This Blog is an entry in the completed A Life of Steve.

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The Necromancer and the Hero (Contest) (11th WOO)

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Punkamoar's Avatar Punkamoar
Retired Moderator
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Some say Steve was a hero, others say that he was hastening destruction upon all of us. He tried to be a hero, only he got us all killed.

Steve was a specimen of buff manliness, with ripped biceps and washboard abs. He walked down the street of his home village Fulreim, a place of humans mingling together in a homely sense. Steve rounded the corner and found himself at the inn, where he was meeting his girlfriend for dinner.
Alex spotted Steve first from her table in the corner.
"Steve, there you are! I've been waiting." She scolded him
"Have you now, you know that you're early right?" Steve retorted
"Oh am I, I didn't realize." Alex defended.
"Oh well, what should we eat... what was that?"
Steve said as he turned his head towards the windows. There were people running away and screaming. Steve stood up and ran to the door. Alex slowly rose and walked towards him. Steve opened up the door and yelled out to the first person that passed him. "Hey there, whats going on?"
"The Necromancer is attacking! You'd better run if you unless you fancy getting turned into a zombie or something... worse." The man kept running, and Steve looked behind him, and the sight was traumatizing. Zombies and skeletons rampaging down the street, slaughtering those who were left behind, or just slow. Phantom explosions went off as Steve grabbed Alex's arm and started off down the street.

"I think... we lost them..." Steve panted after running with Alex through the Faereach Forest, through the open plains, and finally in sight of the mountains. The sky threatened to let loose as they panted to a stop. "I think we can make for the Mines. The Dwarves are gruff but accomodating, and I've done some work for them in the past, and they'd us stay with them." Alex looked up to him, tears starting to form in her eyes:
"Steve, that was scary." and she broke down and cried. Steve put his arm around her and consoled her, "Hey now, it'll be alright."

A hop-skip and a 4 mile hike away, the Dwarven Mines in the northwestern mountains stood strong against the heavy wind and driving rain as Steve and Alex arrived the the unbreachable doors. Steve tried knocking, but the harsh wind and merciless rain deafened any attempts to be heard. Luckily for the unlucky pair, a Dwarf guard with acute hearing heard their attempts. He then proceeded to unlatch and open the colossal doors guarding the dwarven kingdom.

"You know, we've rescued many others like you from that Necromancer." The dwarven guard told the duo as the walked towards the source of the heat inside the mountain. As soon as they rounded the last corner, a wave of relief surged through both Steve and Alex, for sitting there, were almost all the inhabitants of their village, plus many faces that they didn't recognize. They were mingling with dwarves of various ages, sharing food and tales in a room the size of their entire village, a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and many torches gracing the walls with firelight. Steve and Alex fell in with them, and thus went their evening.

The dwarven king stood up, "I believe that everyone here will agree that this "Necromancer" must be stopped, but now we must decide how. We've heard that he is worshipping both of the forbidden cults, both the Ender and the Nether occults. This has been outlawed for centuries, and will get us the support of nearly everyone in the land.
"His necromancy will be problematic though, he will have legions upon legions of undead soldiers. No matter how good our troops are, they will not stand up to numbers like that. Therefore, I've decided that the best way of going about this would be subterfuge, to draw out the undead while a select band would go into the Necromancer's tower and end him. I would never ask any of you to do anything of this danger level, so any who would like to come along, please say so." Almost every person in the hall stood up. The dwarven king did not look surprised,
"I thought as much, you all have lost so much to this monster. Now, who would like to lead the expedition into the Necromancer's tower? This job requires a presence of mind and a brilliant strategist, along with brute strength and skill." At this Steve raised his hand, and said: "I will lead them into his tower, and I will end him."

As Steve walked down hall, towards the dormitory, Alex ran up to him, yelling, "Steve, wait up." Steve stopped and looked around as Alex caught up, "Steve, I want to talk to you." Steve countered,
"Alex, you can't change my mind, I'm going to kill that Necromancer."
Alex replied cooly, "Steve, I want to go with you."
"No, its too dangerous, you're going to stay here, I could never live with myself if you got hurt or killed."
"But if you die, I'd be forced to go through life alone, I want to go with you so if we both die, we can be together even then."
"Alright, fine, you are going to come anyway aren't you."

The sun rose upon the army of villagers and dwarves marching from the Mines towards what was turning into an inevitable ending of many people's lives.

The sun rose far past it's zenith on the fourth day from issuing out of the Dwarven fortress, and the army neared their destination. The Ridgeback Mountains reared up like a charging bull, and the Necromancer's tower was as plain as a sore thump upon the rugged landscape. Here the small army came across a burned-out village, filled with half-eaten bodies and smoking ruins. The dwarven king stood over a dead young girl, half eaten and charred. He looked up and said, "This must never be allowed to happen again, we must end this." It was here that Steve and his select band of troops split off and circled around the sharp rock outcroppings, maneuvering his troops back behind the large rock that spiraled upwards, with the tower built straight into the living rock.

"Alright, I'll climb up and fasten ropes, then you climb up and meet me at the top. From there we're going to climb around and beat down the front door. By then the army will have attacked and drawn most of the guards away." Steve then attacked the wall-face and fairly flew up the unforgiving rock. By the time that the sounds of battle reached the small band's ears four ropes flew down through the mists, which was then followed by a voice,
"Its safe." So they began climbing four at a time.

