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The Marshamals Book1: Chapter 5: Experimentation and Its Results and Connotative Meanings

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Level 39 : Artisan Fish
The story is a very long one, so I put the different sections in different spoilers. Each chapter is roughly 15 pages long on a google doc, so it'll be a lot to read. It would be nice to receive some criticism (hopefully constructive) but reading it is enough. Actually reading it is a very good thing; no one I know has ever read the entire thing besides me, the creator. So enjoy I guess!

Also, it'd be nice if you could point out any mistakes I make.
If you haven't read chapter 4, you can read it here.

Gene-ious (Experiments + 1st Section)

I have taken out the most valuable of the experiment files and put them down below. I had to cut out pieces that seemed rather long and incomprehensible.

Experiment D-56:

The goal of this experiment is to find out what exactly the Reptilian creatures are capable of by giving the subject bits of alien DNA strands.

We expect them to be stronger, more durable, and much more faster.

Test Level A: We begin with knockout rats, and get them isolated after the injections. They weigh a standard 20 grams on average, and have the mutation to help the strands put themselves into the DNA. After an injection of 10ml to the body about 2 cm from the rear, the rats are put into their units. We then run maze tests, memory tests and sensitivity tests on the rat. We monitor the rats and make note of any abnormalities.

Test Level B: We continue on to volunteers, we inject a much potent dose of the DNA in a viral injection of up to 45 ml. We run tests to find the person’s memory, intelligence, strength, speed, and mobility. After this the person will experience the changes, and we will note any abnormalities.

Test Level C: We continue on to amp the dosage to a full 100 ml, and we do this test on death row inmates and anyone willing to accept the consequences. We run tests to find the person’s memory, intelligence, strength, speed, and mobility. We make note of any new patterns or abnormalities.

A - 2 The rat is beginning to experience the growth of scales after a period of 48.67 hours. It seems to prefer the warmer side of its unit, which could be signs of it becoming cold-blooded. It is also Beginning to get lost in the mazes.

A - 5 The rat has died, an autopsy has shown it was due to nerve damage in the spinal cord.

A - 16 The rat has become a large part reptilian, the entire body has been covered in scales after 78.92 hours, and it has begun to try and walk on two legs.

B - 2 The volunteer has reported his skin to harden, even though we removed that piece from the DNA.

B - 12 The volunteer was reported to have had a fit and is locked up in a metal cage. The subject has managed to break off a few bars already, and we are going to move him into a more durable area. Signs of extreme anger, loss of memory and some nerve damage has occurred.

C - 1 The inmate has become more powerful, outrunning the guards and able to break the carbon-fibre bars in seconds. He has been stopped, but that was due to a 2500 watt shock given to him by taser.

C-7 The first unwilling subject has entered the study. He has begun to show signs of the reptilian DNA, scales growing on his right arm, and his memory is beginning to worsen. After 56.23 hours after being injected the subject began to grow claws on his right arm, and his eyes began to become more reptilian. At exactly 66.6 hours after the injection the subject had a completely reptilian arm, and has become more volatile to memory loss.

C-11 The last subject has been given a higher dosage and the full genetic sequence. He has become fully reptilian. We have run tests, the subject seems to have a loss of memory, short temper and much more agile, stronger and blunt movements. The subject is also hard to rationalize with, so extermination will become an inevitable action. The patient seems to have lost memory of his parents, but still remains with the rest of his information. The results are in the D-56-C-11 File.

Experiment D-87

The goal of the experiment is to find out how to regenerate limbs and organs to heal patients with missing limbs or needing transplants.

We expect the DNA strand will be enough to, when combined with the right switch chemicals*, to regenerate that which was assigned. The DNA is composed of axolotl, frog, starfish, and cockroach DNA.

We begin tests on type 3 enhanced chameleons, as their colors will make it easier to tell how they feel and how they are. We shall inject a dosage of enhancer fluid*, and then inject the DNA strands. After this, we give them a round of injections, once every day for a week and then stop. Then we inject the switch chemicals, so the DNA will activate. We observe and write down anything unusual.

A-1 The chameleon has grown significantly in size after just 2 days. A scan reveals the organs haven’t grown as much and instead its entire skin has become inflamed.

A-8 The chameleon has grown 3 tongues, scan shows that all work just as well. However, the brain is becoming compressed since the tongues all coil around the skull. Its head caved in a few days afterwards, after approximately 67 hours after being injected it was noted.

A-9 Along with its fellow counterpart it has grown multiple tongues, and grown in size. It was able to live long enough for us to conduct tests on it. After lopping off one of its many tongues, in about 19.43 hours it regrew the tongue. The feet took about 78 hours, and after its head was accidently lopped off the creature somehow regrew that too.

A-17 The chameleon has grown in stature, a scan further shows that all bodily organs have grown proportionally and increased by 3.45 times its original size. Given the same quantity of fluids, the chameleon has grown to be about 7 feet long. It has grown 3 tongues, and the brain is much smaller due to the tongues growing. The chameleon has newfound strength and was able to reproduce. Its offspring are also like the father. The chameleon’s limbs were hacked off, and after just 5 minutes the arms and legs regrew, but this time even more stronger.

-After the 23rd chameleon we have discontinued the program, the chameleons will be kept in the room for any further research, but we fear they will grow too strong. The government has forced us to stop the experiment but we are allowed to keep their results.

*A switch chemical is one of any chemicals that which activate or deactivate DNA strands.

*Enhancer fluids bind in DNA to existing DNA that is marked by chemicals.

Experiment D-7

The goal of this experiment is to find out how to make the first AI organism using slime molds.

We expect the chemicals to trigger individual slime molds to where we can create a ‘living’ being.

We begin with slime molds carrying a device that can emit the chemicals to cause the slime mold to move. We then move on to genetically enhance the creature to where it can make decisions for itself.

Test Level A:We begin with the device, finding how we can manipulate them.

Test Level B: We continue with genetically enhancing them, once we find the chemicals right for it. We create slime molds that have basic maneuverability, and are able to decide where to go.

Test Level C: We give the slime molds AI, based off of the C-18’s AI.

We observe and write down anything important.

