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Week in Review: Season 2 - Week of January 3, 2016

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GrayRemnant's Avatar GrayRemnant
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Greetings, and welcome to the first episode of Week in Review - Season 2!  As you can see, I've added ten additional categories and made some minor changes to the overall format.  My hope is that with these broader categories, some more obscure than others, I'll be able to represent a more complete image of PMC in my reviews now.  So, let's get some ground rules established so you guys know exactly how this works.

The Rules
Rule I - You do not talk about Week in Review.

Rule II - You do not talk about Week in Review!  >:(

Rule III - As always, qualifiers are chosen by me on a weekly basis, and must comply with all of PMC's rules and regulations.

Rule IV - There are 3 medals given out for the Map, Mega-Build, Terraforming, and Organic Work categories, and as many qualifier ribbons as I see fit.  There is only 1 medal awarded for each of the remaining categories, and a limit of 4 qualifiers per week.

Rule V - Sending me a PM, asking me to feature your work on WiR is not an effective strategy for getting your work featured on WiR.  Every qualifier is hand picked by me, fresh from the 'Recently Updated' page on PMC.  You can not negotiate your way onto this show, and excessive obsequious or annoying behaviour will result in an automatic disqualification for the work in question.
Quick Statement
For those of you wondering why this is being uploaded on Wednesday, as opposed to the traditional Sunday release date, let me just say this.  This show is not easy to produce.  The amount of data gathered on a weekly basis, for the leaderboard, top 100 lists, and top ten lists, is enormous.  And that's not even acknowledging the qualification process.

Of all the projects I've produced over the years (the Citadel series, The Temple of Oum, all of my miscellaneous blogs, my LEGO let's build series, and all of my Let's Play videos) Week in Review is, by far, the most time consuming and difficult thing to put together.  It is a lot of hard work, and I do it for zero monetary compensation.

Having said all of this, Week in Review will never be uploaded this late again.  The only reason for this week's push-back, is the fact that everything in this new season is, for lack of a better term, new.  I do not yet have a streamlined format for putting this all together.  From here on out, however, a streamlined format will be in place, which will allow me to do this without having to do as much heavy improvisation.

Bottom line: I'm aiming for Week in Review to be uploaded every Monday.  If I'm conflicted with other projects or unforeseen circumstances, it will be up Tuesday at the very latest.  Week in Review takes 3 days to complete at the very least (it's usually 3 and a half).  I spend one day collecting data (downloading images, recording crediting data, and determining winners) and updating the leaderboard.  I spend the next day writing and editing all of the reviews.  On the third day, I record and edit the video.  Usually, however, that last part has to be finished the following morning (hence the usual 3.5 days of work).

But, at the end of the day, the thing I really want to get across is this: This show takes time.  It's not something I just mindlessly put together on Sunday night while I'm watching football games.  The process is long and hard, and requires my full attention.  If you don't believe me, I urge you to try it.  You'll get frustrated and give it up almost instantly.  ;)

With all that said and done, let's get to the reviews.


To all of you who are familiar with the classic Week in Review format, the mapping category is a new addition that recognizes environments crafted with a combination of terraforming and structural/organic components.  And, to me, there was no project that best defined that category for the first week of 2016 than Tsukiyama Pond, created by goCreative.


Tsukiyama Pond is the grand realization of a highly detailed patch of swampland, inhabited by a giant fish, a frog and a steampunk heron, flanked with a lively ecosystem comprised of a plethora of organic/mechanical elements.


The most brilliant part of this map is the integration of organic and structural components.  The terrain, amphibians, fish, and grass are all made with purely organic methods, while the bridge, birds, cattails, and lily-pads all have steampunk elements.  This creates an interesting divide between these two groups of entities, which could be interpreted as the physical manifestation of conflict or perhaps even the relationship between predator and prey (something that is further built upon in the project description).


But regardless of the metaphorical intention of this project, it goes without saying that this is a remarkably vibrant and thematic map.  The spear-wielding frog, sitting atop the saddled fish, along with the billowing smoke emanating from the cattails, are all truly inspired and creative touches that bring this map to life.