By the time the last person was over the top, a large pile of dead bodies had piled up. Steve was tied up and gagged and watched as each of his troops came over the crest and got slaughtered. The only one spared was Alex, who the strange black people also tied up and gagged. The tall black people dragged both of them up the path towards the Necromancer's Tower.

"So, what do we have here?" The Necromancer said with his northern European accent, strongly of almost a Swedish tinge.
"A man and a woman, trying to kill me? Hah, that's almost humorous, I know everything, I see everything. I know that you are cutting your bonds with a sharp rock right now, Steve." At that, we waved his hand and green light graced the torches on the walls. The room was hewn directly into the rock, with a chair and bookshelves. The scent on the air smelled strongly of sulphur, and Steve felt like passing out.
"You see, I see everything, for opening the portals into the realms of Nether and Ender not only gifted me farsight, but also gave me an unending army of other-worldly monsters to terrorize you sickly porous upstarts. Your friends, the dwarves and villagers, didn't even last five minutes against my hordes. Whoever didn't die got turned into a zombie and got placed into my ranks" It was at this point that Steve broke his bonds.

Steve charged the Necromancer with the sharp rock, he sidestepped and pushed Steve to the ground, but Steve flung around a cut deep into the Necromancer's wrist. They dueled on, Steve madly raging on while the Necromancer neatly sidestepped most of his attacks. The Necromancer rarely attacked back, but as Steve raged on, even he succombed to his wild conquests. As both Steve and the Necromancer were bleeding in many places the Necromancer finally blew a blast of fire directly at Steve, knocking him straight into a wall. He walked over, and put his foot on Steve's neck.

"I was going to let you live on as a part of my permanent torture regime, but while I think of a punishment bad enough for you, I will break your spirit even more." He said as he hefted Steve off the ground and reshackled him. The unlikely duo struck out down the tunnel, Steve being half-dragged through rock and debris. Zephyrs broke through the sulphurous fumes, and finally gave way to gusts and breezes. Steve was almost blinded when they got to the end of the tunnel, with the sun glaring down mercilessly onto his eyes. The Necromancer laughed, "Ahahah, you see, your pitiful resistance of dwarves and villagers has been defeated. It wasn't even worth sending more troops in then the guards on duty. My zombies and archers had a feast on their flesh, and now, whoever is left will join my ranks." He finished as he drug Steve back into the subterranian nightmare.

As soon as those tiny breezes known as zephyrs stopped flowing through the tunnel, Steve got drowzy again with the sulphurous storm that surrounded and monopolized the cave system. As soon as Steve was reunited with Alex, the Necromancer spoke again, "Now maybe you see why I kept your girlfriend alive this long? For I saw that she was special to you, and I knew that she would be useful against you. Now I know how. I have thought up your fate. I curse you to live apart, lonely, in a world without any shapes but squares. I will send my minions to torture you, but you will not die, not permanently. You will feel the sting of a million deaths, but never permanently die. I will turn your girlfriend..." At this Alex's eyes opened really wide and she started to squirm, "into a grizzled old hag, She will live in the swamps, and hate you with a vengeance. Her house will follow you, you will meet her often, and she will try to kill you.
"The only other people you will meet are the villagers, dogmatic and cold to you, they don't care for your troubles. There will be food, of course, animals such as Pigs and Sheep, but they also will come and go. I will open the portals and let my Enderman into your world." At this, the black figures came out of the shadows and flanked the Necromancer.
"I will create new creatures to do my will. Giant spiders (for you have arachnophobia do you not?), Camouflaged kamikazes that will explode to hound and haunt your steps. My zombies and skeletons of course will be there. I now will enact this torture upon you, and may you be tortured for eternity." The fumes now were enough for Steve to black out, as he heard the Necromancer chanting his demise.

When Steve woke up, he stood upon a hill, made of blocks. He raised his arms, and they were cubes. He sighed, and walked down the hill.


Pop Reeled
Home Reel:
CreditLostBedouin for making the Map

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Punkamoar 10/11/2014 10:40:06 pmOct 11th, 2014

Updated more text, fixed an error in spelling, added in another paragraph, etc

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12/12/2015 5:04 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
oh_wow333's Avatar
the map = the hobbit <3
12/15/2014 3:25 pm
Level 44 : Master Wolf Whisperer
ImaLittleCreeper's Avatar
Congraaaats!! You did awesome! (I was 13th, right behind 'ya xD)
12/15/2014 5:52 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
ohhh yeeaaaahhhh!
12/15/2014 1:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Warrior
Lostbedouin's Avatar
Great job! You placed 11th!!!!!!! Congrats Gandalf!!!!
12/15/2014 2:01 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
g'dawwww thanks
10/30/2014 6:44 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
10/30/2014 6:46 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Steve got teleported into the minecraft world by a sadistic necromancer bent on watching the world burn
10/17/2014 12:19 am
Level 27 : Expert Sweetheart
Exoh's Avatar
Good rival. Your goin dooown!

10/17/2014 10:23 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
10/16/2014 9:59 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
Insanity's Avatar
y u no tl;dr
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