A-1 We have found a chemical that drives the slime molds away, however it also kills them.

A-2 We have found another chemical, this time it causes the slime mold to contract, setting off the chain reaction for movement.

A-5 We have mastered its movement, the slime mold can now be moved by a controller (T56).

B-4 The first successful basic movements slime is now made. We put it in the slime mold colony and it was able to crawl the entire mass onto the roof.

C-3 After 19 more experimenting, we have decided to give the creature full AI. We have also increased the size of the mass.

C-8 The slime mold colony is dying despite our attempts to feed it sugar. The slime seems now capable of digestion. We gave it a rat and it was able to consume it all. We have decided to discontinue this project, since we fear for our safety. The government has also threatened to shut down the facility if we continue such hazardous attempts.


Created by Arthur Montgomery

The first fully functional AI robot. The creator has moved his project from Area 51 to the Center Stage. He claims that his creations are just like people and wishes to give them a life of their own, and not to work as slaves.The android robots have not been activated yet, but we do expect them to be activated soon, for the war is approaching. Already the Nukmans are beginning to stock up their armory. If Arthur doesn’t activate them they will be activated in 5 years.


The townspeople were not very happy with him, they said it went against Allah. Arthur didn’t comprehend the people of Center Stage’s religion, they said their god was great, but killed people for it. Arthur of course was Christian, but even he wasn’t trying to stop his act of creation. In a way Arthur was playing God, he asked God for forgiveness, even though he wasn’t sure whether it was life at all. The robot he was to create would be perfect, they would live forever, they’d be peaceful and they would be fully conscious. But he could never test for these things, the robot was practically programmed to say yes, so he wouldn’t be able to tell if it was or not. They couldn’t diagnose themselves either, if they weren’t conscious they wouldn’t be able tell if they were or not.

As Arthur thought about this, there was a bang at the door. He turned around, a bit surprised that anyone would want to visit him. He walked over to the door and opened it to find a person wearing a mask to be standing there. There was a bang, and the man ran away, leaving a hole where Arthur’s heart was supposed to be. He fell down, trying to comprehend anything but the pain, he was losing blood, far too fast to be saved. He crawled towards his desk, where the activation button lay. He grabbed it, taking it down to his level, and with his dying breath said,”Forgive me lord.”. But he died before the button could be pressed, and it would be 5 years until the androids would awaken. However it was only 5 seconds afterwards that the Nukmans began to invade the town.


Experimental Living (Next 4 Sections)

“Hey, wait up!” Joe yelled down the hallway, failing to catch up to William Barnes. “How are you having a hard time keeping up?” William asked, walking at a regular pace. “Had to . . . go to the Meta Conference . . . then run to the barber.” Said Joe, very much out of breath. His hair was rainbow, in the sense that it changed to every color of the rainbow within a matter of seconds. “Really Joe? I told you to not get that.” William said, stopping and staring along with everyone else in the hallway at his hair. As Joe caught up to him he glanced to the side, waving at a few women at the side. “Come on Joe.” William said, “We’re gonna be late.”.

“Are you mad at my hair? Does it need to be 20% cooler?” Joe asked,”Or is it because they took you off the project?”. William stopped and turned to him,”The Anonymous Island? The only person crazy enough to miss that project is . . .”. “You.” Joe said, finishing a sentence in a true but not intended way. “Hey I know it hurts being taken off such a project to you, but I think it was the best thing that could happen. It was draining your life away, it was too much.”. They continued walking,”So what was discussed at the Meta?” William asked, falling for his curiosity.

“Oh, the same things, Hijj and his ethicality, the General and expansion, familiar stuff. The only thing interesting was that they detected something new deep down, it hasn’t been located since 1997.”. “That far back?” William asked,”What was it and why didn’t they find it until now?”. “They hadn’t installed the sound recorders in yet, and since we have no previous records, well, we’ve just picked it up. They call it the Bloop. I heard it, and it gives me the shivers.” Joe said. “Besides that, the Meta was a waste of my time.” At that moment an announcement was heard by all. “The Somniac Ward is now open.” Said the rather humanly computer.

“I’ve gotta go William, haven’t taken my injections since last week, so I’m a bit behind. I’ll catch up with ya at the Auq!” Joe said, running the opposite way. William Barnes continued down the hallway, keeping an eye out for anyone trying to kill him. He had gotten used to life down in the ocean at Argon, but it still seemed a bit strange to him. He had never really noticed the lack of the feminine gender until now, back at the surface females were much less in number for some reason. Here at Argon they made up 47% of the population. He had heard of some concept, that seemed to apply to some sets of males and females, love. He didn’t know a lot about it, but there were some groups in the facility who expressed it.

William kept walking, taking a flight of impossible stairs down to the Auq, just for fun. Stairs were rather old, but they didn’t cease to amuse William. He arrived at the Auq entrance, to find Joe drinking a Fusion. “Really Joe?” He asked. “They had a Fusion dispenser down at the Ward, couldn’t help myself.”. William Barnes took out his scanner, aiming it at Joe’s arm. “Altered Mentality?” William read off of the scanner,”Joe! You know those Enhancer fluids are . . .”. “I know.” Joe said,”but I keep slipping on my somniac injections.”. “Does it have a switch chemical?” William asked, a bit quieter now.

“No, didn’t think it had to have one if I needed it all the time.” Joe said, “So I got one without.” “You didn’t by chance . . .” William Barnes began, but was handed a Fusion before he could finish. “Don’t worry. I never just get one.” Joe said, waving his hands, letting loose a stream of Fusion bottles on top of William before sucking them back into seemingly air. “So how are you liking Argon?” Joe asked, taking a sip of the tongue stimulating Fusion. “Still getting used to all of this. It’s so cool!” William Barnes said, levitating the Fusion out of his hands and spinning it around. “Still only been a month, you’ll get used to it Barnes. Even better thing here is that there are females. ” Joe said, smiling.

“You know what they say, future technology,” William Barnes began, holding out his Fusion. “Is indistinguishable from magic!” Joe finished, hitting his Fusion with Barnes’ Fusion, causing the bottles to fizz the Fusion for them. They sat there, sipping their Fusions until they got done and then got up, continuing their projects. It had been 26 years since Joe had ever gone to sleep, and he was not alone, for this was truly a city that never slept.


