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The Rise of Ender Cover Concept

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Top_Secret_Name's Avatar Top_Secret_Name
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Hey peeps! I was asked by MetaAwesome to draw some cover art for his series The Rise of Ender. This is just some unfinished concept art, but I really wanted to post it for you guys. I will update this with the finished version, I can promise you that. But for now PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!! If you like it give it a diamond. Now the reason why his head is all weird is because the main character is slowly turning into an Enderman. Here is a link to the series http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/the-rise-of-ender-new-youtube-series/

Thanks and have fun!
CreditMetaAwesome for the creation of the series

1 Update Logs

Won\'t be finished : by Top_Secret_Name 06/26/2012 1:07:05 pmJun 26th, 2012

I'm sorry but I don't think there will be a finished version. I am backed up with too many other projects. So I don't think I shall finish this art.

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07/15/2012 5:19 pm
Level 27 : Expert Spider Rider
MetaAwesome's Avatar
Not sure if I already gave you the link but here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_vofbnaKqE&feature=results_main Episode 3 of our adventure in a random server, P.S. I was cursed and was turned into an Enderman, maybe you people should watch the storyline before claiming it's an infection. just sayin'
07/16/2012 11:32 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
I called it an infection because I didn't know what else to call seeing that you only had one episode due your recordings screwed up the first 4.
darkthingy 1
06/28/2012 5:10 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
darkthingy 1's Avatar
you did a good job on this
diamond for you
06/26/2012 12:45 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
Soulstrand's Avatar
Awesome Art, Good job
05/27/2012 8:33 pm
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
Beast's Avatar
This looks great, maybe add small details for more realism, like maybe some battle scars. Also maybe don't make the enderman infection thingy stop at one straight line, make it an infectious taking-over virus looking.
05/27/2012 9:00 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
Well you see my good man, I had to follow certain guidelines that I set for myself. Such as I had to make it look more crude and obvious that the "infection" was worsening fast. So I put the strait line surrounded by particles to give it that feel. Also the character depicted here actually hardly engages enemies so he should have a lack of scaring.
05/28/2012 11:04 am
Level 49 : Master Pixel Puncher
Beast's Avatar
Okay cool, but if he doesn''t engage in combat, what is the big sword for?
05/28/2012 11:56 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
If he ever needs to fight when he is cut off from the group, then he has it as a last resort. But if he did have scars perhaps the ender virus healed them.
05/27/2012 10:19 am
Level 23 : Expert Miner
Emma5000's Avatar
Awesome! Maybe make the face change bit more swirly with purple particles instead of a straight line? Also colour it on Gimp?
05/27/2012 10:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan Electrician
Top_Secret_Name's Avatar
It's a sketch man, you don't use color on a sketch. As for the face I wanted to make it look more crude and not as well rounded due to the dark theme of the character. In addition I had added some ender particles around the line.
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