Additional Credit
CorbinRainbolt - Builder
Necrosys - Builder
Guavacado - Organic Work
FlorianFunke - Haiku/Renders/Presentation
Splekh - Renders


This next category bears a name that you’ve never seen here on Week in Review, however it’s merely a rebranding of the all-to-familiar structure category.  And so, pedantic formalities aside, the best mega-build of the week is Baroque museum of horoze, created by Louapi.


This is a textbook mega-build.  There’s no terraforming and no organic work; just a massive piece of architecture, facilitated by a myriad of impressively epic renders.  Lined with an array of uniquely shaped panels, windows, domes, pediments, and rows upon rows of curving entablatures, this build is the definition of large scale, high quality Minecraft goodness.


And when the intricacies of the stonework light up once the aftereffects are applied, this becomes even more opulent.  Be it color, detail, symmetry, or composition, Baroque museum of horoze fires on all cylinders.


Additional Credit
MrBatou - Renders
Moustafa74 - Renders
Iskillia - Renders
LeBastos - Renders
TeamNewRise - Renders


Whenever you talk about fantasy terraforming, you imagine alien landscapes, vibrant planes, and impossibly rigid/veinous patterns.  This week, one terrain embodied all of that, and it was Lymphatus, created by Sphaera.


In an anatomical sense, the term ‘lymphatic’ refers to the veinous system of vessels that carry lymphatic fluid throughout the human body.  While I’m only speculating that this is the term Lymphatus was based on, you have to admit that the resemblance is undeniable.


And it is these veinous arrays of ridges and peaks that make up the entirety of Lymphatus.  It’s a never-ending matrix of texture, shadow, and pools of lava.  And that, while not exactly realistic, is a truly unique and fascinating rendition of a very weird type of terraforming that acts as a sort of complete statement of the kinds of rigid shapes and forms that can be created in Minecraft.


Additional Credit
Yeti - Terraforming
FreshM - Renders
Shadow - Renders
Arieben - Renders


This was a very good week for organic work.  Ultimately, it came down to a close contest between a truck hauling a burning house, and an impeccably detailed organic figure.  And, when it comes to organic work, impressive figures with unique poses always take the cake.  The best organic work of the week is CENTAUR ORGANIC, created by Craftological.


Creating humanoid figures in Minecraft is one of the hardest thing you can do, and the only thing harder than constructing a human is constructing a human-horse hybrid, wielding a spear while butterflies flutter about aimlessly.  That’s no small feat.


But it’s the small details that really elevate this build above its competition.  The hanging foliage, the perfect facial features, and the anatomical precision are all impressive in and of themselves.  But the real kicker is the pose that Craftological was able to achieve here.  The angle of the legs and the curvature of the spine give the figure a sense of profound liveliness.  It’s as if the centaur has been captured in a single frame, whilst galloping majestically through a field of dreams.


Additional Credit
Vikeson - Builder
goCreative - Renders
Ruben - GIF


And now we move on to the new categories here on Week in Review.  The first category is land structures, and I trust I don’t have to explain what that is.  The best land structure of the week is Crafting Buildings Pack, created by E_Ras.


This is exactly what the land structure category is all about.  These structures aren’t large enough to be considered mega-builds, but you have to admit that the amount of detail compressed into such a small space is a similarly epic feat that has to be acknowledged.


A high level of asymmetry, coupled with the clever placement of foliage is an effective way to blow an audience’s mind without having to negotiate with Minecraft’s height limit.  And this building pack does just that.  E_Ras does a great job incorporating a large quantity of materials to create an array of identifiable structures.  The texture pack does help, but even so, this is not easy to execute.


And might I point out the absolutely beautiful roofing, comprised of nuanced curves, angles, jutting structures, hanging glowstone, and railing.  Roofing is something that lot’s of PMC users struggle with, but E_Ras makes it look extremely easy.


The air structure category includes pretty much anything not anchored to the ground or, in some cases, something that’s not supposed to be anchored to the ground.  But, in this case, the best air structure of the week is something not anchored to the atmosphere.  And that build is N-HeavyFreighter - Novicic Military Series, created by Barbarian.


