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Prejudice: The Master Of All PMC (And Life) Problems

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Chron's Avatar Chron
Retired Moderator
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Hey Guys! Chronalga here with another blog for the people! Sorry about my lack of submissions lately. I've been pretty busy working on my server, and I'll be even busier later this summer! I hope that I'll be able to produce more blogs soon.

Introduction: What Exactly Is Prejudice?
All Level 1s are spammers. All skinners have more subscribers than everyone else, and don't have to work as hard for them. Redstoners are anti-social on PMC. What do all these untrue statements have in common? They're prejudiced. Prejudice, in a nutshell, is simply being biased or unfair to certain people. It also entails assuming that everyone possessing a certain quality (such as being Level 1, or a skinner, etc.) is all the same. Now, I know what you're thinking. We're never prejudiced here on PMC! Allow me to explain why prejudice is more real, and more of a problem, than you think.

Why Is Prejudice Such A Big Deal?
Well, think about what prejudice is. It's making extremely general assumptions. It's saying that all teen skins are exactly the same and they all should be removed from the site, the world, the universe. It hurts when people say you're exactly the same as everyone else. Isn't the goal of life to be completely and totally unique so that you can contribute to the Earth as a whole? Sure, Minecraft is only a game, and this is only a Minecraft site, but I have seen on many different people's profiles that this is their life! (Making this your life is definitely something I would not recommend. Youtube and servers don't earn as much money as you think they might.) Their goal is to stand out. Crushing that can sometimes crush them. Also, when you clump a large variety of things together like that, you're not just affecting one person. You're affecting everyone in the group. I guarantee that there are multiple people in almost any group that don't like to be considered the same as anyone else.

But, We Aren't Prejudiced!
I'm sure there are still some people reading this that think that nobody is prejudiced here. So, those that believe that, I ask you to consider this: Herobrine-related things. They're not all the same, yet many people consider them to all be the same. What about AMAAs? Every single one of those is unique, because different people have made them, and they will have different responses to different questions. Sure, they share the same basic idea, but they're not exactly the same. This also applies, in a much larger spectrum, to bronies. Everyone thinks that all bronies are gay. My best friend is a brony (I'm not), and he has had so many girlfriends... Anyways, everyone is unique. You can't clump people together that easily, even though many of us here at PMC do our best.

What If Things Are Exactly The Same?
Ok, so let's say that a brand-new Level 1 member comes along and posts a Herobrine skin. Nothing special about it, just a regular ol' Herobrine skin. Yes, that could be clumped into the massive collection of Herobrine skins. However, that doesn't define who a person is. This person still has potential to shine a light of their own. Also, this doesn't mean that all level ones plagiarize. You were Level 1 at some point in time. So was Paril. Even Cyprezz. They don't plagiarize, now do they?They never have, either. Not even when they were Level 1. There are many low-leveled members that produce extremely high-quality work that people shun just because they're a lower level! Would you want that to have happened to you when you were a lower level? Of course not! Then you wouldn't have been able to be in the self-generated high-and-mighty seat of judgement that you're in today!

What Makes Prejudice The Master Of All Problems Here?
In the title of this blog, I make a rather large claim saying that prejudice is the master of all problems here at PMC. It's now time to explain why. First of all, unoriginality is a massive problem. People are always making the exact same thing, over and over again. This wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem if people wouldn't A) Think that Level 1s copy everything, and B) Make these 'categories' so large. Unoriginality, for the most part, is basically not being able to find a true problem with someone else's work that they don't like. Unless there's legitimate plagiarism, it's an excuse. (I was going to write an entire blog about the true problems of unoriginality, but I guess I don't need to now.)
Secondly, as I have previously mentioned, arrogance and level unfairness are a type of prejudice. This is another large conundrum, and has made the Mods almost consider removing the leveling and XP system which sets it apart from most Minecraft sites. Can you imagine PMC without it? What do the levels even mean? I could go on and on about the various little branches of problems that spring from the tree of prejudice, but ain't nobody got time for that.

What Can Be Done About Prejudice?
Simply put, just having an open mind. So what if one person copies one skin? It doesn't mean that that's all they're going to do. (They might if you don't report it, though. Justice is still necessary. Don't forget that.) Give them, as well as all Level 1s, a second chance. Out of all the members on this site, they are the ones under the most pressure, thanks to all of us. If they don't perform in their first few submissions, they are banished to a life of ridicule and persecution. If they succeed, they are accepted into the brotherhood of judges, which can be bittersweet. Prejudice, judgement, assumption, ridicule... It's all unnecessary. And only you can prevent it.

So, tell a Level 1 thank you for being there. Help them through this tough time they have. Otherwise, no one else will. You could be supporting the next Disco, the next Leostereo, the next [insert famous person's name here]... Reach out to the prejudiced, and don't be prejudiced to others. Simple as that.

Thanks For Reading! Diamond if you liked, Favorite if you really liked, and Subscribe if you want more!

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08/08/2014 11:56 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Robot
TheEnderCat5's Avatar
Amen! I remember when I was lvl1 and everyone thought I was a complete noob.
09/02/2013 10:56 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Dinodaw's Avatar
These blog writers, they're ALL a bunch weirdo's. :I
09/02/2013 11:19 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Like skinners are sane...

I'm weird, and I'm proud.
09/03/2013 7:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Dinodaw's Avatar
These people who reply to comments, they all belong in the same group regardless of the actual individual.
09/03/2013 9:10 pm
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
Yay stereotyping!
07/06/2013 4:00 pm
Level 48 : Master Blockhead
Happs's Avatar
Wow, This is very well written, and the format is wonderful and easy to understand :D
07/05/2013 11:58 pm
Level 21 : Expert Pokemon
Jayme's Avatar
i... love you.
07/06/2013 12:02 am
Level 47 : Master Cowboy
Chron's Avatar
I am loved! Finally! xD
06/24/2013 10:20 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Dragon
lightlink12's Avatar
lol all of the wording in the pic is GTA style XD
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