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Prodigy - Chapter 1: Legacy (Book 1: First Encounter)

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hotguysixpack's Avatar hotguysixpack
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
It's been a few months now. I've grown, and I can't believe how much amazing people I have as 'fans'. I love each and one of you, and never expected to get this close. I've become much popular, and enjoy all the new friends I have. Thank you for everyone who has brought me here, and if you will ever read this nightmayer19, thank you the most.

-Pentakill 10/7/13

I don't know... where I am.
Who I am.
Or what this is.
But I'm in danger. And I need to escape.

Five Days Ago:

Wrinkly, scratched, and rugged fingernails ran down my hair. It was long, as if I didn't cut it in years. My body was scrawny, I felt as if I haven't ate anything in years. My ribs were screeching for food, as I looked above me, and old smiling woman slowly grazed her bloody fingernails down my hair. I shook of fear, as her skin seem to peel off. The diamond sword was right in front of me. My right hand slowly reached for it.

Her fingertips began to dig deeper, as my left hand tightly squeezed against my right hands. My palm wrapped around the cold sword. The wooden floor creaked, as I picked it up. As I looked at the shimmering blade, the reflection appeared the old woman. Her skin tore, and slowly peddled itself onto the cold obsidian ground. As her long-dirty black hair rose below her face, and covered it, a brush of wind revealed it for a mere second. But with all of that, the reflection of the mirror instantly shattered, and the blade impaled me. Within seconds, I jumped up, for a gasp of breath.

"Arf! Arf!" I heard through the windows, Gary was strolling around the yard, looking for the bone I left him yesterday. He was suddenly loud today, but it didn't bother me. He seemed confused. The bed sheet was warm, but I rolled over and felt a cold, wet area. My bed was cold, and I felt drool on the sheets. My eyes were too heavy to open, so I just lied there for a while. I felt cold, as if something bad was about to happen. I strained my eyes, but slowly heard footsteps. I closed my eyes, and pressed my fingers on my face, covering it.

Suddenly my wolf's barking stopped, and I felt a chill go through my spines. I bit the bottom of my teeth, preparing for the worst. Suddenly a sudden a huge splash of water rocketed me out of my bed.

"What was that for you stupid idiot?!" I screamed.
"Comfortable in your bed?! Its freaking 11:00 AM, you stupid idiot, wake up." Alena roared.
My alarm didn't go off, and I was cold.
"What... sorry. Lemme get my towel."
I started to get up, to walk into the bathroom thinking about my life for some reason. I had a dream about my brother again. And it made me sad, because the dream was entirely true.

Alena wasn't lady-like at all, in fact she liked getting her hands dirty in the mines and farms. She had a soft voice, but it wasn't gentle. It made you terrified to death, and you would do anything she said.

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep." I said drowsily. I opened my eyes and saw Alena with a green shirt on with leather leggings and boots. She looked pretty, but evil. Her eyes were burning flames ready to choke you to death. She had brown hair with deep dark black eyes. And her smile was the only thing gentle about her.

Alena was 15, and we work on a farm, for the Black-Saw Community. It is a small community in the state of Sawinburg. We trade wheat and bread by ourselves, with Gary And Joel, our pets (Gary is the wolf and Joel is our ocelot) protect us from mobs at night. Such loyal companions. We also have 14 pigs and a few cows, but we had to slaughter many at the epidemic, when many animals got infected.

We work alone on the farm, after our mother died of the flu. I miss her a lot. Her brown hair and black eyes, just like my sister Alena. My dad, I don't know who he is. He was murdered, people told me. But I didn't believe them though, I felt like things weren't entirely adding up though. But I decided to go along with it. My mother said I looked like him. Tall with brown hair, black eyes, and a strong body. I'm very tall for my age, 6 " 4 at the age of 16.

Not only that, but I lost my arm when I was 7.

A horrific accident, that changed my family's life. Or I thought it was an accident.

I have two brothers, the oldest is Johnny. He was 23, before he sacrificed his arm for me. He was so stupid, when I lost my arm in the mining expedition, he activated a spell to save it. You see, we have an ancient art called Mystic Blood, which many call Blood Ark, that is used in this country of Revenue. It is the foundation for Blood Law, which is what my brother learned. A forbidden power that is used to control Blood Ark from being abused. The Law states for Equivalent Exchange.

