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PvP tips (advanced)

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_Blip_'s Avatar _Blip_
Level 42 : Master Pixel Puncher
Hey! I was thinking what I could upload so people don't get bored before my big texture pack, and then I realised that almost all PvP packs are for beginners. For that reason, this tutorial is for people who are already good but want to take their skills to the next level! Here are some tips, mainly for Bedrock but can be applied to Java sometimes too.
  • Listen to music. This sounds stupid, but if you listen music it does three things.
    One: it helps you concentrate, listening to a track in the background is much better than listening to the noise of real life! Two: if your music is aggressive or uplifting, it'll naturally put your adrenaline levels slightly up, meaning you'll have a heightened level of intensity and awareness. Three: It's fun, duh!
  • Don't strafe sideways for flip's sake!! If you're going to strafe, doing it diagonally in a circle around them while tracking their head and clicking fast is the best method for not getting hit but still getting hits on them. Any level 2 can aim left and right, so this is a much better method.
  • Click fast. No, clicking isn't the be all and end all, and no, if it sacrifices aim don't jitter or butterfly. But at least click passionately, not lowering your finger every time you can be bothered. Click with meaning and power and fury behind it!! Or something...
  • Aim for the head, not the body, if you want air combos. Simple geometry and game physics.
  • Play dirty if you're loosing:
    place blocks in front of them if you're getting low, block trap them if you can, do a hard parkour jump to loose them. Once you've recovered slightly, suddenly turn around and attack with renewed vigour and intent. Always give yourself as many advantages as possible, even if they seem like low blows. No hacking though...
  • Get auto-sprint or make your sprint key next to your forwards key so you can be strolling one second, running desperately the next if you need to.
  • Don't be afraid to be a sweat or a try-hard. They win more. Just because people don't like them, doesn't mean you shouldn't be one. If you're playing to win, then play to win. It's ridiculous the stigma that you should play casually, no one can blame you for trying your absolute best to win that super intense match!
I hope this helped some people! Byeee

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12/09/2021 12:56 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
Lordslash2007's Avatar
Since this is advanced I would think the person reading this would be fighting advanced players so I'm gonna state a fact here: Running around a pro player in a circle does not work most of the time because the person your running around just has to hit you once and after that it's almost impossible to repeat running around them after they have hit you since they'll be hitting you a bunch after that and you also have a chance of being knocked in a corner. Also you should not aim for the head because I've often killed players midair by hitting the legs because they stay in air longer and often are unable to hit you when they are midair. (If your playing with friends I don't recommend doing this tatic because everyone gets pissed when you do that) Also I think there's an option to turn the volume of footsteps higher that should be maximum so you can listen for enemies.
12/09/2021 12:57 pm
Level 25 : Expert Nerd
Lordslash2007's Avatar
Sorry :( I could have stated this better and a bit nicer.
06/19/2021 6:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
TheBoi_Frost's Avatar
and try use datapacks to make you faster at running (not recommended)
06/19/2021 7:08 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Puncher
_Blip_'s Avatar
also known as hacking
06/19/2021 6:39 am
Level 29 : Expert Architect
TheBoi_Frost's Avatar
Try to blend on your environment like changing skins or go undetected. It will be useful for ambushes or sniping with a range weapons.
06/18/2021 10:35 am
Level 8 : Apprentice System
cirignanoz's Avatar
Heres a better tip:

Don't waste your life on a stupid simple very VERY V E R Y specific aspect out a game with MANYYYYYYY bigger aspects, pvp will only save your life and honestly you just gotta pull a JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOJO and outsmart your opponent instead of running at them spamming left click and spacebar while also eating apples and spamming rod and pearls
06/18/2021 10:43 am
Level 42 : Master Pixel Puncher
_Blip_'s Avatar
Here's an even better tip: Do whatever you enjoy in the game. If you enjoy pvp, do pvp..
06/18/2021 10:46 am
Level 8 : Apprentice System
cirignanoz's Avatar
Here's a better tip: Fortnite bad minecraft good
06/24/2021 5:25 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
DrakoMonster_10's Avatar
Too much Roblox is bad for the minecraft mind. My friend who plays both now starts calling minecraft parkour an 'obby'.
06/24/2021 9:03 am
Level 8 : Apprentice System
cirignanoz's Avatar
nah thats cringe
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