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Story Time with Flaxcon497! Todays Story: Troll Admin!

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Flaxcon4397's Avatar Flaxcon4397
Level 43 : Master Loremaster
So I know this topic is pretty random but I have a time. I became Admin on a server with no paper/computer work at all. It was the first time I was Admin and when I was rather new to Minecraft. Here's the story!

     So I was server jumping, seeing which server I liked. I found this one server... It was fun and the community was great. It was a faction server but not to popular. Me and my new friend WhitherDJ were trying to get enough money to make a faction. Later that day our base was raided. Wasn't to big, it was a hole in the ground. Just big enough for a furnace, crafting table, mini farm, and beds. We set out with other people to make another base. This time with great walls and cute houses. A bit of our new friends had to go but we stayed. That's when the trolling began.

     STOP (Your questions) : Q:What server was this on? A: Honestly, WhitherDJ left so I kinda stopped playing. I deleted the server but I'm pretty sure it did not yet have a name (Or I forgot it). Q: When did this happen? A: I forgot. It happened close to when I got Minecraft so probly about May 2015. Q: Money to make a faction? A: Yes, it was money factions. You had to pay to make a faction and buy claimed land. Back To The Story!

     Not many people were left. Just an Admin, me, WhitherDJ, someone with /fly, and another player. Suddenyly, in out confy village, there were "purple silverfish" as me and Whither called them (endermites). We were all like "someones hacking!" The server Admin teleported to see. Then Iron Golems! Villagers! Zombies! I don't remember what order they came in but I do remeber me and Whither trying to put 100 rabits in a 3x3x3 hole. I also remember being trapped in a house with villagers and having to kill them. I had to use the bathroom but hurryed. When I came back, I was in a cage. Along with the person that can /fly and WhitherDJ. I say "back" and they say "welcome to prison." We were in the server jail! The Admin and other player (Who had /nick on. He was an Admin) then opped up and it was all fun and games. He said he was trolling and for good sport, opped us all.

     STOP (Your questions) : Q: Did this really happen? A: Lol yes. Sadly it ended shorty because I haqd to go to church. But, after church I played with my new Admin buds. Q: Did you have to add you were in the bathroom? A: Well I didn't see me being teleported into server jail, so kinda. Q: Did the mobs come at once? A: No, they came in hordes. We ended up trapping ourself in a house. Q: Did you have armor/wepons? A: Auctually, the Admin gave us full diamond and notch apples because for trolls sake, he 1: wanted use to survive 2: did't want to mess up the troll with /kill Back To The Story!

     After we were opped, WhitherDJ sadly abused worldedit and got banned. On the bright side, we all had creative mode, worldedit, and even /speed. It was the first time I was an Admin. And once again, all I did was be there and not log out! Untill church, I had to leave but at least I stayed the whole troll! I logged in the next day with my Admin rank switched for a Tusted rank. I asked the first Admin what happened and he said, "There's to many Admins. We had to demote them to Trusted." I was all like, "Okay" because I was happy with any rank. I was never really sure if Trusted was a donor rank or a time rank. I believe it was the highest time rank and there was not donor ranks.

     Anyways I hope you enjoyed Story Time with Flaxcon4397! In the comments say anytime you were an Admin for some crazy reason other than signing up! I might start doing featured comments! Diamond and maybe even favorate to show your support for Story Time! And don't forget to Subscribe for more Minecraft awesomenss! Mine On Fellow Crafters!

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09/06/2015 11:02 am
Level 40 : Master Architect
EOUSIS's Avatar
Interesting story.
But seriously, what happened to you was just pure luck
O<>O          :D
09/06/2015 9:47 am
Level 43 : Master Loremaster
Flaxcon4397's Avatar
Hope you like it! I don't know the server name, sorry. Also, this was not planned in any way. Only the 2 Admins had a little script and were friends. If I get 3 diamonds I'll add a little "After the Troll" segment were I add a bit more infomation about what happened when I was still Admin!
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