You see, Equivalent Exchange is the way the Earth works, you must give something of equal value to gain something of equal value. But many disagree. Some work their life like my mother, to feed my family, to allow us to survive. She works all her life... then becomes sick and die. That doesn't make any damn sense. I have a theory for this though. I believe she did a crime. A sin so large, it ended her life there. Therefore, we have our Equivalent Exchange. But what... what could had been so evil, that it ended a person's life. Especially my mother's.

9 Years Ago...

When the accident was over, my left arm had been severed. Blood was gushing out furiously and the stone was stained. I was under the abandoned mineshaft east from Norrisville. My brother Johnny and I were looking for some ores to bring home, we had gone on a long expedition, with my brother very skilled at Blood Ark at the age of 14, we could protect ourselves. But something wasn't right.

"Its scary down here brother! Lets head the route where the torches are already lit." I whispered.
"Then all of the ores are already mined out, idiot! We have to take the route that isn't. Nobody would had been there." Johnny told me. He was learning the art of Blood Law, which the Great Elders have known for centuries. When he decided he would want a Great Elder, I wanted to learn from him. I wanted to be one at the time. But not anymore.

He told me not to learn Blood Ark at all, that it is dangerous. He would forbid me from his room and punish me for trying to go in. So eventually I met a man who was very skilled at Blood Ark called Rune in his tribe. I walked 2 miles every day to Trabune to learn from him, secretly. He was a Mystic Explorer, which was incredibly advanced. There was only 1 given the power when Arkmenia started, the beginning of history. It was said he taught 1, then the next taught another, and so on. For some reason, Rune wanted to take me. He said when he looked into my eye, he saw a prodigy. He called me the Prodigy Explorer. The one who would save the nation, and the world itself. I laughed and thought he was crazy. But I wanted to learn Blood Ark so much, it was in my veins. Literally.
After the first week of challenges, I had to survive from mobs everyday and live on a stranded island for a month. With just sticks and wood. I made a hut of dirt and caught fish. I encountered rabbits, but I couldn't kill them. I had my sword made of a stick and wood connected with some spider string ready to strike, but I've never killed anything. Not even a mob. The spider string I found, was a fox that killed a spider. When I looked into its eyes, I couldn't do it. I wasn't a murderer. So I starved, but survived.

He came back and saw me, nothing of me had changed, but I learned something. I wasn't sure what, but that's what Master Rune told me. Soon, my teachings began. And I now know why brother never wanted me to start. Blood Ark got it's name because Equivalent Exchange forced you to give something to create something. What I had to give was my blood to create a beam of light. Which was deadly indeed. But I had something else through my vein. Normal Blood Arkers, use blood to activate their ability. They lose blood to create their skill. I am special, I knew it, when I saw from a cut when I fell on a rock. It was blue, I had hit directly on a vein. My mother never saw it. This is called Mana, the Blood of the Elders.The blue blood is another source for me, my heart rapidly develops it. Not only that but it but it enhances my powers as well. I use this to create a beam of light from my body. My blood is slit into the air and I change its substance into a slight flame, not visible to the eye. Then enhance it into a beam. It looks like light, and burns like hell. My right arm, it is the only one that can carry Mana, it's vein runs to each of my finger tip. The Mana is released into an air-like substance, then the oxygen makes the flame a little larger, enough for my Blood Ark to take over. I call it an Ark Shot. If I run out of Mana, I won't die, luckily enough.

Its the only move I knew at the time. the only move I could try to protect us.

