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BobbyJones's Avatar BobbyJones
Level 42 : Master Taco
I made this blog a couple weeks ago and decided not to post it but to hell with that I'm posting it anyways. Let the haters come. PS I wrote a lot, those with short attention spans should probably just leave.

Teen girl skins (or possibly teen skins in general) have seemed to split PMC into 3 different groups: the ones that adore them and think they are the cutest things ever, the ones that hate them and wish for more creativity, and the ones that don't give a crap.

In this here blog I wish to share my wisdom and thoughts on the matter and maybe even give some advice, although I'm guessing I will offend people but that's just how I roll.

This is a big reason why people dislike teen girl skins and you honestly can't blame them. To me, they all look pretty much the same but some have, I don't know, different colors or like different color clothing and stuff. They aren't really my thing. However, there are a ton of unoriginal/uncreative things on PMC; if people see that something is popular there are instantly thousands of versions of that thing with mostly only minimalistic changes. We just got to deal with it.

I'm not saying all teen girl skins are uncreative-some I've seen are amazing teen girl skins with awesome shades and designs! Why a lot of people dislike them (this includes me) is that they never "wow" us. The majority don't have awesome shading, they all look very similar, and frankly they are just kind of boring. Again, I'm not saying all of them are, but most of them..yes.

A lot of them get over 30 diamonds which is another source of agitation to PMC'ers. It's kind of irritating when something you make that is original that you spent a lot of time on, and looks pretty darn good to you, gets like 2 diamonds when something you've seen countless times gets over 10 times that amount. This is definitely a reason people dislike them so much. This may also be a reason people love to use them/make them. If something always gets a lot of diamonds you want to receive that and you want to wear a skin that a lot of people like.

You can't disagree with this: there are a ton of teen skins on PMC. Whether you like them or hate them that's the truth. It could be good or bad for you depending on you opinions.

I guess it irritates me because when I'm looking through new skins, or through the pop reel I don't like seeing teen girl after teen girl after teen girl. You have to admit, there is like this whole group of PCM'ers that just focus on teen girl/teen skins, which is fine, do what you like, but a lot of us find it a bit annoying. The basic teen girl skin doesn't look like it'd take that long to make so you can basically keep spitting them out over and over as long as you change the hair color and stuff. That's why there are so many. The basic ones are easy to make and can still get many diamonds.

Again, I'm not saying all teen girl skins are like this. Some of them look like they do take a while to make; like a lot of effort was put it. Alas, the majority are not like that which is why I shall continue my discussion.

Yes there are a lot of teen girl skins like there are a lot of Hunger Games maps and Creeper Hoodies. The best way to get over this is to just ignore the skins you don't like and diamond up the skin you do. Seriously, if there is an awesome skin surrounded by a ton of teen skins give it a freaking diamond. Like seriously, why are people so hesitant to give something they like a diamond? If you want to see more original skins and less teen girl skins then give the original skins a diamond, it'll inspire people to keep making them!
Alright, well if I have offended anyone sorry (lol #sorrynotsorry) but these are views I believe a lot of PMC'ers share. Teen girl skins are not original and frankly they are exploding off this website.

I promised advice though so here it is: to those of you, like me, who aren't very fond of teen girl skins just don't wear them. Don't look at them, don't write hateful comments, and just don't subscribe to the people who make them.

Let's face it. No one is going to stop making teen girl skins, it's a system that works and gets lots of diamonds. The best solution is to amaze the site with your own original creation! If you think there needs to be a more original skin, map, texture, mod whatever then you make it! Then, we'll all diamond your stuff instead of 20 teen girl skins.

To those that like teen girl skins keep wearing them, whatever floats your boat. It's probably be rude to tell you to not make 3 in a day but I'm going to anyway. Could you please pace yourselves? It might be just me but seeing 3 teen girl skins in a row, not even days apart, is kind of monotonous.

To those that don't give a crap, I love you.

well unless I decide to add more.

Disclaimer: I don't know who's skins are up in my picture because I just googled "teen girl minecraft skins" and got those. Ok, glad we got that over.
Creditwhoever made those skins