“Mommy, where are we going?” A child asked, walking much faster to keep up with his grandmother. “A safer place dearie.” She responded, following the path along with all the others. The guardsmen escorted the people down into the cave, making sure no one got side-tracked along the way. In the distance the buzz of air vehicles and sirens filled the air, signifying to many it was time to use their Saving Letter. “Saving Letter please.” The guard said, holding out his hand for the letters. The grandmother handed over the two letters, which the guardsmen checked. “Uh . ..” The guard then looked at the letter,”Diana Rutger? Your letter is invalid.”. “That can’t be right,” She said, in a state of dread and shock. “Hoover Rutger’s letter is valid.” He then said, confirming Diana’s fear.

“The boy can’t go by himself.” She said a bit shakily, knowing what was to become of her on the surface. She tried to grab the boy, but it was far too late, as the flow of people quickly swept him deep into the cave. “Hoover!” She yelled, trying to go in after him, but the guards made sure she didn’t get in. She began to cry, for now they were both alone, and she wasn’t going to survive. She stayed until all had gone in, hoping she could somehow slip by security, but in the end she didn’t.

When she went home the air vehicle noise was building, the gunshots were heard every 10 seconds or so. She sat down in a chair in her living room, looking at some pictures she had layn out on the table. She looked at one of Hoover, labeled 10 - 8 - 51, he was 2 years old when the photo was taken. Grief seized her, she began to tear up, but it was then that she heard the noise. The quantum bomb created a high-pitched ringing noise, for the atoms were vibrating at such a rate. The 1 bomb was in 4 locations at the same time, it was everywhere else in the near mile also, but at the same time it was nowhere. The bomb exploded, causing the nearest atoms to fizz into quantum uncertainty, ripping apart everything in the nearest mile and releasing a wave of nuclear energy. Not an atom was spared from the grandmother’s body.


Menace woke up, it had been several weeks since he had been a small thorny devil, now he was a sort of oversized lizard behind a piece of glass. He could see in many different ways, and his strength and size had grown in at an exponential rate. He was 40-ft long, and strong enough to toss a vehicle weighing a few tons several yards away. Menace was angry this day, he didn’t know why, but he was sick of being encaged for so many weeks, he wanted to go back home. He banged on the glass, trying to free himself, but every time he did that the scientists poured a sleeping gas into the cage.

He grew angry and tired, but one thing he or they didn’t expect, is that he became intelligent. He noticed something, that he could somehow blend in with his surroundings. He didn’t do it in front of the scientists, for he feared they’d pick on, but at night he’d practice the blending in, until he was able to be completely invisible, no matter where the scientists would position themselves. He was ready to enact the plan he’d been preparing for for over a week.

That day, before the scientists got there he turned invisible, and stood still, making sure his movement didn’t disturb the illusion. The first scientist that got there looked at the cage, then took off his glasses, wiping them and slapping them back on. Instantly he dropped his coffee, and ran back into the main hall yelling “Code Blue! Code Blue! We have an escaped D-78!!”. Sirens wailed out, and under the noise and confusion Menace was able to disguise the sounds of him breaking the glass. He finally was able to break through, and it felt surprisingly good.

Menace leapt out into the main hallway, only to find himself surrounded by guards, all aiming high-powered charge stimulators. That is to say they had giant guns, that altered the charges at the atomic scale, thus doing so it created a strong surge of electrons. Menace hadn’t planned this far, not only was his intelligence new to him, but he never really expected to make it past this far. He stood there, beginning to analyze every situation, when his full intelligence came.

It almost seemed surreal, but the world split up into millions of different frames, each one acting a different pathway. Menace had only what felt like a few seconds to choose, but in fact were a few miliseconds to everyone around HIM. He chose one of the paths, it wasn’t the best outcome, but it was the best outcome he could find within that time. He lunged onto the roof, causing the guards to fire at the ceiling. The site had already proofed itself from shorting out, so it did nothing much to Menace’s surprise.

Menace had leaped down, pulling the ceiling down, causing the site to release gases that only affected the experiments outside of their cages. All specimens had been given a faulty DNA code, it made them go unconscious when they breathed the gas, but their cages filtered the gas out, so as long as they were in their cages they were safe. Menace grabbed one of the guns, as he received jolts from behind, and slung it at the guards behind him. One of them misfired, accidently hitting the other guards and stunning them.

Menace knew the gas was bad, and noticed how it poured from the ceilings and sank to the floor. The world split again, he ran trials in his head, and within 100 miliseconds he found a satisfactory solution. He stood at the bottom, squishing himself against the floor, waiting for the gas to get at his head height. As he felt the gas touch his horns he lept up, digging his claws into the roof. He continued crawling along the ceiling, and surprisingly encountered only 6 more guards. He eventually got out into the giant landscape otherwise known as earth. He has been roaming the world since, some say he might still be alive, somewhere out there.


Crey ran out to the field, throwing out more ammunition to his fellow comrades and firing his own gun at the Reptilians. He slid behind a mound, recharging his own pistol. He then turned around and fired out shots, hitting each of its targets perfectly. He jumped over the mound and into the center of the battlefield. Around him lay the ruins of what used to be a facility, now it was a battlefield. The center was full of dead bodies, each life given away in an attempt to claim the weapon at the center. Crey was the greatest Grey Warrior, using a combined physical and mental ability he was able to take down his enemies rather quickly.

He ran across the field, his brother Eak, following behind him and blasting any enemies with a high-energy pulse. Crey lept into the seat of the machine, and began to activate it, typing in the passcode and adjusting all the controls. 3 legs extended, driving themselves into the ground and elevating the center. A cannon began to lower itself, extending the barrel and loading itself with high-voltage energy spheres. It was then that the event happened that would change Crey’s life forever.

A Reptilian realized he had to destroy the cannon, or if not the entire Reptilian race would be extinct. He triggered a mine beneath the machine, sending out a pulse of fiery anger and completely incinerating the bottom part of the machine. The machine began to spin wildly, tilting on its side as it did, and within seconds it exploded. Crey flew out of there surprisingly alive, but when he hit the ground he was instantly paralyzed; the only thing keeping Crey from being defined as dead was a trapped mind inside of the body.

