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The PMC Chatroom - A Tool For Success

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Ohai dere guise! Greytopher here with another article. This time, it will be involving the topic of the PMC chatroom, and how you can use it for your own personal success, and how to get know. Let's get started!

Getting known...


Over the past couple of months, I've been using the PMC chatroom a lot. When I say 'a lot', I do mean it. Anyways, through investigating, talking, getting to know the moderators/members, I've realized the chatroom is not only what it's named, but something more. This chatroom is a very good tool for success, if you use it correctly. The chatroom can be used to help get you known, and make it as a well renowned member on PMC. Read the rest of this to learn how to get known, and liked by the community. Enjoy.

A Tool For Success on PMC...

The first part of what I love about the chatroom, is talking to the people on it. For me, the more you talk with people and the more active you are in it, you become a well-known user. If you're a level 99 or a level 1, the PMC chatroom is a very good start on to getting to know others in the community, what they like about it, what they hate, and other useful things that you can provide for them in the future. By around this time, you'll become friends with a lot of people on the chatroom, depending on who you like to talk to, who you don't, and what you talk about. I find this to be very fun, getting to know the community and they getting to know me. It gives me a personal friendship with those who are my subs (or who are not), and let's me post content that is better suited for everyone. By staying a while on the PMC chatroom, you'll develop fanbois in the room. You'll soon be greeted everytime you log in, like so:


Another great way to use this chatroom tool is to self promote yourself, is to literally self promote yourself. Now, I'm not talkingt about spamming your server in the lobby (ugh), or spamming your project either. That'll just make you look bad, no matter what, hated and resented. So, the best way to do it, is to basically shamelessly advertise. This way, you follow the advertising rules, which is one advertisement link per 15 minutes. If you do this correctly, and market your link well, you can get views to your project in no time. You don't want to be this guy:

(Btdubs, this never happened...)

*Jesuitical enters le chatroom and harasses a girl gamer...*



*DancingWalrus suddenly gets very emotional, thinking that he hurt some kids feelings...*




*DancingWalrus is in denial that he ever was sad, or even has a heart to feel emotions.*

By getting on the bad side of moderators will probably get you banned, by the lovely DancingWalrus. None of the mods are afraid to ban those who are friends (I hope), so please, don't abuse what you already have. We already have enough spammers/bad people, you don't want to be added onto that list.

Some famous examples...

I don't really consider myself 'famous', but I am a prime example of the chatroom becoming successful to me. I used the chatroom everyday, talked to people, became friends with people like Snowylips, OliverFrenchie, ect., and overall had people to view my content. Without the chatroom, it would of been a LOT longer to accomplish things than not using it.

I for one have noticed Snowylips on all the time, helping and overall succeeding in the chatroom. She's kind, helpful, and she uses it to her advantage when she posts something. She's friends with everyone, and overall a good person. She's a great example of success from the chatroom, and I hope she still uses it, with or without for success.

I have also seen Plyr_783 (a popular blogger) make it from the chatroom. Although you may or may have not of known him before, his humor and overall spunk in the chatroom is noticeable. I like his content and what he produces, and without his advertisments of what he posts on the chatroom, I would of never of figured out who he was, or what he does.

Stay on for a while...

Now, you've mastered the chatroom, and use it to get known. You have 1000 subscribers, and don't need to shamelessly advertise anymore. What now? You stay on even more! I've come to notice I don't use the chatroom (that much, anyways) to advertise my blogs, but I DO stay on for the community. I love the people (well, most of them) in the chatroom, and they're always fun to talk to. I urge you guys to stay in there, since it's a lovely place to be, and for the most part, you're always welcome there.

I just put this in because Exurbia wanted me to. <3

Forever Alone - Im exurbia meow i guess ill play with my cute cats by myself


If you liked this blog, please leave a diamond, favorite, and most of all subscribe for more content by me, Greytopher!

Please do not repost this anywhere else on the web without my (Greytopher) permission. Thank you.


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10/26/2012 9:41 am
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
Yay! 3 people said hello to me in the chatroom without me asking... Also, people begin to enter roleplay duels with me :3 After all these relatively short months... Although, on a more serious note, it is definitely a very useful tool.
09/26/2012 1:58 am
Level 27 : Expert Princess
Jesuitical's Avatar
09/10/2012 12:32 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Aloo020's Avatar
Can you help me make one of those pictures?
Where it says Aloo020 at the end? please?
09/10/2012 6:00 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Architect
OreMuncher's Avatar
Haha, Jesuitical might get mad at you xD
09/10/2012 9:24 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Haha, nah, we be bros. :3
09/09/2012 6:30 pm
Level 24 : Expert Explorer
Pownage's Avatar
Nice blog, I laughed a lot. XD
09/10/2012 7:48 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Meme
PeterKramer's Avatar
same xD
09/09/2012 6:33 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Haha, glad you liked it pown!
09/09/2012 6:13 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pirate
onepieceop101's Avatar
jesuitical and bethamez are the only nice chat mods around here they talk to their fan and stuff
while sesko and others they just kick and ban people
and exurbia she just plays with her cats like creeper carole
Ragnur Le Barbare
09/10/2012 3:44 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Caveman
Ragnur Le Barbare's Avatar
The equation is pretty simple: you break rules = you're out. Moderators aren't just kicking/banning rage-machines, but they need to remind the chatroom kids that what they are doing is wrong.

If all users were decent and respected the rules, we'd talk more and kick less :)
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