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05/17/2019 11:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ariesinattentiv's Avatar
Bro it's Minecraft skins it's not that deep the girl skins are cute and it doesn't matter bro it's minecraft it's not real
10/17/2016 1:33 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
_AI_'s Avatar
I TOTTALY AGREE WITH THIS! Me and my sis will get on pc and go to a skin comp or something, and it will be CROWDED with those stupid skins with the girls in flannels and flower crowns. It was annoying to know that they put VERY little effort and creativity into them. My skins are teen girls, however the majority of them are characters (my oc's or anime) and I try to make them AS DIVERSE AS POSSIBLE. There is only one acception though, I made a mainstream girl skin and it was not hard at all and I mainly just had to look up the basic design on the Internet and made it look better. I make my outfits original and I am sick and tired of the same skins everywhere. Just put up the flower crowns and flannels and get some diversity.
10/13/2018 6:32 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Crafter
1WarriorLauren's Avatar
07/07/2016 8:41 pm
Level 25 : Expert Toast
Witherwings_'s Avatar
I know I'm REALLY late but I'm confused. What makes a skin a teen skin? Is it just all girl skins in general? Or Un-shaded ones? Sorry but I'm just really confused about the teen skin debate.
11/23/2016 12:35 pm
Level 20 : Expert Pokemon
MysticalEevee's Avatar
Yes, I am just confused as you are... What is the difference between a teen skin and just a normal skin???
07/01/2016 8:41 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Skinner
Arsa's Avatar
I agree with you! Some of my skins are like this, but I put some creativity in mine. I made a nature and Oreo girl, and I even made some skins that came with stories. But this rant should go more with generic skins. You know, the ones that have the same bangs, texturing techniques, headphones, ears, etc, things like that. The ones that are at least a little different should get more credit.
06/30/2016 5:58 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Skinner
uhclara's Avatar
Well I'm probably late, but anyways I think you're completely right. There are all these new trends on MC, and there have been skinners that make their own style, and completely original; and ending up having it as a trend, because everyone decides to steal it and claim it as their own. But not all trendy girl skins would be counted as a "teen skin," but it depends on what you would call a teen girl skin. But also there has been troubles on skindex, including unoriginal, non-shaded skins, and no creativity being seen, ending up with views and downloads, even though it took the "skinner" about 5 minutes to make. I make my own skins and I take about 40 minutes up to an hour, trying to figure out a design for my shading, and colors. I love starting from scratch even if people end up stealing my skins. The only reason I don't use the skins I post on pmc is because I love to keep my skins original, not being stolen. I get bothered when someone steals my ideas for jeans, and all of these flower crowns being taken, but recolored. Recoloring skins and claiming it as your own doesn't take any talent, and all the person does is says it's their own, being completely unoriginal... Everyone has their own opinion based on their point of view. There have also been many problems with unoriginality, I like reckon this should stop, or atleast be given credit instead of claiming it as their own ideas, but I think when someone copies you it just shows someone liking your ideas, and I would take it as a compliment, until it just goes crazy, and ends up as new trends. Everyone always has the same style at once, and I get low-key bothered by it.
10/31/2015 12:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WolfPlushie's Avatar
Totally agree. I mean, teen girl skins most of the time aren't even realistic.
09/16/2015 1:37 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
ismelllikemints's Avatar
sry i just came for the skins in the pic lol but i agree!
04/17/2015 3:34 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Fish
Hatsumomo's Avatar
I so agree! I've noticed that skindex is popular for unoriginal skins like that. I've been on skindex for about 2 or 3 years, and even when I was new and couldn't shade, I kept it original. I try hard to get on top skins, but when I look, what do I see? A crummy unshaded "hot teen girl" with 100 likes. Do people even try anymore? I feel like skindex is getting taken over by noobs, especially people whose whole skin list is edited teen girls. There are still really cool skinners on there, but it feels like 75%= teen girl/unshaded skinners, 25%= creative/original/shaded skinners. I wanted to leave skindex and move here, but I wasn't a good skinner so I stayed on, even now I'm not good. Lots of people are quitting, because of skin stealing, not giving credit ect... Which is quite sad, because they are like a creative explosion, in a dull grey area( the grey area is skindex). If people tryed harder, they could make good skins. I bet that in 2018, skindex will be run by noob skinners, or shut down. I like planet minecraft because there are way better skinners here, and here I find the community really nice. On skindex, people are always skin stealing, and they don't do anything about it. It's like skindex doesn't even have an owner, since they never update it. Also I hate how they don't have armor layer, the choice of the arms, and how they double what you draw on the arms and legs. Like my OC (Original Character) is pretty unique I would say (Unless someone made a kung fu cat skirt girl before me) I make my skins from scratch, I have a base account on skindex, I make the skin (shaded) and I make hair (Also shaded). I try to make new shading/hair styles, so it's not like those "tumblr teen girl ombre hair" Kinda thing. But my point is that I feel bad about my self when I see people liking those "unshaded regular dull teen girl skins" Because they probably edited it, or made it in 5 minutes (It's easy to tell how much effort/time someone put in a skin, from how well it's shaded.) and I take sometimes more than 30 mins to make the hair and then shade everything, and I have only 6 views and 2 likes and usually 1 or 2 downloads, and why it makes me fell bad is because I worked so hard, for pretty much nothing, people don't appreciate things anymore, they think they don't have to try, and they will get 100 likes, which I hate people who say "no likes please" And it's an ugly dull teen girl, and they have like 200 likes. WOW, this is a long comment... But it's an opinion.
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