times that someone is hacking minecraft. The stupidest thing I have ever heard was this quote, "Stop hacking on this server! Hacking is illegal!"


That statement was half true and half false. The true part was that generally, hacking is illegal. The false part, was that the person was "hacking." Allow me to define the verb hack (in internet context).

Here it is, pulled straight out of the dictionary: hack into, Computers. to break into (a server, Web site, etc.)from a remote location to
steal or damage data: Students are constantly trying to hack into their school server to change their
grades. Essentially, hacking is the malicious use of code to damage another computer or engage in illegal actions on the internet. Let me tell you what minecraft "hacks" are really.

The correct term for a so-called minecraft hack is a mod. That's right, nodus is the same type of thing as your average planet minecraft mod. Minecraft mods are modified versions of the minecraft jar that allow you to do things that are not otherwise possible. For example, Optifine gives you better graphics options, while some random food mod gives more food options, and nodus gives you the ability to do many different actions, like autofish, to make fishing less tedious and fly, to fly around for fun.

Not all hackers are the same! Not all of us are evil!

Hackers are not malicious beings who wish to destroy your favorite minecraft server. Generally, hackers are good guys, who help exploit bugs in software, to make the software safer and more secure. Minecraft "hackers" are people just like you and me, who just have a modified jar, just like you and me. Their jar modifications are merely to a different style.

One last thing about minecraft "hacking." Not everyone uses these mods for bad. I know a server admin who uses nodus to fly around faster. Another owner I know uses nodus fastbuild and fastbreak to build faster, and yet another server owner I know uses nodus features to entertain their players, like highjumping.

What to do about "hackers". Many people complain about "hackers" and say it's unfair, since some people still use the mods to cheat. What I have to say is that mods should not be a problem if the server has good anti-cheating plugins installed. Also, if you think that people cheating is unfair, then get cheats of your own, and level the playing field. Nodus is an improved version of minecraft, with many great features, which will enhance your gaming experience, like optifine. I'm not saying to use these mods for griefing or malicious use; I'm saying try them out and take a walk in the "hackers'" boots.

Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to promote hacking, illegal activities, cheating, nodus, evilness, stupidity, bullying, etc. I am not promoting any evil/against the rules stuff.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by kirbyquerby 01/17/2013 6:20:07 pmJan 17th, 2013

Added the awesome images as a guide and the disclaimer

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02/03/2016 11:10 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
taperpaper's Avatar
"Minecraft hacking" is just people using mods or clients to achieve: flight, xray, forcefield/kill aura, and other such things, giving them advantages over other people.

Minecraft "Hacking" in other words, is "Cheating" and most servers do not allow it.
01/17/2014 9:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
killroy645's Avatar
All this about "not all hackers are evil" doesn't really make sense.... Nodus and Kinky client for example were made FOR the purpose of Multiplayer cheating, they weren't keeping in mind the non "evil" hackers who want to fly faster or fish more efficiently. There are various plugins for that, so if and Admin is using a Moded Client it just shows how incompetent he is, when he could more easily download plugins... These hacks were made for 12 year olds who cant play the game legitimately because they don't have the patientience to do so.
08/07/2013 3:15 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
lana6167's Avatar
06/30/2013 8:20 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
Duckgod's Avatar
Nodus has some features that aren't illegal guys
/derp upsidedown
Awesome for youtube vids
Thats all i know of because i never used it xD
07/01/2013 4:02 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Electrician
kirbyquerby's Avatar
I'm gonna miss nodus :(
03/08/2013 3:49 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blob
taa1taa's Avatar
yeah, only real minecraft hacks are OPHack's (belive me i have very much experience with them, because i hosted a server what was attacked.) they generally fully work only on Cracked servers and give the player ability to get OP (Operator). i think it would deserve to be labeled as "hack".

taa1taa :O
03/05/2013 10:19 am
Level 24 : Expert Pokemon
MCLolness57's Avatar
Woo! I'll sub to u AND give u daimonds!!!!!!(i know i have stupid grammar)
02/27/2013 2:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Network
bbCowGoMoo's Avatar
Dont forget DDOS'ing
02/17/2013 8:08 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
Galax's Avatar
hacking is when you go in and you dont change things, but view it. cracking, however...thats illegal as shit. Both are illegal though, but when you see a cracker going at work, that is when your favorite server becomes ddosed or something like that.
01/18/2013 9:08 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Blazon0x12's Avatar
hacking is boring :I
i only used hack if people tried to use it to me for sure lots of people uses it
plus i hate it! D:
it made my friend become an evil greedy pig! D:
cause he learned that my other friend uses nodus he tried it too /:
and boom he betrayed us step by step :/
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