When they found him, the damage was too much, he had been lying around for too long, the bomb had caused an infection to occur, one that not even their advanced medicine could cure. There he was left, left to try and distinguish the differences between being alive and dead. Many times he begged to be killed via a neurosensor device, but many times they refused to give up on him. The pain was unbearable, the life was bland, nothing in his world was bright, for he had even lost the ability to see.

It was then that the project was announced, so controversial it became a secret operation within days. Eak pressured the committee into creating the project, though it was a very unforsaken area that which it delve in. They were going to save him, Eak was thinking, as he approached Crey’s room. When he told Crey, he was in sheer horror. They had to hook his mind up to a screen, he had lost the ability to speak several days before, but he was still alive in that carcass.

“You know that’s not how it works!” Crey screamed,”I won’t transfer, it’ll just create another me!”. “But it is you! This is the only way ‘you’ can live.” Eak argued, a bit angry at his brother for rejecting life. “But it’s not me; it’ll record everything and copy it, but I will never be able to experience the life that the new me has. That’s not saving me, that’s saving the identity.” Crey explained. “There’s nothing we can do for the infection, nothing. This is the only way any part of you can make it.” Eak said.

“Do you know what I am? There are 2 parts to a person; the person, the physical manifestation itself and the identity, the aspects and characteristics that apply to every version of me. What you want to save isn’t me, you want to save the identity, not me. Do you know what they call that? Selfish. You only want the identity to keep you sane, you don’t want it for my benefit. I’ll die, my identity will live on, but it’s not me.” Crey said. “Selfish? What isn’t selfishness? All we do is for us. Why do we eat? To stay alive. Why do we help others? Because it makes us feel good, and that gives us more chances of reaping benefits. Why do we educate? Because if our children know more, they’ll make things better for us. It’s all about us. You can’t try and avoid something by simply saying it’s selfish. Just look where we came from! Humans! We’re still as selfish, still as idiotic, and yet we have built this entire world for us. This world is shattering, not because of selfishness, because of hate. The last thing we need is for one of our top scientists to die just because he believes the intents to be selfish.” Eak argued.

There was a moment of silence, while Eak calmed himself down and Crey tried to think of an argument. But he had none, so he agreed to it. They began scanning his brain, and within a few days they had every neuron and interaction recorded. They uploaded it to a machine, custom built for Crey’s mind, and when it finished uploading, the two Creys were allowed a brief conversation, but the original died during the conversation. The war ended with a peace treaty, as they had realized they were going to crash into the sun. It seemed as if the worst war was over, but it was the shadow of an ant the elephant was going to squash.


Injury Is Inevitable (Next 3 Sections)

“What’s going on?” William Barnes asked, gliding on his board alongside a doctor who was levitating a man while running. “We . . . found a ship . . . bit crude . . . this man was . . . he was in it . . . we don’t know.” The doctor said, doing his best to speak between breaths. Barnes ran into the hospital, very curious about the stranger, as his apparel was different as well as his body. He seemed to be in a trance of sorts, and much shorter than Barnes. The doctor waved his equipment into existence and grabbed a needle, tapping it against the person’s heart. A panel appeared, showing that the person’s vital signs were ok, and he wasn’t unconscious.

“Strange.” The doctor said,”It seems he is asleep. I’ve never seen a case like this before.” Barnes inquired on where he was found, to which he was responded with,”Captain Russell was going around and he found a sort of ship that had crashed into the ocean. There had been a storm, so it was probably struck down by lightning or something.” The person began to stir, at first a little, but when he realized where he was he became fully awake, and attempted to jump off the bed and run. Thankfully, his small stature did him little good, as he was stopped by Barnes, who simply took a few steps and stuck out his foot.

“I’m not going back you darned politicians!” He screamed, and attempted towards the door, now blocked by Barnes. “What are you talking about?” Barnes asked, very confused as to why this person was so frantic. “You won’t get me alive!” He screamed, and began trying to wrap a cord around his throat, which dematerialized as soon as it sensed someone was trying to choke himself. He then grabbed a knife, and tried to stab himself, but it went right through him much to his dismay. He was then grabbed by Barnes and the doctor, who hoisted him up, allowing him to let out all his rage in the air.

“Calm down kid. You’re going to hurt yourself just trying to.” The doctor said, laying him down back onto the bed. “Isn’t that what trying to hurt yourself does normally?” Barnes asked, more of a rhetorical question than anything else. “You get the idea.” The doctor said, taking out a sphere from seemingly thin air. He then thrusted the sphere into the man, who immediately calmed down. The doctor pulled the sphere out, and waved it away into non-existence. “What was that?” He asked, curious as to what the sphere was or what it even did.

“It’s a gloropacry, strung together near the nebula 56CL. It manipulates the nervous system, primarily the brain and parts of your . . .” He then stopped, noticing that the man was incredibly confused. “It’s a sort of item made from nothing but the fabrics of space, as it was made near the tearing of them. It uh . . . you know what? Nevermind.” He then inspected one of the man’s feet, noticing there was a sort of bruise in it. “What’s that?” He asked, grabbing the foot and tapping it with another item. Above it appeared a sort of status bar, with everything ranging from conductivity to even edibility. “What are you looking at?” He asked, even more deeply confused. “Seems like a sort of poison.” The doctor said, but as he did, the room’s lights turned off. The bar turned to a sort of screen, with a title displaying ‘Loading’.

“What is that?” Asked Barnes, more confused as to what the message was. Then sound began to play, as a man appeared in the room. “Do not worry, this is a preprogrammed message from Jonathan Adams! If you are seeing this, the man you are holding is a fugitive. A fugitive from what? You might be wondering to yourself. The answer is very simple, a fugitive from the Sky Citadel. You know our ways, our agenda must be maintained, and this man is the very thing we need back.” The entire message for some reason the man could see. “Who are you?” Asked William Barnes. “I’m just an illusion made by the chips. The person I represent however is Jonathan Adams, respective millionaire and founder of the Salvation.”.

