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Tips on: How to not get lost in caves

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plyr's Avatar plyr
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Pyro
Ever been lost in a large, deep cave and just gave up on getting out that you just quit and deleted that world save? Well, you're in luck! I've been playing MC for long enough to come up with some ingenious tips to avoid these noobish mistakes.

1. Make sure you have plenty torches! (Seriously!)
-- I have developed a tactic where I don't just use torches for light! I also use them for getting out of deep caves so that then I won't get lost.

-- This tactic involves using two, count 'em 2, torches on a flat wall of at least 2 blocks by 2 blocks, Placing one torch in one of the two upper wall blocks (no matter what the block is as long as you can place the torch on it) then placing a second torch on the opposite side in the bottom two blocks. In other words, make them diagonal of each other (example: /), having the one on top being the one that leads you out of the cave (though it doesn't have to be, that's how I choose to do it).

-- But what should you do if you have a split path and/or two paths that appear to go in the same direction? The answers simple, really!

-- You can still use the last tactic if it's just classic four way or 3 way intersection BUT knowing the automatic landscaping of MC itself, these are rarely the case

-- Simply use the ground blocks for this.

-- All you need to do when you need to turn to this, is just add 1 or 2 more torches and just alter the shape you make with the torches a little. Instead of just a simple diagonal pattern, (since you're having to use the ground instead of the wall) is making a shape almost like an old pirate pistol pointing in the direction to the exit

-- Some examples of what I'm talking about should look a little like this:






2. Redstone trail instead of a double torch trail (not truly recommended, unless I confused you with the double torch idea).

-- Need I say anything else about this idea? Just make sure you come up with some way of identifying which trail leads to the surface if you end up keeping all the trails you make when you come across split trails

3. Be sure to carry plenty of sand and/or gravel

-- This will come in handy if you're looking for those deep ores (such as Lapis Lazulli, Redstone, or Diamond) but are separated from them by lava that's too deep for you to place a block where the lava is.

-- Though this can only be done (or at least started) IF you have a low enough ceiling and/or a close enough wall that borders the lava.

-- Just simply use the ceiling/wall to have the sand/gravel drop down into the lava until you have a path to walk on.

4. Be sure to have dirt and saplings with you for if you have a large enough area to grow a tree in while down in the cave.

-- This will allow you to save such a long trip back to the surface and not get lost going back down to where you may have been close to an end portal or that HUGE lapis lazuli reserve that you saw just when you used up the last of your sticks/wooden planks for more pickaxes that you don't have for mining that lapis lazuli reserve.

5. Be sure to have check points where you're able to go back to if you happen to fall into a fire-y grave (aka fall into a blazing hot bath of molten lava and didn't manage to get out in time because you were so worried about getting that creeper off you case). (be sure to place beds there so that then if by chance you're able to go to sleep then you won't have to be respawned to the surface

-- These check points would also be good for places to store important finds (like lapis lazuli or diamond) that you don't want lose.

-- My advice would make these check points in the same areas that you plant the trees in so that then if you somehow manage to have the last of your stick/wooden planks stash with you at the time you meet your fire-y death or, my personal favorite, 'death-by-creeper' (try not to hug them TOO hard, they will still explode if you do! =P)

Hope these 5 tips helped! Have fun excavating now. And good luck on out running those blasted creepers (all pun intended =P)!

**I am not held liable if: (1) creepers blow you up and make you have to respawn on the surface, (2) creepers blowing up your check points, (3) ender men moving blocks around in your check points, or (4) you getting lost because you forgot which torch you had pointing towards the exit**

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fighterbunny II
02/27/2013 8:11 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
fighterbunny II's Avatar
i wish singleplayercommands still worked.... u could see thru caves n stuff.
05/07/2012 12:53 pm
Level 26 : Expert Mountaineer
mezyman's Avatar
-Just an extra tip, bring PLENTY of wood, and spare pick's, if you have wood, you have sticks, if you have sticks, you have torches ( Aslong as you mine plenty of coal in the cave) There will ALWAY'S be coal n caves, i haven't come across on yet that doesn't, and in deep caves, if you dont have torches, instead of making stairs of torches, fine the opposite wall, and mine a staircase along it, using the mined blocks as filler's for gaps, and to get out of a ravine, instead of using ladder's, mine along the wall, so you can see where exactly you are, and alway's mine coal, and iron, if your picks break, you can have some cobble, use some of your spare wood, to make a craft table, make a furnace, smelt some iron, and make a pic, you can survive days on end in caves, buy collecting mushrooms for stew, or, if your desperate, eat zombie flesh, sure it's weird, but it will keep you alive.
05/07/2012 11:54 am
Level 36 : Artisan Spelunker
PkGamer's Avatar
Some people give up getting out of caves?
Heres a tip:Make sure that you always have a spare stone pick or a half of an iron one.When all of your picks run out and you dont have any space left and your out of torches then all you gotta do is make a small staircase up to the surface!
05/07/2012 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
darthnoah's Avatar
I put my torches on the right side of the cave when entering, then if I want to exit, I follow the torches on the left side.
05/07/2012 7:44 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Greenbeans51's Avatar
I always keep a compass with me,even if im not in caves.When lost in a cave,i staircase out,and use a compass to get near my spawn
05/07/2012 8:24 am
Level 48 : Master Soldier
mineman99's Avatar
so do i =D
05/07/2012 4:57 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
kwik21's Avatar
I Am Always Carrying Blocks So If There A Big Drop I Make A Stairs :)
05/07/2012 4:23 am
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
Tomsomad's Avatar
if i get lost i just dig up :P
05/06/2012 11:30 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Elf
Exurbia's Avatar
Using signs is also a good idea.
05/07/2012 10:51 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Greenbeans51's Avatar
Yeah,but they just spam up your inventory as theyre unstackable,and in cave exploring,often your inventory gets full
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