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Week in Review - Week of November 1, 2015

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GrayRemnant's Avatar GrayRemnant
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
Hello there, ladies and gentlemen.  For all of you who have been suggesting additional categories for Week in Review, I suggest you read the section below the 'Top Ten' board.  I've been busy preparing the revamped version of Week in Review, which will start in January.  Between that and The Binding of Isaac, I haven't had much free time, which is why there's no video this week.  I'm going to be posting the first episode of my new let's play series this week (probably).  I think you guys are going to like it.  ;)


Finally, at long last, I get to talk about something out of World of Keralis.  It’s about Goddamn time.  Ladies and gentlemen, I’m pleased to announce that the best structure of the week (by far) was The City of Gallitzin, created by KeralisCreative.


If you’re sitting at your computer, not knowing what the hell ‘World of Keralis’ is, then shame on you!  Your ignorance offends me, and you’ve been reported to the FBI.  Tremble in the wake of the federally mandated bullets that are about to rain down upon you!


But if you are aware of WoK, then look in wonder at their works, all ye mighty, and despair!  This city is the result of a team of people working under a tyrannical building regime that exists for one purpose and one purpose only: World domination!  Not our world, mind you.  They’re building their own.  Step 1: Build.  Step 2: Invade.  Step 3: ???  Step 4: Profit.


In all seriousness though, this is an architectural marvel of such range and variety, that it defies all we know and hold dear.  Well, maybe not that much, but it defies quite a bit.  Take the architecture, for example.  There’s not one building in this cluster of skyscrapers that looks even remotely similar.  They all sport their own style, ranging from modern to classic motifs.


It’s this diversity that defines ‘real world’ cities, like New York or Chicago.  Not every building was made at the same time, or by the same person.  There’s a sort of raw, mixed disorder that arises.  And don’t get me wrong; Gallitzin doesn’t bear the likeness of any specific city in the world.  It looks realistic, yet it’s completely unique and of its own flavor.


All of this structural mastery is bound together by grids of streets, tramways, and a coastal marina of sorts.  And this is all but a fragment of WoK in its entirety.  I guess only in that megalithic server is something so large viewed as such a tiny piece.  In my world, this a practically continental mega-build.  I think that sums it up pretty well.


Additional Credit
Shiftmaster - Head Builder/Planner
Anwillus - Organizer/Planner
Tingusbangus - Organizer/Planner
PaulvMontfort - Renders


Ever wonder what it would be like to stumble onto a vast fortune and live the rest of your life in limitless luxury?  Well, look no further.  Let’s say you’re aboard a commercial airliner, soaring across the ocean.  One of the engines explodes.  You end up floating in a rubber dinghy, adrift amongst monstrous ocean waves (yes, I’m ripping off the entire plot of Cast Away; deal with it!).  You wash ashore a strange, uncharted island.  Guess what?  The island is made of gold.  You’re rich!


Such is the theme of a terrain titled Gold Rush Island, created by kesteve.  This is a shimmering, tumorous blob of gold anchored in the middle of the sea.  If you end up stranded on this island, you’re automatically the richest person who’s ever lived.  Whether or not you survive remains to be seen.


Seriously though, the way this plot of land shimmers is just jaw-dropping.  If wealth could take natural, blatant form, this is certainly what it would look like.  Six-trillion metric tons of solid gold, waiting to be claimed by whoever calls dibs first.


Then again, this much gold added to the world economy would almost certainly cause the value to plummet.  I guess now you can finally afford that nice, 24-karat gold Rolex you’ve been saving up for.  It’s now available for $9.99 at Walmart.  You can go grab one while you’re buying Fritos and ice cream tomorrow.


When you look at this map close-up, it’s clear that this is an amalgamation of gold ore, glowstone, sand, stone brick, and gold blocks.  But when you stand back, and look at it in its grand totality, well, it’s pretty clear that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


As kesteve says in his description, ‘the gold flows as if it were lava’.  It does, indeed.  The curves, crevices, and peaks create shadows and lighting effects that give the island a fluid nature.


Like all of kesteve's work, this isn’t one of those 12k x 12k mega terrains.  Kesteve is all about creativity, pushing boundaries, and reimagining society’s interpretation of what a good terrain should look like.  Nobody terraforms like this, and that’s the main reason it’s so surprising and so mind-blowing when you see it.


And finally, as if your mind hasn’t been blown enough for one day, the best organic work of the week is a build titled Turtle, created by CreaTruth.  The simplicity of the title doesn’t quite prepare you for the majestic nature of this behemoth work of art.


Picture a tortoise in your head, swimming in the currents of the ocean.  Does it look like the picture above?  Well then, I guess CreaTruth did a pretty good job capturing all the tiny details and nuances of what you perceive a turtle to be.  Mission accomplished.


This is so incredibly spot-on, and that’s especially impressive due to the fact that this was built with blocks.  I don’t see blocks here.  I see an HD image straight off the cover of National Geographic.  No, seriously, that’s what it looks like.  I suppose the render helps a great deal, but still.


And then, as if creating a beautiful turtle wasn’t enough, CreaTruth had to show off and build an entire fleet of ocean animals along side it.  I don’t know why, but my eye keeps gravitating to the the pufferfish under the turtle’s left fin.  His gaze is emanating through my computer screen.  Every time I close my eyes, I see his black, dead apertures staring into my very soul.  The eyes of the beast . . .


