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Road To Enlightnement Ch. 1

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Malik807's Avatar Malik807
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
As provocative as the title may sound. I am writing this blog to help people discover themselves in and outside of Minecraft and help them get more in tune with their surroundings. I believe after reading this blog you will find it easier to go about your daily interactions and lifestyles. I am writing this series of blogs first off to help bring wisdom to the community of PMC and second to improve my writing skills.

Without further delay I will begin with some questions and give you my thoughts on them.

Before I start Chapter One I want you to think about a story:

One day a monk himself was sitting in his temple meditating in front of a Buddhist statue on a straw mat. A traveling man who recently lost his wife to a fatal illness walks into the temple and observes the monk performing his ritual. The monk has his eyes closed and does not respond to the man's approach. Suddenly, the man started yelling at the monk and demanded why his wife had died. When the monk did not respond, the man yelled every obscenity in the English language. The man insulted the monk himself, his religion, family, culture, country, and even principles itself. After five hours of the yelling the monk had still said nothing and had not even acknowledged the man's presence. Finally, the man shrieked at the monk, "WHY! WHY do you not respond even after all I have said to you!" Then for the first time the monk opened his eyes and approached the man and said to him, "If someone offers you a gift. and You choose not to accept that gift. Then to whom... does the gift belong?" The monk then took one last bow to the statue and left the man in the room alone to contemplate his words.

Have you ever taken time out of your day just to stop and give yourself an evaluation?

For the most part most people do not do this. The monk you saw above obviously always looks inward and see himself for who he really is. You see, everyone is usually focused on what is going on around them. Stuff like commitments, plans, and assignments you receive on a day to day basis focus your attention on what is going on around you. Thus, you are always the judge of others and not yourself. During this cycle you really never get to know yourself to a level it could be. For instance in Minecraft, all of those hackers, spammers, and people who ask for admin when they first join the server obviously have never stopped and thought, "Why am I doing this? Do I have anything to gain by being a douche to other people?" The reason why is because they have never once stopped to consider their actions and what it might pose for the people around them. That is why I guarantee if people drop what they are doing and take at least five minutes to think about themselves, we would not have nearly have as many fail trolls on Minecraft as we do today.

Are you content with yourself?

I know for one, I would not have been nearly content to let someone scream at me for six hours, but I would not have responded in a confrontational manner.(Would have offer the guy a tic tac or something) Many people surprisingly enough do not know the answer to this question. As simple as this thought may seem.The reason why is because most people have never stopped and evaluated themselves in the first place. If you have ever been in a situation where you are regretful or just have nameless frustration then chances are you are not contempt with yourself. The fact of the matter is anyone on PMC who has to draw attention to their submissions using illegal means are unconsciously admitting to themselves and everyone else that they do not believe their work is good enough to be left at the mercy of the public. Thus, this also implies that they themselves are not happy with themselves.

Thank You All For Reading. That is All For Now.
Stay Tuned For Chapter 2.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Malik807 01/13/2013 2:19:50 pmJan 13th, 2013

Found A New Picture

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03/28/2013 2:45 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Archer
Mercalyn's Avatar
I follow those who spew wisdom. It is better than following someone who doesn't!
03/28/2013 7:37 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
Malik807's Avatar
Thank you very much!
01/13/2013 12:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
DragonGaming's Avatar
This is very nice :) Great job, and very good point, looking forward to another one.
01/13/2013 2:18 pm
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
Malik807's Avatar
Thanks :)
01/06/2013 5:45 am
Level 41 : Master Ninja
ninja246810's Avatar
A Buddhist statue does not look like that. A Buddhist Statue is golden.

I know this because I happen to be a buddhist and I'm from Thailand.
01/06/2013 8:33 am
Level 48 : Master Blacksmith
Malik807's Avatar
Sorry i'll go look for a better picture
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