“What salvation?” Barnes persisted, to which he was responded with,”The Salvation is a project to save all of mankind from the 3rd World War. Founded by Jonathan Adams, the foundation built 4 distinct areas of protection.” At this moment Models of a floating city, Argon, Aegbis and a city in a cave appeared. “The first was Argon, deep underwater and close to the vast unexplored, it would encourage scientific research and develop into a city centered around science. The second was the Sky Citadel, created to be above the clouds, an example of a perfect society, established nearer to the sun. Then we designed the Underground City, a city dedicated to the worship of our lord. The final was built on the land, protected by domes and guardians, an example of a perfect government. All these cities would have a lack of something, but we would build them to have an abundance of the other.”

Jonathan Adams disappeared, the lights turned back on and the three men stood there, a bit intrigued and confused. “Do you have a chip?” Barnes asked, to which he had to elaborate,”A microchip. The ones they stickin your head at birth so you can see all the things needed to be seen?”. “No, I don’t have one.” He replied, “I’ve not even heard of that.”. “Do you know who this Jonathan Adams is?” Asked the doctor. “I’ve heard of him. Back up there at the city, he’s on every memorial.” He said. At that moment a female scientist entered the room, a bit out of breath,”Doc, they need you downstairs. They’re wounded. It’s an attack.”. Barnes stood up and asked who was attacking and the scientist replied,”I don’t know, but they want a fugitive of theirs.”.


The Black Hound wasn’t black, not at this time at least. He was a normal dog, as normal as one from another planet possessing sentience did. The planet he lived on was one ruled by dogs, long story short, some kid decided to lose his dog on an alien planet. He was walking to work, it was the year 2243, and he was an assistant to his boss. His boss was a sort of detective, solving crimes and stopping the chicken robber from doing anything. The chicken robber was the lousiest villain, one time he got stuck in a building while robbing it because he couldn’t give a crap. He literally couldn’t crap, and it was his constipation that lead to him getting caught for the 3,567th time. Before finding the guy, the black hound never knew a 29 year old could get caught for even the 10th time. How he got caught more days than he lived, no one had the faintest idea. There were rumors that one police officer had added 3,000 captures as a joke to how lousy the guy was.

Today, they had another case, something involving a missing puppy. When he entered he was saluted by the desk person with a,”Good morning Henry!” in their language of course. He began to walk up the stairs when he noticed a man run into the building. As soon as he turned towards the man, there was a loud bang, something had been fired. The man continued running down the hallway, firing shots out at people’s legs. Henry decided to pursue this person, he slid down the stairwell and then into the hallway that the man was in. As he approached him, he realized the man lacked a face, instead there was a dark shroud that only let a few eyes peep out of. The man then halted completely, he didn’t skid like Henry did, but came to a complete halt in front of a door.

The man opened the door, scaring away a few dogs from the door. “Where is it?” He asked, somehow in their language. “What are you ta-” One dog began but was interrupted with,”You know what I’m talking about. A deal is a deal.”. Henry came in and tackled the man, who attempted to shoot Henry, but instead shot the ceiling. Henry launched the gun out of his hands, while the man took something out of his pockets. Then the building shuddered, as if experiencing an early winter. Henry glanced at where the man had shot, and realized that he had blasted a 5 foot hole into the main structure. The projectile had gone through the roof of the 11 story building, allowing light to flood the room.

“Everyone get out!” Henry yelled, but due to this was distracted and knocked to the ground by the man. The shelves around him jiggled, as dogs ran out of the room. Crey took a vial from the shelf and then kneeled down to Henry. “You can’t stop it. It’s already determined.” He then picked up his weapon and aimed at Henry as parts of the ceiling came down. “It’s nice knowing you.” He then pulled the trigger, but as the projectile rocketed out, The Black Hound came out of nowhere and knocked it to the side.

Henry stood in awe, for a dog that looked like him but darker had just knocked a bullet to the side with his bare paws. “I’m you from the future. I’m going to get you out of here alive.” The Black Hound said, offering his paw to his past-self. “Who was that?” Henry asked, almost in a state of shock. “His name is Crey, you’ll have to team up with him eventually, try not to hold a grudge.” The Black Hound said, lifting him up to his feet. “You’re not supposed to-” He began, but his future self stopped him with a brief explanation,”Those are lies. They don’t have anything of truth in them. But we have to go, we’ve not time for an explanation.”.

As they neared the doorway the building gave one last shudder, and the entire thing collapsed into a giant pile of rubble. Henry thought he was dead, but when he looked up all the rubble was being shoved to the side by some invisible force. “What’s going on?” He asked, noting that the Black Hound was nearby to hear him. “You remembered.” He said. “What do you mean?” Henry asked, being incredibly puzzled. “I mean you remembered about this. You remembered to go back in time and save yourself. That’s how it works, right now the future you is coming to save you, from now on you hold the ability to do whatever you want. Just make it cinematic.” He said, waving his hands around as he did.

Then all the rubble began to slow down. “The wormhole we use has been created just now, so now you have the possibility of going back in time.” He explained,”The way wormholes work is that times have to be available. We can’t travel back in time unless a wormhole was created back then for us to find and use. You’ll end up collecting wormholes to us, and you’ll get used to it. But you have the power to do as you please. You can’t die either, it may seem like a blessing, but it’s your curse.”.

“Why can’t I die? Wouldn’t I be able to go back in time and kill myself?” Henry asked, to which he got the response,”No. Keep this in your mind, all times exits; the future and past exist, the only thing is that you aren’t in them. Whatever happens will happen; you can’t go back in time and change things, because you’ll end up causing them to be the way they are. Everything is set, nothing changes, nothing can change. Due to this, your very existence in the future is proof of your failure to kill yourself, so it’s useless to even try. I’ve tried to kill myself, we can’t do it. We cannot die.” He said, before letting the broken pieces speed up again, leaving Henry alone in the clutter.

He smiled, at the time he thought it a blessing to not die, but time would soon show him the true agony of his life. He pushed his paw forward, causing some of the remains of the building to move aside. He was happy that day, he could now control anything he wished. Later that day he would purchase the Bessie, and begin the journey that would last his entire life; a journey to do anything but be here.