Sorry, what was I saying?  Oh, yes, the turtle.  Well, as if this hasn’t already gotten weird, it’s about to get even weirder.  You see, the turtle has a hole in his shell.  And, instead of a variety of turtle-organs, there’s a bustling ecosystem of coral and plant life.  I know, it makes no sense, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t look absolutely beautiful.


Oh well, I guess I could speculate on how the hollow interior represents some profound, symbolic idea, but I’d rather not.  My brain has been pushed to the limit just by looking at that damn creepy pufferfish.  Nightmares for me tonight.


Additional Credit
Arcanip - Builder
matthunter57 - Builder
sedansa - Builder
Laytak - Builder
Letcheck - Builder
nicocraft15 - Builder
Sak_Kraft - Builder
Etchya - Builder
Yoga_Sama - Builder
Montwo - Helper
TheFatalEraser999 - Helper
Nati797 - Renders
Bobely89 - Renders



Organic Work:
Top Ten
Week in Review - 2016
Starting in 2016, after the special 'Year in Review' episode, I'm going to be adding tons of new categories for Week in Review.  Some of them will have multiple medals, some will not, and the value for medals varies from category to category.

Because so many of you have come to me with ideas for WiR categories, I'm going to allow the community to choose one additional category.  This category must be completely unique and seperate from the ones I've already chosen, and must follow these rules:

-No Skins, Blogs, Servers, Texture Packs, Resource Packs, or anything other than Projects.
     -I don't have the time to review those sections of PMC; my schedule is packed as it is.
-There must be ample supply of projects in this category uploaded on a weekly basis.
-The category must be in compliance with the PMC rules (no pixel art or seeds).

Feel free to send me a PM, detailing your idea for the 13th category.  The most popular idea amongst the community will be chosen.  You can find the list of existing categories below:


Thanks for stopping by!  Don't forget to read the special section above, and I'll see you guys next week.

-Gray Remnant

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12/14/2015 12:36 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
dogfaceboy's Avatar
How do you enter WIR, and unless it falls under the organic work how about a one command category?
12/14/2015 9:52 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
You can't 'enter' Week in Review.  I review every project on PMC every week.  As for the command category, I think you'll find that under the new 'Gadget' category that's coming in 2016.  ;)
12/15/2015 12:19 am
Level 40 : Master Engineer
dogfaceboy's Avatar
Thank you. I was hope all October that one of my Halloween Creatures commands would be under the organic work. Then I started thinking that maybe I had to enter the contest somehow.

P.S. Do mini games fall into the gadgets category or some where else?
12/15/2015 1:52 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Haha, no Mini Games fall into the 'Mini Game' category.  If you're interested, there's actually a section at the end of this blog titled 'Week in Review - 2016'.  You'll find all the categories there.  xD
12/15/2015 4:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Engineer
dogfaceboy's Avatar
Ok thank you.
Mine Maus Craft
11/21/2015 1:27 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Blockhead
Mine Maus Craft's Avatar
I absolutely love this turtle!
11/15/2015 5:32 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
I  see why you like the gold island you lazy git :P
11/15/2015 4:55 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Why's that?  :P
11/14/2015 2:22 pm
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
fov360's Avatar
First of all - thanks for doing the Week in review and constantly developing it further. But - and I dont mean to be offensive - the planned decor  category seems to be extremely low valued. Everyone who ever did interior with some love for detailing knows how time consuming even very small builds can be. There are few enough people who do interiors at all, wouldn't it be a good idea to reward them a little more and convince others to not deliver empty builds?

Also why are single land structures not worth giving silver and bronze medals? I guess most low-level-posters are building average sized stuff. Why not promote some of them? The top 50 or 100 will be fixed pretty soon if there is no chance of ever being reward well.

As for new categories I would like to see something like Newcomers, meaning people below level 5 or 10. It would be great o discover some rough diamonds every once in a while in the Week in review. Currently there are projects out there who defiinitely don't get the attention they deserve only because the poster is not ranked high enough and therefore don't catch peoples interest. Maybe this category would even be a good way of finding valuable builders for teams.

Anyway - good job Gray and keep it up!
11/15/2015 5:08 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Well, to address some of your points:

-The value of medals is not determined by quality of work, or any weight that I assign a category.  It's determined solely by the quantity of projects posted each week.  I don't see a lot of interior decor, at least not in comparison with any of the other categories.  It's the least competitive category, and therefore winning it has a low point value.

Additionally, most interior work on this site is accompanied by an exterior structure, so most of them are just going to fall under the land structure category anyway.  There aren't a lot of people who post interior-exclusive content.  Still, it's a category that I really like, and one that I want to review.  It's just slim pickings.

-Silver and Bronze medals are only assigned to the top 4 categories because I'm too lazy to review an additional two projects for each category.  :P

-The newcomer category is something I've always wanted to do.  However, it is impossible to do it effectively due to the amount of plagiarism that is sometimes carried out by new members.  I'd love to do reviews of novice work, but I have no way of filtering through what is ripped off from somebody's server and what isn't.  That's why WiR has a lvl 10 user requirement for all work featured.  Most plagiarized work is flagged and removed in a timely manner.  But when it's work posted on, say Friday afternoon, it won't be removed in time for the show.
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