This is a sort of interstellar play on the concept of a cargo ship.  Instead of carrying containers across an ocean, this vessel carries containers across the galaxy.  It’s not an insane concept, and could very well become more than just fiction in the not-so-near future.


But even so, this is a very unique idea.  It’s easy to understand exactly what this ship is and what it’s used for; no description necessary.  And it’s very well executed as well.  The mechanical claws and machinery are expertly crafted, and contribute to the overall level of creativity.


And for the final category in the triad of structures, the best water structure of the week is RMS Titanic, created by CronosDarth.


When it comes to sea vessels, it doesn’t get much bigger than the Titanic.  It’s kind of like the proverbial apex of what our idea of a boat can be.  And this one is as good as you’ll find here on PMC.


Structurally, RMS Titanic isn’t complicated on the exterior.  To be sure, there’s a great deal of precision and realism, but it’s not the most intricate of builds.  That is, until you see the interior.


While not finished, CronosDarth has put a lot of time and effort into the interior of this great ship.  Immaculate lobbies, staircases, dining rooms, and hallways are some of what you’ll find inside.  And just as the decor is meant to showcase the pristine nature of the Titanic before it sank, this render is meant to showcase the opposite.


Additional Credit
CreeperCraftCity - Build Team


Most hubs and server spawns take the form of the all-to-familiar circular lobby, complete with a number of portals on all sides.  But every once in a while, someone makes something that challenges the norm.  Speaking of which, the best hub of the week is Server spawn Metaverse Network, created by pixelltastic.


This spawn breaks from the tradition of radially symmetrical hubs, and presents a beautiful scene of organic work and terraforming.  And instead of providing a ton of mundane portals, this spawn offers a few, meticulously placed, and well-decorated gateways.


It’s a much more personal take on a server spawn and, while it probably doesn’t meet the needs of a particularly large server, it’s perfect for something smaller and more private.  Sometimes a smaller scale offers a different experience, and with hanging lanterns, birds, flowers, and butterflies, this one offers a great experience indeed.


The main purpose for plots in Minecraft is to offer a complete build, without any surrounding distractions.  It’s a great way to share a single idea with the community, and allows for easier extraction and importation into existing world saves.  So, naturally, a plot’s success requires the build to shine through without the advantage of a lush terrain or a thematic environment.  The plot that shined the brightest this week was Stokes Residence, created by Rudim.


Stokes Residence is a towering estate, that has a grand and very posh appearance.  Hell, what’s more upscale than a clocktower?  But, moreover, this build has an incredibly asymmetrical format, coupled with a heavy application of details.  Trees, smoking chimney chutes, and exceptional roofing are just some of the highlights.


But Stokes Residence is more than just a model house, it’s a functional one.  Rudim took the time and effort to fill the entire structure with some excellent interior work, which transforms what is otherwise a showpiece, into a densely decorated living space.


The key to the success of any small structure is to saturate it in as much detail as possible, and the one surefire way to do that is to do some interior work.  It’s not an easy or interesting task, but when it’s done right it can elevate a build to new heights.


One of the things that I’m most fascinated by is the concept of creating functional devices with redstone and command blocks.  And one of the best minds in that field is my good friend shanewolf38 who, this week, created a build called QR Codes!


If you’re unfamiliar with QR codes, don’t panic; you’ve seen them before.  They’re those little pixelated labels that are placed on the bottom of products for easy identification.  While not that complicated in the real world, it becomes another matter entirely when you recreate it in Minecraft.  Which is exactly what shanewolf38 has done here.


Honestly, I’m not even going to attempt to comment on how he went around building this.  Let’s just say there’s math involved.  But the thing that I really like about this build is the familiar visual form it takes.  It’s one thing to create something functional with redstone, but another thing altogether to create something that displays a visual output.


Parkour is one of my favorite types of Minecraft mini-games.  However, too often, parkour courses are made without incorporating a style and feel that makes it unique.  This, however, isn’t the case for the best mini-game of the week, which was Wizard Parkour, created by 5uperTrinity.