As our minecart brought us down the creeking rails, I was shivering. There was nothing we could see, just hope that the cart didn't lead somewhere bad. We worried in the darkness for a while, my brother held my shoulder. All of a sudden we stopped. A torch from a little further led us to a large mining expedition. We saw iron, coal, and a diamond at the top of the ceiling. The cave was a large dome with lava flowing out of the edges, iron filled the area. Then things turned downhill.
"Brother! We found diamond!" I yelled excitedly.
"Yeah, I told you. Now we just need to get up." He thought for a while, and then brought out his Iron Pickaxes.
"I can't get the diamond, the rocks are too thin, your lighter than me, you have to climb up there."
He gave me one and told me to be careful. I had to accept it, for our family. If we got it, we could sell it for a fortune.
"Alright brother." I told him. I got on the first few rocks, and I was so close to the diamond ore, I could feel it. All of a sudden though, my body became cold, my face was white. An evil presence appeared.
"Brother.. I feel something. Something evil."
"Run! Run away, get down here! RUN!" He screamed.
The diamond was so close, I had to go for it. I continued while he was screaming at me. Then my whole body stopped. The rocks started to crack. Then a glimpse of my death appeared, I was bleeding out and had no arm. I was dead a few seconds later.
I jumped up the next stone and the last one cracked off, making a huge THUMP sound. I shivered in feared as I was right next to the diamond.
"Okay get it and pour some water down, swim down afterwards." Johnny told me.
I started to mine the diamond. Then every thing became quiet. Nothing moved, not even my brother. My eyes blinked, once. Then twice. And a third time. When I looked at the diamond, something appeared. It started glowing, red and dark. Black small hands started grabbing onto me. I screamed for my life as it started grabbing me into the diamond. I was floating now, in mid-air. I looked down and screamed, but brother couldn't hear me.
Then he looked at me. He smiled. Something wasn't right. When I looked into his eyes... his pupils had disappeared. He reached out his hands, and so did I. I floated closer and closer, until our hands barely touched. Then he burned away into oblivion. Nothing left but ashes. I screamed loud, asked for help and then felt a sharp pain in my right arm. It was ripped off and the black hands took it away into the diamond, which then turned into a pure purple obsidian. Blood splatted everywhere, and the walls started to turn into lava. My body was burning like I was swimming in lava. The little hands were ripping apart my skin and blood gushed out like a volcano. My eyes were bleeding and my mouth was becoming dry.
"No... give him back...please... he's all I have left." I slowly whispered to myself, before pounding the ground with my left fist.

Then, everything turned black. The hands covered my eyes, I couldn't see anything. Except two white eyes in a far distance. Staring at me. His face started to appear, and all I could see was my brother. My brother burning away. He told me this only.

"Michael, you will save this nation, and maybe the world. But you will not save me."

I took a towel from the bathroom and walked outside. The sun was nice and bright, and the air smelled clean. The sky was clear and I could tell it'll be a good day. I put the towel around my neck after wiping and look into the endless forest, and then the beach we live by.

My other brother, Thomas, was catching fish, and his 3 apprentice were building a sandcastle. It was lop-sided, and the boys laughed with joy. The water slowly rushed towards us, as I began towards him slowly, and suddenly the world started to get farther away. I froze, and saw my brother get further, and further, and further. He was so far away, I couldn't see him. I stared into space and heard my name

"Hey Michael, Michael? Michael. Michael! Wake up! Wake up!!"

I collapsed on the floor and everything went black, again.

BOOK 2: OUT 4/9/2013

BOOK 2:http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/prodigy---chapter-1-legacy-book-2-our-creator/


3 Update Logs

Revise And Edit : by hotguysixpack 04/02/2013 11:07:34 pmApr 2nd, 2013

Asked a few people to read and tell me some additional details/revision I should had done.
I also read through the story a few times.

If I still missed something I should add post it in the comment or message me directly.


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07/09/2013 3:58 pm
Level 44 : Master Scribe
Tyndale23456's Avatar
I used to be a great writer like you...but then I took a Writer's Block to the knee! :(
07/09/2013 11:43 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Haha thanks :D
Don't worry, you'll think of something soon.
07/10/2013 12:13 pm
Level 44 : Master Scribe
Tyndale23456's Avatar
I really do hope so! :(
I have a bunch of ideas and my Minecraft or some other kind of book, starts out "ok" but then my description and writing skills fall! :(
07/10/2013 8:44 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
I've recently had a Writer's Block too, I just stopped for a bit, just relaxed. Take a break, and let loose! Don't strain yourself.
06/13/2013 4:18 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
Seivelath's Avatar
i am liking this :) no real complaints...
06/13/2013 5:00 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Thanks :D
05/26/2013 7:59 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
xXJuicyFruitxX's Avatar
05/26/2013 7:56 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
xXJuicyFruitxX's Avatar
is It Michael? Lol I Tried
05/26/2013 7:59 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Answer
hotguysixpack's Avatar
Also I g2g, I'll be back soon :D
05/26/2013 8:01 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
xXJuicyFruitxX's Avatar
Okay, Talk To You Tommorow! ;)
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