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The Universe is Inside You

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LolTurdFerguson's Avatar LolTurdFerguson
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
I have to say it. I was blown away. "The End", the little narrative written at the end of a seemingly endless game. It struck me. It called to me, and it sang my song.

The Universe. What is it? It is simple really. It is you. It is me. It is everyone and everything around you. Pieces of yourself reflecting in other pieces of someone else. Interconnected, entwined into an amazing tapestry of realities.

Reality. Such a silly word for something infinite. What is reality? Is it our existence? Our everyday drudgery and monotony? No, it can't be. Yet, for some, it is.

I want to share a secret with you. Reality...is not absolute. It is not bound to you. You are a free entity. You are not boxed in by realities stringent standards and codes.

When you play Minecraft...do you not feel yourself immersed in that reality? What makes that reality any different than what we perceive every day? "Reality" is nothing more than signals, hormones and electrical impulses that our brains and bodies interpret. There is no difference in the electrical pulses of "normal" reality, then of the minecraft variety.

We are dreamers, we are spiritual beings experiencing a very human life.

Do you ever feel trapped? Like you want to soar free? Does your heart sing what your soul feels? It is because you (the very essence of you) is crying for you to wake up. "Wake up?" you say. Yes. Wake up. Let me rouse you from the slumber you have been in. Open your eyes to new territories to traverse. Open your mind to the beautiful construction of dreams.

Daydream. Dream. There is no difference between the two. Our physical cortex doesn't shut off the dream sequence when we wake up. Literally, our brain is always "dreaming".

Thoughts = Creation. Thoughts...have MASS. A thought is measurable by our very real dimensional units. A thought has weight! The thoughts that we project, are what shape all around us.

Want to know something funny? Even with all our scientific discoveries, we STILL don't know how our brain decodes all of the impulses we receive. In fact, our eyes take in 2 million stimuli a second. But our brains can only handle about 10. If we were able to see all of those impulses, all of those stimuli, we would be blown away. Reality would cease to be how we perceived it, and things would look completely different and alien. Our bodies (or so we think) are solid, right? Wrong. We are nothing but vibrating atoms and molecules. When I look at my fingers typing this, the keys feel solid under my fingers. Why is that? Well, my brain, my senses and my eyes tell me that it is. And how does it do that? It feels the vibration of those atoms and interprets it into something solid.

The point of this rambling, is to explain to you


Keep building your cities, keep building your projects. Every creative thought that flows from you, reflects to me. I get to experience your dreams in your constructed Minecraft realities. And I love it.

To observe someone's creativity (in the form of a project or world save) is immensely powerful. I can feel their artistic expressions seeping through their work, and it fills me with a sense of renewed wonder.

As "The End' put it (and Alan Watts)


I made a wallpaper for "The End", and I would like to share it:


Download Link (full res): http://spiral-0ut.deviantart.com/#/d5s2i69

Chakra Wallpaper (by Me):


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03/06/2014 8:31 pm
Level 28 : Expert Button Pusher
eab_'s Avatar
This deserves far more recognition than it has recieved.
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