This is an extraordinarily fun parkour experience, not only because of the time 5uperTrinity spent building it, but also because of the expertly programmed gameplay modifications.  Using special magical abilities to enhance a parkour course is a great way to give players a new and unique experience, and this map has plenty of that.


But it’s also the level of decor that makes this an especially enjoyable experience.  It’s easy to place blocks and ask the player to jump around, but it’s very VERY hard to build an interactive world around those jumps.


Additional Credit
Noricum - Redstone


Decor is one of those under-appreciated art forms on PMC.  It’s never going to be as mind-blowing as a mega-build or a complex terrain, but it takes a considerable amount of effort to make an interior that is diverse, functional, and unique.  This week, there was no greater example of this than George F. Barber #2, a suburban house built by meafcraft.


The best way to enhance interior work is by using an HD texture pack to create a more sleek and professional-looking living space.  Meafcraft does just that, and a lot more.  This interior strikes a balance between clutter and neatness, which leaves us with a very professional set of rooms.


Be it the lighting fixtures, the luxurious table sets, the peaceful home office, or the dimly-lit hallways, every facet of George F. Barber #2 is executed with a high level of quality and precision.


And it’s always helpful to showcase these motifs and techniques to less experienced builders who are unfamiliar with the myriad of ways you can go about decorating an interior space.  Many of the styles and material combinations used in these builds have been shared and passed down amongst the Minecraft community for years.


But, at the end of the day, shared or inspired, this build has a style all its own.


And finally, the last category in the new Week in Review format is the coaster category.  This was suggested by you, the community, and so I’m now obligated to bring you the best roller coasters or mine-cart creations on a weekly basis.  The best coaster of this week was Baron1898 - B&M divecoaster, created by daveytje21.


Most coasters are lackluster and miss the mark when it comes to style and structural reinforcements.  To clarify, coasters featured on Week in Review are expected to not only look and/or function like a rollercoaster, but also to look amazing (just like everything else).


And, as you can see by these images, daveytje21 does a great job doing all that.  This coaster is built among a large complex that takes the rider through a dark and slightly unnerving journey.  It’s a cleverly decorated and masterfully orchestrated ride that evokes emotion and is a lot of fun.


This level of quality is rarely seen when it comes to coasters, but hopefully work like this will give other builders some ideas and inspiration in the months to come.




Organic Work:

Land Structures:

Air Structures:

Water Structures:





Top Ten - All Time
Top Ten - 2015
Top Ten - 2016

Thank you very much for stopping by!  If you enjoyed this review, don't forget to check out the video version over in the Week in Review - Video Archive.  I'll see you guys next week!

-Gray Remnant

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01/18/2016 2:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1523901's Avatar
01/18/2016 10:34 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Why?  Is it the renders?  :P
01/19/2016 2:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1523901's Avatar
01/17/2016 5:59 am
Level 44 : Master Lad
CAG2's Avatar
When I saw the plane in the thumbnail, I was like "HURRAH! I MIGHT GET FEATURED FOR ONCE! PLANE OF THE WEEK!"

Then I see it's simply "Air structure of th week" :(
01/18/2016 10:33 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
I think you'll find that planes are going to be featured a lot in that category.  ;)
01/19/2016 1:08 am
Level 44 : Master Lad
CAG2's Avatar
Oh, now that you say that...
01/18/2016 11:45 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
Barbarian's Avatar
01/16/2016 9:20 am
Level 45 : Master Crafter
SedarGames's Avatar
It is a little weird when 90% of thsi are builds and only one category is for adventure maps what is BUILD+REDSTONE ....
01/17/2016 1:32 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Adventure maps would fall into the 'Mini-Game' category.  I find that it's actually one of the least competitive categories on a weekly basis, so there's really no need to divide it further.  ;)
01/17/2016 2:10 am
Level 45 : Master Crafter
SedarGames's Avatar
It is easier to post adventure maps on other sides on PMC , because they get mroe support there [for example at Minecraft Forum the news always show some good adventure map] . I guess that´s why...
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