Crey woke up, Eak was pulling along Crey down a sort of hallway. “What’s going on?” Crey asked, curious as to the hurry. “They’re trying to stop this, we have to hurry, there is no time.” Eak responded, finally reaching a room with a bunch of futuristic looking machines. He hooked Crey up to one and began to scan all the data from Crey’s brain. Eak unplugged the monitor from Crey, so he was oblivious to any noises the Grey was trying to make. Eak then switched a lever on, causing the facility to go into shut-down. Gates and traps were set, pathways hidden as well as other hallway items.

Eak pulled out the robot Crey’s identity would live through, hooking it up to transmit the data into it. As he did one of the traps set off, causing a guard to fall asleep and onto the floor. Eak hurriedly synced the data to the robot, then he connected it to a power stream lying around in the air. The power stream connected the robot to a direct source of power, being emitted by the poles of the asteroid. Within a few seconds the robot activated, quick enough for Crey to see it. The gate protecting them was opened, a stray plasma struck the original Crey’s skull, killing him instantly.

Eak and the new Crey held their hands to the sides, spreading their fingers outwards in a manner that was recognized as the hands up of this area. They were taken away, to be put in trial for the illegal transfer of consciousness into a machine. In the end they decided they couldn’t kill either, no matter how much the public hated them. It took a while to be accepted, Crey faced the same things Victor’s creation did. People rejected him, they were even scared by his mere presence. Eak got off better, but was still looked down upon by all the others. It never faded out of anyone’s memories.


The True Criminal (Next 4 Sections)

William Barnes had ordered a body change, his friend had already switched his out for one with a better hydration rate. William remembered how before he had gone here he was able to tell who was who using bodily characteristics, but here identity was defined by the tags. If they hadn’t installed tags then it would be impossible to find each other, as their mentalities would often shift around as well. Personalities here were not unique, they would change, often some would imitate other personalities they liked. Due to this and the fact that it was practically anarchy it seemed rather useless to keep track of names, but they still needed to divide up projects and treat the right people.

Today Barnes had not felt the greatest, he kept vomiting every other hour. It was natural to have severe side effects in Argon, one time William had found his arms had turned into tree limbs. He had woke up startled that day, and rushed to Joe for an explanation. Joe explained to him that people here needed to conduct studies on other people to observe their effects, so they would often experiment on each other. He added that if someone approached him asking questions about it Barnes would have to reply so as to help the research. The experiment’s effects would only last 2 days max, because the bots didn’t allow them to last anymore unless an exception was added.

The bots were in a sense parents of Argon, they’d replaced humans at every job and this left the people of Argon without purpose. They established anarchy, but the people within it had a few customs that they expected to be executed. Funnily enough this worked for this society, as all were intelligent enough to recognize what was good for the general well-being. There were no rebellions, there was only peace, the robots humans created were there for drastic measures, but never were used once.

Barnes had entered the room with the stranger, greeting him as he looked confusedly at Barnes. “Oh, I got my hair changed. The old one grew way too fast.” Barnes answered, remembering how he’d been when he first entered Argon. “Thanks.” The man said, referring to how Barnes refused to turn the fugitive in when the men came. “Who were those people?” Barnes asked, very curious to see this man’s world. “They were from my old home, before I got here. They’re those nasty officials.” He said, a strange accent of sorts in his voice. “Johnathan Adams mentioned you were from Sky Citadel. Is that a . . .”

“Yes, it’s a fortress in the sky.”

“He said you were a fugitive. Why is this?”

He stopped, clearing his throat and began his tale.

“The place where I live you are told to follow the rules. You are told to follow the government. But they are corrupt, they lie to us. They told us that there was nothing below, there was only that citadel in the sky and that what lay below was an endless void. But I took someone’s ship to see if this was true, and discovered there was a vast land below us of unimaginable proportions. They declared me a fugitive, they didn’t want me to tell everyone else about it. I was struck down by them, and fell into the ocean. I think I saw someone swimming in it before I hit the water. And now I’m here.”

Barnes was listening attentively, very curious, and was well unaware of a person approaching. The person went up to him and asked, “Hey! Could you fill out the log?” as he slid a virtual pad with questions. Barnes stood up, answering the questions and putting his hands in the areas designated for that so his readings could be taken. Once gathering this information the person injected Barnes with the antidote and walked away, filing away his 32nd subject file. “Could you see that?” Barnes asked, replied with a positive.

“The doc has given you a chip, it’ll be easier to identify you now.” He said, ordering a Fusion for the two of them. “William,” The stranger said, reading the tag he had,”You never gave me a proper explanation of what this place was.”. “It’s a sort of sanctuary,” Barnes said,”where we promote science and intelligence. The bots named this place Argon, so we use that name as well. We do a bunch of projects, that’s basically our jobs. We earn project minutes, promins for short, and that’s how we get services and stuff.”.

“Bots? Who are they?” Said the stranger, a bit confused. “It’s short for robots. They created this city, and basically do everything around here. You don’t really see them around anymore. Sometimes they’ll send in a few to fix anything wrong, but otherwise they don’t really go in here a whole lot.” The Fusions finally arrived, teleporting right into both their hands, which startled the stranger at first. “Try it, enjoy it, that cost me 24 promins. I swear these things are such Jivs.”. He began to sip, but remembering that the stranger didn’t know the idiom explained,”Jivs was a company that sold things really cheaply, but the moment you bought it the company would rocket the price up. So you’d end up paying 2000x the normal amount. So when we say that something is a Jiv, it means the prices go up.”

They both drank the Fusions, the stranger stopped at his first sip, struggling to grasp the goodness inside the drink. When they finished the bottles teleported themselves back, and Barnes got up to leave. “How do I change my chip’s tag?” He asked, as it still had him labelled as ‘Untitled’. “Just tap on it.” Barnes said, “Then just think of the name and it should put it in there.”. The stranger did so, changing his name from ‘Untitled’ to ‘Dunlap’. Barnes walked out, heading for the new project he had been assigned to; neural stimulation.


