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The Importance of Giving a Diamond

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Greytopher's Avatar Greytopher
Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hello all, once again Greytopher here with another blog. In this issue, I will be talking about how important it is to give someone a diamond, and how it can make them or break them (of course, this is diamond-ing people on PMC, not like, giving them ACTUAL diamonds. Duh.).

Giving diamonds without probable cause? Lame!

When I see people on chat ask for "Daimund 4 daimund?!1?" I always cringe. Reason is, they want the diamonds for experience, not for people to look at their work and diamond it because they actually deserve it. My problem with these people are, they, as I said before, want it for experience. Later in this blog, I will also discuss the leveling system, but let's leave that on the side for now.

Diamonds are the key to making it or breaking it in PMC. Mostly, they're the reason why things get on the popular reel, because folks such as yourselves, clickity click on that diamond button. Now, hold up. Are you diamonding it because you think it's good? Because he's your friend? Because he diamond-ed your stuff, and now your returning the favor? No matter what, diamonding someone is something special, and shouldn't be used to an advantage. Sure, it can get you popular, but the reason why we see some crappy stuff on the popular reel, is because usually of cheating the system and abusing it.

"Bu, bu Graaaay! Daimundz meh!"

Hahahaha, hehehehe, hohohoho, LOL. Nope, Chuck Testa. For me, I won't diamond something unless I see it's quality, original, and I want to see that person on the front page with their experience on here thriving. I don't "diamund 4 daimund" like I see a lot around here, which is very desprate in my opinion. I ask of you as the community, to properly use the diamond system. It's also why we removed the downvote system, since it was abused for so long, and not really used as its constructive criticism purpose.

The EXP System...

For me, the EXP system is a fantastic but also a bad idea. For the pro's of this system, it urges the user to post more content (hopefully good content, so it can get on the front page and be popular). It gives a sense of reward each level we pass, and every level we do pass makes us want to do it again and again. This thirst for power is also the downside to having it, it causes bad blogs, skins, projects, and mods to be posted only for the gain of EXP. There's blogs that lie, only to have people that are usually gullible or feel bad for that person to diamond it.

Another con of this system would be the ranks. I've seen plenty of people in my day bash on lower levels, simply because their a lower level and the other person bashing on them is higher. This gives people a sense of power, seniority, ect., something that I don't want to see in the community, but is bound to happen given the system.

In conclusion...

If you're too lazy or just don't have the patience to read, this is what I mean:


That is all. Hip hip, cheerio.

This has been brought to you by the Infini Garde. Go check them out, yo!

If you liked this blog, please give it a diamond, favorite, and above all subscribe for more content by me, Greytopher!

Please do not repost this anywhere on the web without my permission. Thank you.

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09/22/2012 11:32 pm
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
Zetrix's Avatar
I like diamonds. They should only be given to posts that deserve them. I have maybe... 4 diamonds(that was given). I treasure them like it was real life gold. It gives people a sense of achievement. I know I feel achieved. I give diamonds to things I really like or that are really good. Diamond for diamond is lame. Real low. I've had that offer before, but I turned him down. Never say yes to those guys.
09/22/2012 11:34 pm
Level 20 : Expert Skinner
Zetrix's Avatar
P.S. my stuff isn't very good but you can check it out if you want: Zetrix.
09/05/2012 11:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ArmchairCritic's Avatar
Right, i am going to go through this blog and give my criticism.

First off, you claim that people ask for diamonds because they want them for the experience, not because they feel their work deserve the diamonds. My question is how exactly do you know that? Are there no people who who both want the experience and considers their work worthy of the diamonds? Are there no people who are primarily asking for diamonds to promote their work, which they believe to be deserving of the diamonds?

Secondly, you claim that the reason alot of bad content are featured on the popular reel is because the content provides cheat the system. Again, do you have any proof of this? If so, please share it with the rest of us. Further, what do you consider "crappy"? It is a fair question given the fact that what you consider to be good or bad is entirely subjective. Simply stating that something is bad without giving a reason is pointless.

You make some other claims and arguments that i feel are not properly supported, but they are not a major part of the post and as such, i will ignore them.
09/05/2012 10:12 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
You're taking it at a wrong point of view; instead of attacking me/'critiquing', reason with me. I didn't say 'everyone', which is an obvious misconception. That would be a false global statement, but, a LOT of the users want diamonds because of the EXP bonus. That's what it's there for, right? There is obvious flaws in any system, especially the popular reel system. It's easy (sadly) to fluke, and some people have found this out and exploit it for their own personal gain. I know this by the way how they upload thing, the quality of it, and the comments users give to that other member. Please, stop argueing with my opinions; after all, they are opinions.
09/06/2012 6:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ArmchairCritic's Avatar
If you consider criticism an attack, then im afraid we have some very different view on what criticism is. As for you not claiming that everyone wants the diamonds for experience, you did not feel the need to point out that there are people who actually ask for diamonds because they feel their work deserves it, not for some arbitrary experience boost, which i pointed out in my original post. As for what you consider to be abusing the system with low quality work, what you consider to be good or bad is still subjective and so is everyone elses. You did not really address that point at all. Lastly, why would i not point out flaws in your argument just because it happens to be an opinion? You present your opinion to others and say "Don't do this!" or "Do this", therefore, i decided to give an opposing viewpoint.
10/31/2012 4:50 am
Level 42 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
planetblox2000's Avatar
Are you a troll or something?
09/03/2012 8:10 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
LegendaryTrevor's Avatar
True i hate how people with similar or copied ideas make the popular reel i mean come on!
My submissions derserve more than these crappy teen skins...
09/03/2012 8:12 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Yes... and that's because of the people who spam their skins in the chatroom, or to their friends.
09/03/2012 8:16 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
LegendaryTrevor's Avatar
i liked how you instantly responded to my observation ;D ill be checking out your submissions now. Mabye criticise mine ;D?
09/03/2012 8:17 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Greytopher's Avatar
Sure, I'll take a look at yours. I feel bad if I don't comment to stuff that have actual opinions/questions on them, so that's why you may see a quick response. :3
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