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Voyager: Chapter 4

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


After we finished hugging, my mother took us into the kitchen and sat us down at the table. I had told her about the wound on my shoulder, but she unfortunately didn’t know what to do. She explained that we would figure it out later on or go to the doctor. She eyed Kaden for quite a bit before deciding to ask who he was.

“Who is this again?” She gestured to the auburn-haired boy.

“This is Kaden. We met while we were coming to the house, he was going to the library and I accidentally tripped and crashed into him.” I explained to her.

“Ah I see.” She simply said in reply. “Wyvern, here is my question though. Where is Calypso’s mother?”

“She’s um.. In France..?” Calypso said, giving a sheepish grin.

“We need to get you back to France then, Calypso. I can’t imagine how worried your mother is seeing how.. she is.” My mother laughed, I knew what she meant. Calypso did as well.

I remembered I hadn’t told my mother about the shipwreck.. I wonder if she would ask eventually how I had ended up with the shoulder wound. It didn’t seem like it at this moment. She was thinking of how we could get Calypso to France.. Or contact his mother.

“The only way we would be able to get you to France, Calypso, is by ship.” She observed.

“I guess so..! Where should we get a ship?” Calypso questioned.

“Bristol will lead to the North Atlantic, which will be able to get you to the borders of France.”

“Bristol is.. Really far.” I said, my voice was shaking.

“I know, but it’s your best chance to get to France from here.” My mother replied. “Actually.. Calypso? How did you even get here?” She arched an eyebrow.

“Oh! Well you see, Wyvern’s mom, I met Wyvern yesterday at the docks of Weymouth and took a ship through the sea and then some rivers to get to Oxford. Though we crashed in some part of the ri-” Calypso explained, but what cut off.

“You CRASHED?!” My mother yelled.

“Yes the ship crashed into something and it fell apart.” Calypso gave a smile, rocking on his heels.

She heaved a sigh and cupped her face into her hands. Then her eyes.. Turned to me.

“Wyvern.. Is that where your wound came from?” She asked in a firm tone.


“Yes, he almost drowned.” Sorren chimed in at the worst time. I was in big trouble now..

“Okay- What in the world happened when you were gone, Wyvern!!” She sounded furious.

“Well, we got on the ship around 7 a.m. and then we set sail, met Sorren a bit after and then we eventually went to the haul and stayed there for a bit. The ship then crashed the next morning. I almost drowned but Calypso saved me, then we swam for about half an hour I think.. And a fisherman found us and took us here.” I explained extremely quickly, smiling after.

My mother just blinked at me, she had a blank expression plastered on her face. ‘’Ookay.”

“I don’t think we have a choice about going to Bristol. Calypso can’t just stay here forever. You can come back afterwards, but I would like you to go explain everything you told me to your mom, Calypso, and tell her where you are going and you will be here for a bit.” My mother told us. We nodded in reply. “Be safe you two, stop by the clinic stand in the market before you go. I don’t want your shoulder to get infected, Wyvern!” She called at us as we left, I walked backwards momentarily and nodded to her. I then shaped my fingers into a heart. She did the same.

“Ooooo..!!” Sorren, Kaden and Calypso squealed all at the same time.

“What? I was showing her I loved her without saying anything.” I shrugged.

They all giggled and didn’t reply, turning back to each other and continuing on their conversation in which I couldn’t hear much. Kaden and Calypso spoke in French when speaking to each other so it was actually, quite literally, incomprehensible for me.

Even though it took some time, we eventually got to the docks and boarded a ship. I said a short prayer in my head that we would not crash. I really didn't want to experience what I did again when I was drowning.. It wasn’t a pretty sight. The feeling of panic and worry rushed through my head and made me feel sick to my stomach. I sat down and buried my face into my legs. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

“It’s okay Wyvern.. We won’t crash.. We will be fine.. You won’t drown.” I whispered to myself.

I stood up and went over to the three, still talking.