Fred popped in for a few seconds, looking around. “There’s nothing here.”. He said, looking at the words in his face. He then exited the portal back into his own reality.


Zac and Mac and Cheese had secretly worked on a time machine of sorts. They had the strange belief that the machine actually worked, and as well as that were careful to not mess with time. They firmly believed that the butterfly effect would end up destroying them if they accidently touched their past self. What they didn’t know is that the wormholes it created didn’t lead to the same universe, they had created wormholes that lead to universes where very little had changed. In most of them only a few atoms were different, but sometimes they’d find themselves in places where the entire landscape was based on sounds.

After going to these dimensions they believed they’d accidentally gone too far, causing the butterfly effect to occur. They would then proceed to go to a different dimension to ‘fix’ this and then go back to their home dimension to find everything ‘restored’ back to normal. However they managed to tap into several parallel universes, and unaware of this used the time-machine frequently in their studies. This lead them to get faulty results, concluding that dinosaurs were indeed a figment of imagination created by 1st century philosophers James Fenimore Cooper and Jesus.

They interfered with other realms, and the archivist noted this. He saw that they had tried to fix their own reality by using the machine and in an effort to help them he fused multiple realities to the same planet. This allowed them to go into other realities by simply exiting and reentering the atmosphere without using the machine. However they never were able to find out, as the archivist’s mentor felt the shift, and this caused him to kick the archivist out of their reality. The mentor wanted the archivist to see what he had done, and tasked him to record everything about the planet before returning to their sector.


The Black Hound walked in the streets of Enroe, or rather ran. He had accidentally let his veil go loose, and the people saw him. They hated him, there was not a single newborn puppy that didn’t recoil at the sight of his face. They threw everything at him, hitting him with shovels, stones, even parts of the building were slung into him. There was a building on fire ahead of him, and as he ran the gauntlet the searing heat began to singe his already blackened fur. He ran in, past the dogs putting the blue fire out, past the ones yelling in fear, and into the building he delved.

The first sensation that hit him was pain, it was something he’d gotten used to. He knew that no matter what he could not die, but he knew that his life was to be endless suffering. While normal people would have the quick release of death after falling into lava, he would have to find a way out while experiencing the pain. While many explorers would search for the fountain of youth, The Black Hound did everything in his power to rid himself of this curse, but found it impossible to do.

Dogs were scurrying around, and seeing him became frightened. Many thoughts went through their heads, the most dominant one being what is the most feared villain doing in an adoption center? The building was already on fire, he needn’t do anything to destroy it; and yet he was there. He approached the area where all the puppies were kept, and opening the doors by the mere wave of his hand he entered. There was another dog there, trying to save the puppies from the fire, it was a female dog. She looked at him as he waved his hands, extinguishing the flames immediately around them and levitating one of the puppies towards him.

He then began to exit, but a bull dog stood in his way. “Stop right there you villain!” He exclaimed with an authoritative and powerful voice. The Black Hound did stop, turning around to face his new rival. “Do you think that you can stop me?” He asked, rather arrogantly. “I’ll try.” Was the reply, and with that the bulldog lunged on The Black Hound, pushing the puppy away so as to not harm the thing during the fight. The Black Hound threw the bulldog across the room, shattering the doors into smithereens. He then noted that the flames were back, and began to extinguish them in an attempt to save the puppies. The bulldog took advantage of this, and lunged upon The Black Hound again, this time biting at the base of his head.

The Black Hound reared back, smashing the bulldog’s head into the wall and loosening his grip. He shook off the bulldog, and to make sure another attack wouldn’t happen broke the earth beneath the dog, creating a small inescapable pit. The Black Hound picked up the puppy, and as he walked away from the scene the bulldog spoke. “You are truly a monster.” He said,”You don’t have any emotions you cruel creature. Why don’t you think about others?”. It was the last straw, for too long The Black Hound put up with this, for too long had he done the right thing and been reprimanded for it.

It was time for him to pay. He levitated the room containing the newborns out of the building and to a place more safe than there. He had had enough of this, finally was he able to unleash his true wrath, the literal wrath of a thousand dogs. He began to fracture the ground, break apart the building and turn it into a swirling mass of materials. The first explosion hit, he threw all the parts around, warping space and time as he willed it to, completely destroying anything in a 1 mile radius. He threw up the parts into space, and with all his anger mustered them down into the ground so hard it had the force of 1,000 neutron bombs for every grain of sand. He made a field around the designated area, so the explosion would contain itself and not destroy the entire planet. The bulldog’s very atoms were separated into nothing but an incoherent mess of energy and unstable waves.

After this he breathed heavily, the act had done a good deal on his lungs and he needed a bit of time to recuperate. He took the puppy in his arms, and to no one’s surprise was sucked into the Bessie. Everyone stood there, they had never known he possessed such power until now, and though they had feared him before, the fear they had for him now was nothing compared to the old one.

On the vessel The Black Hound gave the puppy over to its father and mother, who thanked him for saving him. Anyone on board the Bessie was persecuted, and their children were kidnapped and hidden in the orphanages until they decided it was time to kill them. “We cannot thank you enough.” The elated parents said, to which the Black Hound dismissed as a mere duty he had to pay for their service. He went to his room, sad as ever, when his best friend Billy entered. “You can’t take anymore of this.” Billy said, “You just went Ledge flamer down there, it’s messing with you.”. The Black Hound (knowing that Ledge was an infamous flamer that was a lunatic) responded with,”I know Billy, but there’s not anything I can do.”

“You’re doing the right thing, and I respect that, but maybe it’s time to call it quits.” Billy said. “Then who is going to do the right thing?” The Black Hound asked, increasingly confident that this job was his duty. “Maybe the people of Excronite will.” Billy replied. “The people? They don’t know what’s right, they can’t tell any of it. They think that I’m a villain, that must be stopped at all costs. Do you think they’ll ever understand? NO! They saw what I did there not as a heroic act, but one of villainy. They think I kidnap puppies to recruit in my army.” He said, beginning to get tears in his eyes.

“Give them a chance.” Billy said, trying to convince his friend to stop this destruction of his self. “A chance? They’ll never be able to do so. They don’t even have empathy. Do you think they know what it’s like? What it’s like to be me? They don’t know how it is to lose the only thing you love, they don’t know how it is to be rejected by your own kind, they don’t know how it is to not be able to die, they can’t even piece any of this together!” He said, silencing Billy for a bit. “You need to trust, otherwise you’ll tear yourself apart trying to do what is right.” Billy then exited the room after saying this.

The Black Hound closed his eyes, he wanted to take a nap.

Silly Kitty And Claude's Chase (Last 2 Sections)

It was another day at the base, the day 93,426 of the world. Montsher looked out onto the landscape, he had heard once that Mars had been barren and desolate before. He had never believed those ridiculous lies, the very idea that the very place where humanity had started had been barren seemed impossible. There were some crazy lunatics who had told him that humanity was at another planet before this, but he knew those were lies. His creator couldn’t have created an imperfect world they had to flee from to save themselves.

He knew he was special, for there was no other life in the galaxy besides the 600 at the base. He also knew that he was different from a cat because he had a soul, they didn’t have anything. His soul couldn’t be destroyed, but it could be freed from within him. He knew he had to take care, for his soul traveled through his veins, and spilling too much blood would let it all out. He had never figured out why his head was so big, all he needed was a mouth and eyes, it didn’t quite fit. He had asked several people before, and some of them answered that there was something that thought in his head. He found this absurd, everyone knew that thoughts came from your heart, and feelings from the soul in your blood.

He walked home, playing catch with his cat, tossing it up and down. He wondered how it would be like if the cat could feel emotions. Maybe it would be terrified because it was flying through the air. But Montsher assured himself that such absurdity would never happen, cats couldn’t even think. He had reached his home at the same time he did everyday, 37:35, 5 minutes before the next day began. His mother had often scolded him for oversleeping, so he made sure to wake up 5 minutes early today. He tossed the cat against the wall, causing it to yelp and run away.

“I’m home mam!” Montsher yelled, mam being a term for mother. He walked towards the doorway, and the stupid cat of his got in the way, trying to get to its feeding dish. How dare the feline cross the path of a human, he was derived straight from the creator! So, feeling that it was necessary to assert his divinity he gave the cat another kick, sending it flying straight into its own bowl. Sometimes he wondered why that cat was even within the household, all it did was question his divinity.

The cat had crawled up into a corner and began licking its injuries, unaware that it was doing so in the wrong spot. The cat had gotten into Montsher’s little brother’s corner, who upon seeing this unholy mindless emotionless cat was in his spot, shoved the cat out of his corner. The cat wanting to escape from this cycle of being shoved around attempted to make a way for the door, but its paws were unclean which earned it a kick in the butt out the door. Montsher was furious with the stupid beast, then again it couldn’t think since it had no heart. He was glad the cats couldn’t feel emotions, for they were a great way of alleviating anger in the form of a punching bag.

Montsher’s mother finally came, carrying cookies into the oven. “You finally woke up early, good for you Montsher!” She patted the child, complimenting every aspect of his physical and personal nature. “That darn cat keeps disrespecting me.” Montsher complained. “I guess that’s a third strike.” She said, and with that proceeded to exit the building, coming back with the cat in her hands. “Mr.MinchMons, that’s your third strike.” She said, pulling out a device and stuffing the cat’s head in it. The device immediately activated, pulling the chip straight out of the cat’s head straight through the skull. The cat stopped trying to claw away, it was dead. The child poked it laughing, the silly cat had gotten itself killed.


Claude kept trying to recreate the same type of Marshamal he had created, but better than before. For some reason the machine would keep pumping out these wretched creations, all of which were destroyed. Claude didn’t comprehend why the machine didn’t work, he even replicated the same settings and gotten something completely different. What had changed? He thought about it most of the time, wondering what the key to their success was. The city had agreed to Claude’s experiments as long as it provided benefit, and Claude offered to create immortality.

It had seemed easy on the drawing board, but here in practice it became an impossible feat unattainable by even the most precise instruments of science. He kept trying, but was never able to achieve the results once creating the Marshamals. They were the key to everything, possessing an array of abilities as well as immortality, and yet they were only made once.

Claude couldn’t figure it out, no one could, it was a mystery to them just as the bite was to animatronic fans. The entire city funded Claude’s projects, and at the mention of the project not producing any items, the city withdrew the funds from the project. There was nothing coming from Claude’s projects, it was a mere waste of money. Although Claude did everything to keep his project funded, he could not figure it out. But before it was completely abandoned something did infect Claude. It was a sortof god complex, an obsession with wanting to create his own race, something he would eventually pay for. He needed the Marshamals to continue his project, otherwise he’d eventually be shoved out of the city for being unproductive. It was his one chance to change his status, his one chance to finally be something, to be someone. He was not going to let that slip away from him. He resolved to set out on an expedition to capture the beings he had breathed life unto, to which the mayor surprisingly approved.

He stepped out of the dome of protection, looking back at the crowd before him, they watched as he hovered away in his vehicle. The weather had cleared a bit, the sun was able to shine in a bit harder than normal through the smoky atmosphere, and the people watched. They watched the man who had come to save them go. The machine had been left inside, Claude had promised to return with the Marshamals, not only to prove their existence, but to be able to provide immortality to those he could.

That was a monumental step, setting forth a series of events, an inevitable process that would last years, and lead to the eventual demise of all the species in the universe. Did they realize how big this event was? No, and they would never figure it out. Claude would be able to figure it out, but for now he set off to find his creations, they were his for the taking. As he drove along, dodging all the tornado worms, getting past the giant crabs, he thought he heard a familiar voice.
He stopped, looking around him to see if it was the person he thought, but to his disappointment he didn’t find his friend. He wondered where he had gotten to ever since he’d been kicked out of Granholi. It was the 3rd time in his life he’d left a city, it was becoming more natural for him, but yet something kept giving him bats. He continued to hover across the landscape, the same thought kept going through his mind. He knew it was for the better, but he still felt a bit hurt he had to take the blow. Thus the search for the Marshamals began.
Chapter 6 is here!

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12/16/2016 5:22 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Nerd
Strauss's Avatar
very well written
Planet Minecraft


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