“Wyvern, want to join us?” Kaden asked.

“I guess..” I shrugged.

“We are talking about our favorite memories as younger children.” Sorren explained. “Mine is one day when my dad took me in the middle of nowhere when I was about 10. It was a desert that had red sand, it was so pretty now that I think about it today. He took me to this ledge which was about twenty to thirty feet above the normal ground and we saw some kangaroos and other weird little animals and plants. We stayed there till sunset and it was such a bonding trip for me and him. It was quite special because he never did things like that, even though he loved me, he was always away.”

“What about you Kaden?” Calypso asked.
“Well um.. A good memory I have was when my mother was setting up a bakery stand in the market in the village where I grew up. I was about 7 when this happened and she eventually took me into the kitchen and was trying so hard to get me to learn how to make some sort of pie that I don’t remember. She showed me step by step how to do it and it still came out horrid. Though it was quite fun!” Kaden shared, shrugging afterwards.

“That’s funny. I assume you were not a good listener?” Sorren folded his arms and gave a short laugh.

“Nope!” Kaden grinned. “What about you, Calypso?”

“Um.. well.” Calypso paused, seeming to be thinking. “My favorite memory is the day me and Wyvern met. It’s when our friendship began! We met in the play area of school and Wyvern was in a tree. I walked over and wanted to talk to him so I asked him if he would show me how to get up there, then it all went from that and here we are now!” Calypso explained with a shrug.

“Not surprising on that ‘you wanted to talk to me’ part.” I commented.

“Truly.” He said back. “What is your favorite memory, Wyvern?”

“Well, other than yours because I see its significance later on, my favorite memory is probably my mother teaching me to sew. She sat me down one day right next to her when I was about 8, my father was still alive at the time so he was there too. She gently moved my hand to show me how to do stitches, it was fun. My father kept ruffling my hair, telling me I was doing a good job and bringing me and my mother snacks a couple times.”

“That sounds fun. Also, sorry about your loss.” Kaden said softly.

“Yeah.” Sorren agreed.

“It’s alright. It’s been 9 years.” I shrugged.

“It was a bit after we met so I literally only saw Wyvern’s dad once.” Calypso frowned.

I went silent while the three continued to talk off and on. I didn’t know what to say but they seemed to understand that. I stood and abruptly walked away, deciding to explore the ship. It was wood like the one we had been on before, and there weren’t many people on it. It was much smaller. The people that I had seen were when we boarded, now they seemingly vanished.

I went down into the hall and started to look through a couple of random objects that were laying around in the room. Nothing exciting really, a bunch of sell-able goods. I took a seat by a few stray barrels and hugged one of my legs. Maybe I should just stay here for a while..? Might help pass time I guess. However it wasn’t too long before the others came into the haul and wanted to eat something.

“I don’t know what is on this ship, why are you asking me?

“Because you’ve been done here!” Calypso exclaimed with a grin.

I facepalmed in reply and stood. There had to be something on this ship, right? I started to look around, and so did Calypso, Kaden and Sorren.

“Over here!” Shouted Calypso.

Everyone trailed over to a certain barrel that Calypso was elbow deep in. He pulled out some jerky and bread.

“Nice!” Sorren grinned.

We all trailed back to where I had been before, they started eating and I picked at what I had. I wasn’t very hungry despite the fact I hadn’t eaten in a bit. The sickening feeling from worry still pulsed inside me.. I really didn’t want anything to happen again.

Hello! Thank you for reading Chapter 4 of Voyager! More to come soon. :P I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 1: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-1/
Chapter 2: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-2/
Chapter 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-3/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-8/
Chapter 9: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-9/
Chapter 10: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/voyager-chapter-10/

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12/22/2023 4:20 pm
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респект автору
12/22/2023 4:26 pm
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Пользуюсь переводчиком, но спасибо большое! Я ценю поддержку. :)
12/22/2023 4:28 pm
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Удачи на будущее =З
12/22/2023 4:29 pm
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